OptiX  3.9
NVIDIA OptiX Acceleration Engine
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optix_host.h File Reference

Detailed Description

OptiX public API.

NVIDIA Corporation OptiX public API Reference - Host side

Go to the source code of this file.


#define RTAPI   __declspec(dllimport)


typedef unsigned int RTsize
typedef struct RTacceleration_api * RTacceleration
typedef struct RTbuffer_api * RTbuffer
typedef struct RTcontext_api * RTcontext
typedef struct RTgeometry_api * RTgeometry
typedef struct
RTgeometryinstance_api * 
typedef struct
RTgeometrygroup_api * 
typedef struct RTgroup_api * RTgroup
typedef struct RTmaterial_api * RTmaterial
typedef struct RTprogram_api * RTprogram
typedef struct RTselector_api * RTselector
typedef struct
RTtexturesampler_api * 
typedef struct RTtransform_api * RTtransform
typedef struct RTvariable_api * RTvariable
typedef void * RTobject
typedef struct RTremotedevice_api * RTremotedevice
typedef int(* RTtimeoutcallback )(void)


RTresult RTAPI rtGetVersion (unsigned int *version)
RTresult RTAPI rtDeviceGetDeviceCount (unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtDeviceGetAttribute (int ordinal, RTdeviceattribute attrib, RTsize size, void *p)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetObject (RTvariable v, RTobject object)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetUserData (RTvariable v, RTsize size, const void *ptr)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetObject (RTvariable v, RTobject *object)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetUserData (RTvariable v, RTsize size, void *ptr)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetName (RTvariable v, const char **name_return)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetAnnotation (RTvariable v, const char **annotation_return)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetType (RTvariable v, RTobjecttype *type_return)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetContext (RTvariable v, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetSize (RTvariable v, RTsize *size)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextCreate (RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextDestroy (RTcontext context)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextValidate (RTcontext context)
void RTAPI rtContextGetErrorString (RTcontext context, RTresult code, const char **return_string)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetAttribute (RTcontext context, RTcontextattribute attrib, RTsize size, void *p)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetAttribute (RTcontext context, RTcontextattribute attrib, RTsize size, void *p)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetDevices (RTcontext context, unsigned int count, const int *devices)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetDevices (RTcontext context, int *devices)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetDeviceCount (RTcontext context, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetRemoteDevice (RTcontext context, RTremotedevice remote_dev)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetStackSize (RTcontext context, RTsize stack_size_bytes)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetStackSize (RTcontext context, RTsize *stack_size_bytes)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetTimeoutCallback (RTcontext context, RTtimeoutcallback callback, double min_polling_seconds)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetEntryPointCount (RTcontext context, unsigned int num_entry_points)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetEntryPointCount (RTcontext context, unsigned int *num_entry_points)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetRayGenerationProgram (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetRayGenerationProgram (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetExceptionProgram (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetExceptionProgram (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetExceptionEnabled (RTcontext context, RTexception exception, int enabled)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetExceptionEnabled (RTcontext context, RTexception exception, int *enabled)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetRayTypeCount (RTcontext context, unsigned int num_ray_types)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetRayTypeCount (RTcontext context, unsigned int *num_ray_types)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetMissProgram (RTcontext context, unsigned int ray_type_index, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetMissProgram (RTcontext context, unsigned int ray_type_index, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetTextureSamplerFromId (RTcontext context, int sampler_id, RTtexturesampler *sampler)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextCompile (RTcontext context)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunch1D (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTsize image_width)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunch2D (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTsize image_width, RTsize image_height)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunch3D (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_point_index, RTsize image_width, RTsize image_height, RTsize image_depth)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetRunningState (RTcontext context, int *running)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunchProgressive2D (RTcontext context, unsigned int entry_index, RTsize width, RTsize height, unsigned int max_subframes)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextStopProgressive (RTcontext context)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetPrintEnabled (RTcontext context, int enabled)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetPrintEnabled (RTcontext context, int *enabled)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetPrintBufferSize (RTcontext context, RTsize buffer_size_bytes)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetPrintBufferSize (RTcontext context, RTsize *buffer_size_bytes)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex (RTcontext context, int x, int y, int z)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex (RTcontext context, int *x, int *y, int *z)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextDeclareVariable (RTcontext context, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextQueryVariable (RTcontext context, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextRemoveVariable (RTcontext context, RTvariable v)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetVariableCount (RTcontext context, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetVariable (RTcontext context, unsigned int index, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramCreateFromPTXString (RTcontext context, const char *ptx, const char *program_name, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile (RTcontext context, const char *filename, const char *program_name, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramDestroy (RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramValidate (RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetContext (RTprogram program, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramDeclareVariable (RTprogram program, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramQueryVariable (RTprogram program, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramRemoveVariable (RTprogram program, RTvariable v)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetVariableCount (RTprogram program, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetVariable (RTprogram program, unsigned int index, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetId (RTprogram program, int *program_id)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetProgramFromId (RTcontext context, int program_id, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupCreate (RTcontext context, RTgroup *group)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupDestroy (RTgroup group)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupValidate (RTgroup group)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetContext (RTgroup group, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupSetAcceleration (RTgroup group, RTacceleration acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetAcceleration (RTgroup group, RTacceleration *acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupSetChildCount (RTgroup group, unsigned int count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetChildCount (RTgroup group, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupSetChild (RTgroup group, unsigned int index, RTobject child)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetChild (RTgroup group, unsigned int index, RTobject *child)
RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetChildType (RTgroup group, unsigned int index, RTobjecttype *type)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorCreate (RTcontext context, RTselector *selector)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorDestroy (RTselector selector)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorValidate (RTselector selector)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetContext (RTselector selector, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorSetVisitProgram (RTselector selector, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetVisitProgram (RTselector selector, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorSetChildCount (RTselector selector, unsigned int count)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetChildCount (RTselector selector, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorSetChild (RTselector selector, unsigned int index, RTobject child)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetChild (RTselector selector, unsigned int index, RTobject *child)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetChildType (RTselector selector, unsigned int index, RTobjecttype *type)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorDeclareVariable (RTselector selector, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorQueryVariable (RTselector selector, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorRemoveVariable (RTselector selector, RTvariable v)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetVariableCount (RTselector selector, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetVariable (RTselector selector, unsigned int index, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformCreate (RTcontext context, RTtransform *transform)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformDestroy (RTtransform transform)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformValidate (RTtransform transform)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetContext (RTtransform transform, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformSetMatrix (RTtransform transform, int transpose, const float *matrix, const float *inverse_matrix)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetMatrix (RTtransform transform, int transpose, float *matrix, float *inverse_matrix)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformSetChild (RTtransform transform, RTobject child)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetChild (RTtransform transform, RTobject *child)
RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetChildType (RTtransform transform, RTobjecttype *type)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupCreate (RTcontext context, RTgeometrygroup *geometrygroup)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupDestroy (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupValidate (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetContext (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, RTacceleration acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetAcceleration (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, RTacceleration *acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, unsigned int count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupSetChild (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, unsigned int index, RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetChild (RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup, unsigned int index, RTgeometryinstance *geometryinstance)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationCreate (RTcontext context, RTacceleration *acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationDestroy (RTacceleration acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationValidate (RTacceleration acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetContext (RTacceleration acceleration, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetBuilder (RTacceleration acceleration, const char *builder)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetBuilder (RTacceleration acceleration, const char **return_string)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetTraverser (RTacceleration acceleration, const char *traverser)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetTraverser (RTacceleration acceleration, const char **return_string)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetProperty (RTacceleration acceleration, const char *name, const char *value)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetProperty (RTacceleration acceleration, const char *name, const char **return_string)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetDataSize (RTacceleration acceleration, RTsize *size)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetData (RTacceleration acceleration, void *data)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetData (RTacceleration acceleration, const void *data, RTsize size)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationMarkDirty (RTacceleration acceleration)
RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationIsDirty (RTacceleration acceleration, int *dirty)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceCreate (RTcontext context, RTgeometryinstance *geometryinstance)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceDestroy (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceValidate (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetContext (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceSetGeometry (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, RTgeometry geometry)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetGeometry (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, RTgeometry *geometry)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, unsigned int count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterial (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, unsigned int index, RTmaterial material)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterial (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, unsigned int index, RTmaterial *material)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, RTvariable v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable (RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance, unsigned int index, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryCreate (RTcontext context, RTgeometry *geometry)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryDestroy (RTgeometry geometry)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryValidate (RTgeometry geometry)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetContext (RTgeometry geometry, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetPrimitiveCount (RTgeometry geometry, unsigned int num_primitives)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount (RTgeometry geometry, unsigned int *num_primitives)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetPrimitiveIndexOffset (RTgeometry geometry, unsigned int index_offset)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetPrimitiveIndexOffset (RTgeometry geometry, unsigned int *index_offset)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetBoundingBoxProgram (RTgeometry geometry, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetBoundingBoxProgram (RTgeometry geometry, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetIntersectionProgram (RTgeometry geometry, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetIntersectionProgram (RTgeometry geometry, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryMarkDirty (RTgeometry geometry)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryIsDirty (RTgeometry geometry, int *dirty)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryDeclareVariable (RTgeometry geometry, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryQueryVariable (RTgeometry geometry, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryRemoveVariable (RTgeometry geometry, RTvariable v)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetVariableCount (RTgeometry geometry, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetVariable (RTgeometry geometry, unsigned int index, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialCreate (RTcontext context, RTmaterial *material)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialDestroy (RTmaterial material)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialValidate (RTmaterial material)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetContext (RTmaterial material, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialSetClosestHitProgram (RTmaterial material, unsigned int ray_type_index, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetClosestHitProgram (RTmaterial material, unsigned int ray_type_index, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialSetAnyHitProgram (RTmaterial material, unsigned int ray_type_index, RTprogram program)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetAnyHitProgram (RTmaterial material, unsigned int ray_type_index, RTprogram *program)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialDeclareVariable (RTmaterial material, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialQueryVariable (RTmaterial material, const char *name, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialRemoveVariable (RTmaterial material, RTvariable v)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetVariableCount (RTmaterial material, unsigned int *count)
RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetVariable (RTmaterial material, unsigned int index, RTvariable *v)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerCreate (RTcontext context, RTtexturesampler *texturesampler)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerDestroy (RTtexturesampler texturesampler)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerValidate (RTtexturesampler texturesampler)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetContext (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelCount (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int num_mip_levels)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelCount (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int *num_mip_levels)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetArraySize (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int num_textures_in_array)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetArraySize (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int *num_textures_in_array)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetWrapMode (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int dimension, RTwrapmode wrapmode)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetWrapMode (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int dimension, RTwrapmode *wrapmode)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetFilteringModes (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTfiltermode minification, RTfiltermode magnification, RTfiltermode mipmapping)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetFilteringModes (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTfiltermode *minification, RTfiltermode *magnification, RTfiltermode *mipmapping)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMaxAnisotropy (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, float value)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMaxAnisotropy (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, float *value)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelClamp (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, float minLevel, float maxLevel)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelClamp (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, float *minLevel, float *maxLevel)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelBias (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, float value)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelBias (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, float *value)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetReadMode (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTtexturereadmode readmode)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetReadMode (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTtexturereadmode *readmode)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetIndexingMode (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTtextureindexmode indexmode)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetIndexingMode (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, RTtextureindexmode *indexmode)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetBuffer (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int deprecated0, unsigned int deprecated1, RTbuffer buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetBuffer (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, unsigned int deprecated0, unsigned int deprecated1, RTbuffer *buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetId (RTtexturesampler texturesampler, int *texture_id)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferCreate (RTcontext context, unsigned int bufferdesc, RTbuffer *buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferDestroy (RTbuffer buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferValidate (RTbuffer buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetContext (RTbuffer buffer, RTcontext *context)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetFormat (RTbuffer buffer, RTformat format)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetFormat (RTbuffer buffer, RTformat *format)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetElementSize (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize size_of_element)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetElementSize (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize *size_of_element)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSize1D (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize width)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSize1D (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize *width)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSize2D (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize width, RTsize height)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSize2D (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize *width, RTsize *height)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSize3D (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize width, RTsize height, RTsize depth)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetMipLevelCount (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int levels)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSize3D (RTbuffer buffer, RTsize *width, RTsize *height, RTsize *depth)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int level, RTsize *width)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int level, RTsize *width, RTsize *height)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int level, RTsize *width, RTsize *height, RTsize *depth)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSizev (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int dimensionality, const RTsize *dims)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSizev (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int dimensionality, RTsize *dims)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetDimensionality (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int *dimensionality)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelCount (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int *level)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferMap (RTbuffer buffer, void **user_pointer)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferUnmap (RTbuffer buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferMapEx (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int map_flags, unsigned int level, void *user_owned, void **optix_owned)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferUnmapEx (RTbuffer buffer, unsigned int level)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetId (RTbuffer buffer, int *buffer_id)
RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetBufferFromId (RTcontext context, int buffer_id, RTbuffer *buffer)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetProgressiveUpdateReady (RTbuffer buffer, int *ready, unsigned int *subframe_count, unsigned int *max_subframes)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferBindProgressiveStream (RTbuffer stream, RTbuffer source)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetAttribute (RTbuffer buffer, RTbufferattribute attrib, RTsize size, void *p)
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetAttribute (RTbuffer buffer, RTbufferattribute attrib, RTsize size, void *p)
RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceCreate (const char *url, const char *username, const char *password, RTremotedevice *remote_dev)
RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceDestroy (RTremotedevice remote_dev)
RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute (RTremotedevice remote_dev, RTremotedeviceattribute attrib, RTsize size, void *p)
RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceReserve (RTremotedevice remote_dev, unsigned int num_nodes, unsigned int configuration)
RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceRelease (RTremotedevice remote_dev)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1f (RTvariable v, float f1)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2f (RTvariable v, float f1, float f2)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3f (RTvariable v, float f1, float f2, float f3)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4f (RTvariable v, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1fv (RTvariable v, const float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2fv (RTvariable v, const float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3fv (RTvariable v, const float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4fv (RTvariable v, const float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1i (RTvariable v, int i1)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2i (RTvariable v, int i1, int i2)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3i (RTvariable v, int i1, int i2, int i3)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4i (RTvariable v, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1iv (RTvariable v, const int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2iv (RTvariable v, const int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3iv (RTvariable v, const int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4iv (RTvariable v, const int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int u1)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int u1, unsigned int u2)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int u1, unsigned int u2, unsigned int u3)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int u1, unsigned int u2, unsigned int u3, unsigned int u4)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1uiv (RTvariable v, const unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2uiv (RTvariable v, const unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3uiv (RTvariable v, const unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4uiv (RTvariable v, const unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix2x2fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix2x3fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix2x4fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix3x2fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix3x3fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix3x4fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix4x2fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix4x3fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix4x4fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, const float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1f (RTvariable v, float *f1)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2f (RTvariable v, float *f1, float *f2)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3f (RTvariable v, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4f (RTvariable v, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *f4)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1fv (RTvariable v, float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2fv (RTvariable v, float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3fv (RTvariable v, float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4fv (RTvariable v, float *f)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1i (RTvariable v, int *i1)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2i (RTvariable v, int *i1, int *i2)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3i (RTvariable v, int *i1, int *i2, int *i3)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4i (RTvariable v, int *i1, int *i2, int *i3, int *i4)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1iv (RTvariable v, int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2iv (RTvariable v, int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3iv (RTvariable v, int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4iv (RTvariable v, int *i)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u1)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u1, unsigned int *u2)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u1, unsigned int *u2, unsigned int *u3)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4ui (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u1, unsigned int *u2, unsigned int *u3, unsigned int *u4)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1uiv (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2uiv (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3uiv (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4uiv (RTvariable v, unsigned int *u)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix2x2fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix2x3fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix2x4fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix3x2fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix3x3fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix3x4fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix4x2fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix4x3fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix4x4fv (RTvariable v, int transpose, float *m)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct RTacceleration_api* RTacceleration

