NVAPI Reference Documentation
Release 560
Mon Aug 5 2024

Data Fields

#include <nvapi.h>

Data Fields

D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS PersistentResource

Detailed Description

Release: 400
DESCRIPTION: Creates a MetaCommand object which can be used to execute optimized operations exposed by driver like convolutions.
\param [in] pDevice A pointer to D3D12 device.
\param [in] CommandId GUID of the operations to perform
\param [in] NodeMask GPU mask for which metacommand is to be created. Set it to 0 for single GPU systems
\param [in] pCreationParametersData structure containing all creation parameters for the requested Metacommand
\param [in] CreationParametersDataSize size of parameter data structure
\param [out] ppMetaCommand A pointer to memory that receives the pointer to the created MetaCommand object.
SUPPORTED OS: Windows 10
\return This API can return any of the error codes enumerated in
#NvAPI_Status. If there are return error codes with specific
meaning for this API, they are listed below.
NVAPI_NOT_SUPPORTED - The requested Metacommand is not supported.
Requested feature is not supported in the selected GPU.
Definition nvapi_lite_common.h:279

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