Opaque type to handle Acceleration Structures - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTbuffer_api* RTbuffer

Opaque type to handle Buffers - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTcontext_api* RTcontext

Opaque type to handle Contexts - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTgeometry_api* RTgeometry

Opaque type to handle Geometry - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTgeometrygroup_api* RTgeometrygroup

Opaque type to handle Geometry Group - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTgeometryinstance_api* RTgeometryinstance

Opaque type to handle Geometry Instance - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTgroup_api* RTgroup

Opaque type to handle Group - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTmaterial_api* RTmaterial

Opaque type to handle Material - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef void* RTobject

Opaque type to handle Object - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTprogram_api* RTprogram

Opaque type to handle Program - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTremotedevice_api* RTremotedevice

Opaque type to handle RemoteDevice - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTselector_api* RTselector

Opaque type to handle Selector - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTtexturesampler_api* RTtexturesampler

Opaque type to handle Texture Sampler - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef int(* RTtimeoutcallback)(void)

Callback signature for use with rtContextSetTimeoutCallback. Return 1 to ask for abort, 0 to continue.

typedef struct RTtransform_api* RTtransform

Opaque type to handle Transform - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

typedef struct RTvariable_api* RTvariable

Opaque type to handle Variable - Note that the *_api type should never be used directly. Only the typedef target name will be guaranteed to remain unchanged

Function Documentation

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTacceleration acceleration 

Creates a new acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationCreate creates a new ray tracing acceleration structure within a context. An acceleration structure is used by attaching it to a group or geometry group by calling rtGroupSetAcceleration or rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration. Note that an acceleration structure can be shared by attaching it to multiple groups or geometry groups if the underlying geometric structures are the same, see rtGroupSetAcceleration and rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration for more details. A newly created acceleration structure is initially in dirty state. Sets *acceleration to the handle of a newly created acceleration structure within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if acceleration is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies a context within which to create a new acceleration structure
[out]accelerationReturns the newly created acceleration structure

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationDestroy, rtContextCreate, rtAccelerationMarkDirty, rtAccelerationIsDirty, rtGroupSetAcceleration, rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationDestroy ( RTacceleration  acceleration)

Destroys an acceleration structure object.


rtAccelerationDestroy removes acceleration from its context and deletes it. acceleration should be a value returned by rtAccelerationCreate. After the call, acceleration is no longer a valid handle.

[in]accelerationHandle of the acceleration structure to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetBuilder ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const char **  return_string 

Query the current builder from an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationGetBuilder returns the name of the builder currently used in the acceleration structure acceleration. If no builder has been set for acceleration, an empty string is returned. return_string will be set to point to the returned string. The memory return_string points to will be valid until the next API call that returns a string.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[out]return_stringReturn string buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationGetBuilder was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationSetBuilder

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetContext ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationGetContext queries an acceleration structure for its associated context. The context handle is returned in *context.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[out]contextReturns the context associated with the acceleration structure

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetData ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
void *  data 

Retrieves acceleration structure data.


rtAccelerationGetData retrieves the full state of the acceleration object, and copies it to the memory region pointed to by data. Sufficient memory must be available to hold the entire state. Use rtAccelerationGetDataSize to query the required memory size.

The returned data from this call is valid input data for rtAccelerationSetData.

If acceleration is marked dirty, this call is invalid and will return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[out]dataPointer to a memory region to be filled with the state of acceleration

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationGetData was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationSetData, rtAccelerationGetDataSize

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetDataSize ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
RTsize *  size 

Returns the size of the data to be retrieved from an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationGetDataSize queries the size of the data that will be returned on a subsequent call to rtAccelerationGetData. The size in bytes will be written to *size. The returned value is guaranteed to be valid only if no other function using the handle acceleration is made before rtAccelerationGetData.

If acceleration is marked dirty, this call is invalid and will return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[out]sizeThe returned size of the data in bytes

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationGetDataSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationGetData, rtAccelerationSetData

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetProperty ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const char *  name,
const char **  return_string 

Queries an acceleration structure property.


rtAccelerationGetProperty returns the value of the acceleration structure property name. See rtAccelerationSetProperty for a list of supported properties. If the property name is not found, an empty string is returned. return_string will be set to point to the returned string. The memory return_string points to will be valid until the next API call that returns a string.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[in]nameThe name of the property to be queried
[out]return_stringReturn string buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationGetProperty was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationSetProperty, rtAccelerationSetBuilder, rtAccelerationSetTraverser

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationGetTraverser ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const char **  return_string 

Query the current traverser from an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationGetTraverser returns the name of the traverser currently used in the acceleration structure acceleration. If no traverser has been set for acceleration, an empty string is returned. return_string will be set to point to the returned string. The memory return_string points to will be valid until the next API call that returns a string.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[out]return_stringReturn string buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationGetTraverser was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationSetTraverser

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationIsDirty ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
int *  dirty 

Returns the dirty flag of an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationIsDirty returns whether the acceleration structure is currently marked dirty. If the flag is set, a nonzero value will be returned in *dirty. Otherwise, zero is returned.

Any acceleration structure which is marked dirty will be rebuilt on a call to one of the rtContextLaunch functions, and its dirty flag will be reset. The dirty flag will also be reset on a sucessful call to rtAccelerationSetData.

An acceleration structure which is not marked dirty will never be rebuilt, even if associated groups, geometry, properties, or any other values have changed.

Initially after creation, acceleration structures are marked dirty.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[out]dirtyReturned dirty flag

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationIsDirty was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationMarkDirty, rtAccelerationSetData, rtContextLaunch

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationMarkDirty ( RTacceleration  acceleration)

Marks an acceleration structure as dirty.


rtAccelerationMarkDirty sets the dirty flag for acceleration.

Any acceleration structure which is marked dirty will be rebuilt on a call to one of the rtContextLaunch functions, and its dirty flag will be reset. The dirty flag will also be reset on a sucessful call to rtAccelerationSetData.

An acceleration structure which is not marked dirty will never be rebuilt, even if associated groups, geometry, properties, or any other values have changed.

Initially after creation, acceleration structures are marked dirty.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationMarkDirty was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationIsDirty, rtAccelerationSetData, rtContextLaunch

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetBuilder ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const char *  builder 

Specifies the builder to be used for an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationSetBuilder specifies the method used to construct the ray tracing acceleration structure represented by acceleration. A builder must be set for the acceleration structure to pass validation. The current builder can be changed at any time, including after a call to rtContextLaunch. In this case, data previously computed for the acceleration structure is invalidated and the acceleration will be marked dirty.

An acceleration structure is only valid with a correct pair of builder and traverser. The traverser type is specified using rtAccelerationSetTraverser. For a list of valid combinations of builders and traversers, see below. For a description of the individual traversers, see rtAccelerationSetTraverser.

builder can take one of the following values:

  • "NoAccel": Specifies that no acceleration structure is explicitly built. Traversal linearly loops through the list of primitives to intersect. This can be useful e.g. for higher level groups with only few children, where managing a more complex structure introduces unnecessary overhead. Valid traverser types: "NoAccel".
  • "Bvh": A standard bounding volume hierarchy, useful for most types of graph levels and geometry. Medium build speed, good ray tracing performance. Valid traverser types: "Bvh", "BvhCompact".
  • "Sbvh": A high quality BVH variant for maximum ray tracing performance. Slower build speed and slightly higher memory footprint than "Bvh". Valid traverser types: "Bvh", "BvhCompact".
  • "MedianBvh": A medium quality bounding volume hierarchy with quick build performance. Useful for dynamic and semi-dynamic content. Valid traverser types: "Bvh", "BvhCompact".
  • "Lbvh": A simple bounding volume hierarchy with very fast build performance. Useful for dynamic content. Valid traverser types: "Bvh", "BvhCompact".
  • "Trbvh": High quality similar to Sbvh but with fast build performance similar to Lbvh. Valid traverser types: "Bvh". The Trbvh builder uses about 2.5 times the size of the final BVH for scratch space. A CPU-based Trbvh builder that does not have the memory constraints is available. OptiX Commercial includes an optional automatic fallback to the CPU version when out of GPU memory. See details in section 3.5 of the Programming Guide.
  • "TriangleKdTree": A high quality kd-tree builder, for triangle geometry only. This may provide better ray tracing performance than the BVH builders for some scenarios. Valid traverser types: "KdTree".
[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[in]builderString value specifying the builder type

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationSetBuilder was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationGetBuilder, rtAccelerationSetTraverser, rtAccelerationSetProperty

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetData ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const void *  data,
RTsize  size 

Sets the state of an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationSetData sets the full state of the acceleration object, including builder and traverser type as well as properties, as defined by data. The memory pointed to by data must be unaltered values previously retrieved from a (potentially different) acceleration structure handle. This mechanism is useful for implementing caching mechanisms, especially when using high quality structures which are expensive to build.

Note that no check is performed on whether the contents of data match the actual underlying geometry on which the acceleration structure is used. If the children of associated groups or geometry groups differ in number of children, layout of bounding boxes, or geometry, then behavior after this call is undefined.

This call returns RT_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH if the specified data was retrieved from a different, incompatible version of OptiX. In this case, the state of acceleration is not changed.

If the call is successful, the dirty flag of acceleration will be cleared.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[in]dataPointer to data containing the serialized state
[in]sizeThe size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by data

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationSetData was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationGetData, rtAccelerationGetDataSize

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetProperty ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Sets an acceleration structure property.


rtAccelerationSetProperty sets a named property value for an acceleration structure. Properties can be used to fine tune the way an acceleration structure is built, in order to achieve faster build times or better ray tracing performance. Properties are evaluated and applied by the acceleration structure during build time, and different builders recognize different properties. Setting a property will never fail as long as acceleration is a valid handle. Properties that are not recognized by an acceleration structure will be ignored.

The following is a list of the properties used by the individual builders:

  • "NoAccel": No properties are available for this builder.
  • "Bvh": refit is an integer value specifying whether the BVH should be refitted or rebuilt from scratch when a valid BVH over similar geometry is already existent. The value indicates how many frames are to pass before forcing a rebuild, the exception being a value of 1, which will always refit (never rebuild if possible). A value of 0 will never refit (always rebuild). Regardless of the refit value, if the number of primitives changes from the last frame, a rebuild is forced. Refitting is much faster than a full rebuild, and usually yields good ray tracing performance if deformations to the underlying geometry are not too large. The default is 0. refit is only supported on SM_20 (Fermi) class GPUs and later. Older devices will simply ignore the refit property, effectively rebuilding any time the structure is marked dirty. refine can be used in combination with refit, and will apply tree rotations to the existing BVH to attempt to improve the quality for faster traversal. Like refit, tree rotations are much faster than a full rebuild. The value indicates how many rotation passes over the tree to perform per frame. With refine on, the quality of the tree degrades much less rapidly than with just refit, and can increase the number of frames between rebuilds before traversal performance suffers. In some cases, it can eliminate the need for rebuilds entirely. The default is 0. refine is only supported on SM_20 (Fermi) class GPUs and later.
  • "Sbvh": The SBVH can be used for any type of geometry, but especially efficient structures can be built for triangles. For this case, the following properties are used in order to provide the necessary geometry information to the acceleration object: vertex_buffer_name specifies the name of the vertex buffer variable for underlying geometry, containing float3 vertices, and defaults to "vertex_buffer". vertex_buffer_stride is used to define the offset between two vertices in the buffer, given in bytes. The default stride is zero, which assumes that the vertices are tightly packed. index_buffer_name specifies the name of the index buffer variable for underlying geometry, if any, and defaults to "index_buffer". The entries in this buffer are indices of type int, where each index refers to one entry in the vertex buffer. A sequence of three indices represent one triangle. index_buffer_stride can be used analog to vertex_buffer_stride to describe interleaved arrays.
  • "MedianBvh": refit (see refit flag for "Bvh" above). refine, (see refine flag for "Bvh" above).
  • "Lbvh": refit (see refit flag for "Bvh" above). refine, (see refine flag for "Bvh" above), with one important difference: for "Lbvh", refine can be used alone, and does not require refit. If used without refit, tree rotations will be applied after the Lbvh build. The default is 0.
  • "Trbvh": Similar in quality to Sbvh but builds much faster. Builds on the GPU and is subject to GPU memory constraints, including requiring scratch space about 2.5 times as large as the final data structure. See section 3.5 of the programming guide for details. See Sbvh for a description of the relevant properties (vertex_buffer_name, index_buffer_name, vertex_buffer_stride, and index_buffer_stride).
  • "TriangleKdTree": Since the kd-tree can build its acceleration structure over triangles only, the geometry data and its format must be made available to the acceleration object. See Sbvh for a description of the relevant properties (vertex_buffer_name, index_buffer_name, vertex_buffer_stride, and index_buffer_stride).
[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[in]nameString value specifying the name of the property
[in]valueString value specifying the value of the property

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationSetProperty was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationGetProperty, rtAccelerationSetBuilder, rtAccelerationSetTraverser

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationSetTraverser ( RTacceleration  acceleration,
const char *  traverser 

Specifies the traverser to be used for an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationSetTraverser specifies the method used to traverse the ray tracing acceleration structure represented by acceleration. A traverser must be set for the acceleration structure to pass validation. The current active traverser can be changed at any time.

An acceleration structure is only valid with a correct pair of builder and traverser. The builder type is specified using rtAccelerationSetBuilder. For a list of valid combinations of builders and traversers, see below. For a description of the individual builders, see rtAccelerationSetBuilder.

traverser can take one of the following values:

  • "NoAccel": Linearly loops through the list of primitives to intersect. This is highly inefficient in all but the most trivial scenarios (but there it can provide good performance due to very little overhead). Valid builder types: "NoAccel".
  • "Bvh": Optimized traversal of generic bounding volume hierarchies. Valid builder types: "Trbvh", "Sbvh", "Bvh", "MedianBvh", "Lbvh".
  • "BvhCompact": Optimized traversal of bounding volume hierarchies for large datasets when virtual memory is turned on. It compresses the BVH data in 4 times before uploading to the device. And decompress the BVH data in real-time during traversal of a bounding volume hierarchy. Valid builder types: "Sbvh", "Bvh", "MedianBvh", "Lbvh".
  • "KdTree": Standard traversal for kd-trees. Valid builder types: "TriangleKdTree".
[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle
[in]traverserString value specifying the traverser type

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationSetTraverser was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationGetTraverser, rtAccelerationSetBuilder, rtAccelerationSetProperty

RTresult RTAPI rtAccelerationValidate ( RTacceleration  acceleration)

Validates the state of an acceleration structure.


rtAccelerationValidate checks acceleration for completeness. If acceleration is not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtAccelerationValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtAccelerationCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferBindProgressiveStream ( RTbuffer  stream,
RTbuffer  source 

Bind a stream buffer to an output buffer source.


Binds an output buffer to a progressive stream. The output buffer thereby becomes the data source for the stream. To form a valid output/stream pair, the stream buffer must be of format RT_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_BYTE4, and the output buffer must be of format RT_FORMAT_FLOAT3 or RT_FORMAT_FLOAT4. The use of RT_FORMAT_FLOAT4 is recommended for performance reasons, even if the fourth component is unused. The output buffer must be of type RT_BUFFER_OUTPUT; it may not be of type RT_BUFFER_INPUT_OUTPUT.

[in]streamThe stream buffer for which the source is to be specified
[in]sourceThe output buffer to function as the stream's source

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferBindProgressiveStream was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtBufferCreate rtBufferSetAttribute rtBufferGetAttribute

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferCreate ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  bufferdesc,
RTbuffer buffer 

Creates a new buffer object.


rtBufferCreate allocates and returns a new handle to a new buffer object in *buffer associated with context. The backing storage of the buffer is managed by OptiX. A buffer is specified by a bitwise or combination of a type and flags in bufferdesc. The supported types are:

The type values are used to specify the direction of data flow from the host to the OptiX devices. RT_BUFFER_INPUT specifies that the host may only write to the buffer and the device may only read from the buffer. RT_BUFFER_OUTPUT specifies the opposite, read only access on the host and write only access on the device. Devices and the host may read and write from buffers of type RT_BUFFER_INPUT_OUTPUT. Reading or writing to a buffer of the incorrect type (e.g., the host writing to a buffer of type RT_BUFFER_OUTPUT) is undefined. RT_BUFFER_PROGRESSIVE_STREAM is used to receive stream updates generated by progressive launches (see rtContextLaunchProgressive2D).

The supported flags are:

If RT_BUFFER_LAYERED flag is set, buffer depth specifies the number of layers, not the depth of a 3D buffer. If RT_BUFFER_CUBEMAP flag is set, buffer depth specifies the number of cube faces, not the depth of a 3D buffer. See details in rtBufferSetSize3D

Flags can be used to optimize data transfers between the host and its devices. The flag RT_BUFFER_GPU_LOCAL can only be used in combination with RT_BUFFER_INPUT_OUTPUT. RT_BUFFER_INPUT_OUTPUT and RT_BUFFER_GPU_LOCAL used together specify a buffer that allows the host to only write, and the device to read and write data. The written data will never be visible on the host side and will generally not be visible or other devices.

If rtBufferSetDevicePointer or rtBufferGetDevicePointer have been called for a single device for a given buffer, the user can change the buffer's content on that device. The new buffer contents must be synchronized to all devices. These synchronization copies occur at every rtContextLaunch, unless the buffer is declared with RT_BUFFER_COPY_ON_DIRTY. In this case, use rtBufferMarkDirty to notify OptiX that the buffer has been dirtied and must be synchronized.

Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if buffer is NULL.

[in]contextThe context to create the buffer in
[in]bufferdescBitwise or combination of the type and flags of the new buffer
[out]bufferThe return handle for the buffer object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

RT_BUFFER_GPU_LOCAL was introduced in OptiX 2.0.

See also rtBufferCreateFromGLBO, rtBufferDestroy, rtBufferMarkDirty rtBufferBindProgressiveStream

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferDestroy ( RTbuffer  buffer)

Destroys a buffer object.


rtBufferDestroy removes buffer from its context and deletes it. buffer should be a value returned by rtBufferCreate. After the call, buffer is no longer a valid handle. Any API object that referenced buffer will have its reference invalidated.

[in]bufferHandle of the buffer to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferCreate, rtBufferCreateFromGLBO

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetAttribute ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTbufferattribute  attrib,
RTsize  size,
void *  p 

Query a buffer attribute.


rtBufferGetAttribute is used to query buffer attributes. For a list of available attributes, please refer to rtBufferSetAttribute.

[in]bufferThe buffer to query the attribute from
[in]attribThe attribute to query
[in]sizeThe size of the attribute value, in bytes. For string attributes, this is the maximum buffer size the returned string will use (including a terminating null character).
[out]pPointer to the attribute value to be filled in. Must point to valid memory of at least size bytes.

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetAttribute was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtBufferSetAttribute

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetContext ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context object that created this buffer.


rtBufferGetContext returns a handle to the context that created buffer in *context. If *context is NULL, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its context
[out]contextThe return handle for the buffer's context

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetDimensionality ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int *  dimensionality 

Gets the dimensionality of this buffer object.


rtBufferGetDimensionality returns the dimensionality of buffer in *dimensionality. The value returned will be one of 1, 2 or 3, corresponding to 1D, 2D and 3D buffers, respectively.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensionality
[out]dimensionalityThe return handle for the buffer's dimensionality

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetDimensionality was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetSize{1-2-3}D

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetElementSize ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize *  size_of_element 

Returns the size of a buffer's individual elements.


rtBufferGetElementSize queries the size of a buffer's elements. The target buffer is specified by buffer, which should be a value returned by rtBufferCreate. The size, in bytes, of the buffer's individual elements is returned in *element_size_return. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given a NULL pointer.

[in]bufferSpecifies the buffer to be queried
[out]size_of_elementReturns the size of the buffer's individual elements

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetElementSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetElementSize, rtBufferCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetFormat ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTformat format 

Gets the format of this buffer.


rtBufferGetFormat returns, in *format, the format of buffer. See rtBufferSetFormat for a listing of RTbuffer values.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its format
[out]formatThe return handle for the buffer's format

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetFormat was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetFormat, rtBufferGetFormat

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetId ( RTbuffer  buffer,
int *  buffer_id 

Gets an id suitable for use with buffers of buffers.


rtBufferGetId returns an ID for the provided buffer. The returned ID is used on the device to reference the buffer. It needs to be copied into a buffer of type RT_FORMAT_BUFFER_ID or used in a rtBufferId object.. If *buffer_id is NULL or the buffer is not a valid RTbuffer, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE. RT_BUFFER_ID_NULL can be used as a sentinal for a non-existent buffer, since this value will never be returned as a valid buffer id.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its id
[out]buffer_idThe returned ID of the buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetId was introduced in OptiX 3.5.

See also rtContextGetBufferFromId

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelCount ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int *  level 

Gets the number of mipmap levels of this buffer object.


rtBufferGetMipLevelCount returns the number of mipmap levels. Default number of MIP levels is 1.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its number of mipmap levels
[out]levelThe return number of mipmap levels

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetMipLevelCount was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  level,
RTsize *  width 

Gets the width of buffer specific MIP level.


rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D stores the width of buffer in *width.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[in]levelThe buffer MIP level index to be queried for its dimensions
[out]widthThe return handle for the buffer's width Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  level,
RTsize *  width,
RTsize *  height 

Gets the width, height of buffer specific MIP level.


rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D stores the width, height of buffer in *width and *height respectively.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[in]levelThe buffer MIP level index to be queried for its dimensions
[out]widthThe return handle for the buffer's width
[out]heightThe return handle for the buffer's height Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  level,
RTsize *  width,
RTsize *  height,
RTsize *  depth 

Gets the width, height and depth of buffer specific MIP level.


rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D stores the width, height and depth of buffer in *width, *height and *depth, respectively.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[in]levelThe buffer MIP level index to be queried for its dimensions
[out]widthThe return handle for the buffer's width
[out]heightThe return handle for the buffer's height
[out]depthThe return handle for the buffer's depth Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetProgressiveUpdateReady ( RTbuffer  buffer,
int *  ready,
unsigned int *  subframe_count,
unsigned int *  max_subframes 

Check whether stream buffer content has been updated by a Progressive Launch.


Returns whether or not the result of a progressive launch in buffer has been updated since the last time this function was called. A client application should use this call in its main render/display loop to poll for frame refreshes after initiating a progressive launch. If subframe_count and max_subframes are non-null, they will be filled with the corresponding counters if and only if ready returns 1.

Note that this call does not stop a progressive render.

[in]bufferThe stream buffer to be queried
[out]readyReady flag. Will be set to 1 if an update is available, or 0 if no update is available.
[out]subframe_countThe number of subframes accumulated in the latest result
[out]max_subframesThe max_subframes parameter as specified in the call to rtContextLaunchProgressive2D

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetProgressiveUpdateReady was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtContextLaunchProgressive2D

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSize1D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize *  width 

Get the width of this buffer.


rtBufferGetSize1D stores the width of buffer in *width.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[out]widthThe return handle for the buffer's width

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetSize1D was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSize2D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize *  width,
RTsize *  height 

Gets the width and height of this buffer.


rtBufferGetSize2D stores the width and height of buffer in *width and *height, respectively.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[out]widthThe return handle for the buffer's width
[out]heightThe return handle for the buffer's height

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetSize2D was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSize3D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize *  width,
RTsize *  height,
RTsize *  depth 

Gets the width, height and depth of this buffer.


rtBufferGetSize3D stores the width, height and depth of buffer in *width, *height and *depth, respectively.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[out]widthThe return handle for the buffer's width
[out]heightThe return handle for the buffer's height
[out]depthThe return handle for the buffer's depth

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetSize3D was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferGetSizev ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  dimensionality,
RTsize *  dims 

Gets the dimensions of this buffer.


rtBufferGetSizev stores the dimensions of buffer in *dims. The number of dimensions returned is specified by dimensionality. The storage at dims must be large enough to hold the number of requested buffer dimensions.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be queried for its dimensions
[in]dimensionalityThe number of requested dimensions
[out]dimsThe array of dimensions to store to

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferGetSizev was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferMap ( RTbuffer  buffer,
void **  user_pointer 

Maps a buffer object to the host.


rtBufferMap returns a pointer, accessible by the host, in *user_pointer that contains a mapped copy of the contents of buffer. The memory pointed to by *user_pointer can be written to or read from, depending on the type of buffer. For example, this code snippet demonstrates creating and filling an input buffer with floats.

RTbuffer buffer;
float* data;
rtBufferCreate(context, RT_BUFFER_INPUT, &buffer);
rtBufferSetSize1D(buffer, 10);
rtBufferMap(buffer, (void*)&data);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
data[i] = 4.f * i;

If buffer has already been mapped, returns RT_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED.

Note that this call does not stop a progressive render if called on a stream buffer.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be mapped
[out]user_pointerReturn handle to a user pointer where the buffer will be mapped to

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferMap was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferUnmap, rtBufferMapEx, rtBufferUnmapEx

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferMapEx ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  map_flags,
unsigned int  level,
void *  user_owned,
void **  optix_owned 

Maps mipmap level of buffer object to the host.


rtBufferMapEx returns a pointer, accessible by the host, in *optix_owned if user_owned is null overwise user_owned is used for the mapping the contents of level. rtBufferMap is equivalent to rtBufferMapEx with level = 0 and RT_BUFFER_MAP_READ_WRITE flag and user_owned = NULL.

Note that this call does not stop a progressive render if called on a stream buffer.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be mapped
[in]map_flagDeclare access pattern to the mapped buffer memory. Not supported yet and must be RT_BUFFER_MAP_READ_WRITE.
[in]levelThe mipmap level to be mapped
[in]user_ownedPreallocated memory for mapping, can be null, then it is allocated internally. Not supported yet and must be NULL.
[out]optix_ownedReturn handle to a user pointer where the buffer will be mapped to

The supported flags are:

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferMapEx was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferMap, rtBufferUnmap, rtBufferUnmapEx

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetAttribute ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTbufferattribute  attrib,
RTsize  size,
void *  p 

Set a buffer attribute.


Sets a buffer attribute. Currently, all available attributes refer to stream buffers only, and attempting to set them on a non-stream buffer will generate an error.

Each attribute can have a different size. The sizes are given in the following list:

RT_BUFFER_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_FORMAT sets the encoding format used for streams sent over the network, specified as a string. The default is "auto". Various other common stream and image formats are available (e.g. "h264", "png"). This attribute has no effect if the progressive API is used locally.

RT_BUFFER_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_BITRATE sets the target bitrate for streams sent over the network, if the stream format supports it. The data is specified as a 32-bit integer. The default is 5000000. This attribute has no effect if the progressive API is used locally or if the stream format does not support variable bitrates.

RT_BUFFER_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_FPS sets the target update rate per second for streams sent over the network, if the stream format supports it. The data is specified as a 32-bit integer. The default is 30. This attribute has no effect if the progressive API is used locally or if the stream format does not support variable framerates.

RT_BUFFER_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_GAMMA sets the gamma value for the built-in tonemapping operator. The data is specified as a 32-bit float, the default is 1.0. Tonemapping is executed before encoding the accumulated output into the stream, i.e. on the server side if remote rendering is used. See the section on Buffers below for more details.

[in]bufferThe buffer on which to set the attribute
[in]attribThe attribute to set
[in]sizeThe size of the attribute value, in bytes
[in]pPointer to the attribute value

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetAttribute was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtBufferGetAttribute

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetElementSize ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize  size_of_element 

Modifies the size in bytes of a buffer's individual elements.


rtBufferSetElementSize modifies the size in bytes of a buffer's user-formatted elements. The target buffer is specified by buffer, which should be a value returned by rtBufferCreate and should have format RT_FORMAT_USER. The new size of the buffer's individual elements is specified by element_size and should not be 0. If the buffer has format RT_FORMAT_USER, and element_size is not 0, then the buffer's individual element size is set to element_size and all storage associated with the buffer is reset. Otherwise, this call has no effect and returns either RT_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH if the buffer does not have format RT_FORMAT_USER or RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the buffer has format RT_FORMAT_USER but element_size is 0.

[in]bufferSpecifies the buffer to be modified
[in]size_of_elementSpecifies the new size in bytes of the buffer's individual elements

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetElementSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferGetElementSize, rtBufferCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetFormat ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTformat  format 
RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetMipLevelCount ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  levels 

Sets the MIP level count of a buffer.


rtBufferSetMipLevelCount sets the number of MIP levels to levels. Default number of MIP levels is 1. Fails with RT_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED if called on a buffer that is mapped.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be resized
[in]widthThe width of the resized buffer
[in]levelsNumber of mip levels

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetMipLevelCount was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSize1D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize  width 

Sets the width and dimensionality of this buffer.


rtBufferSetSize1D sets the dimensionality of buffer to 1 and sets its width to width. Fails with RT_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED if called on a buffer that is mapped.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be resized
[in]widthThe width of the resized buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetSize1D was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSize2D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize  width,
RTsize  height 

Sets the width, height and dimensionality of this buffer.


rtBufferSetSize2D sets the dimensionality of buffer to 2 and sets its width and height to width and height, respectively. If width or height is zero, they both must be zero. Fails with RT_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED if called on a buffer that is mapped.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be resized
[in]widthThe width of the resized buffer
[in]heightThe height of the resized buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetSize2D was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSize3D ( RTbuffer  buffer,
RTsize  width,
RTsize  height,
RTsize  depth 

Sets the width, height, depth and dimensionality of a buffer.


rtBufferSetSize3D sets the dimensionality of buffer to 3 and sets its width, height and depth to width, height and depth, respectively. If width, height or depth is zero, they all must be zero.

A 1D layered mipmapped buffer is allocated if height is 1 and the RT_BUFFER_LAYERED flag was set at buffer creating. The number of layers is determined by the depth. A 2D layered mipmapped buffer is allocated if the RT_BUFFER_LAYERED flag was set at buffer creating. The number of layers is determined by the depth. A cubemap mipmapped buffer is allocated if the RT_BUFFER_CUBEMAP flag was set at buffer creating. width must be equal to height and the number of cube faces is determined by the depth, it must be six or a multiple of six, if the RT_BUFFER_LAYERED flag was also set. Layered, mipmapped and cubemap buffers are supported only as texture buffers.

Fails with RT_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED if called on a buffer that is mapped.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be resized
[in]widthThe width of the resized buffer
[in]heightThe height of the resized buffer
[in]depthThe depth of the resized buffer

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetSize3D was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSizev, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferSetSizev ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  dimensionality,
const RTsize *  dims 

Sets the dimensionality and dimensions of a buffer.


rtBufferSetSizev sets the dimensionality of buffer to dimensionality and sets the dimensions of the buffer to the values stored at *dims, which must contain a number of values equal to dimensionality. If any of values of dims is zero they must all be zero.

[in]bufferThe buffer to be resized
[in]dimensionalityThe dimensionality the buffer will be resized to
[in]dimsThe array of sizes for the dimension of the resize

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferSetSizev was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferSetMipLevelCount, rtBufferSetSize1D, rtBufferSetSize2D, rtBufferSetSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize1D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize2D, rtBufferGetMipLevelSize3D, rtBufferGetMipLevelCount, rtBufferGetSize1D, rtBufferGetSize2D, rtBufferGetSize3D, rtBufferGetSizev

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferUnmap ( RTbuffer  buffer)

Unmaps a buffer's storage from the host.


rtBufferUnmap unmaps a buffer from the host after a call to rtBufferMap. rtContextLaunch cannot be called while buffers are still mapped to the host. A call to rtBufferUnmap that does not follow a matching rtBufferMap call will return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

Note that this call does not stop a progressive render if called with a stream buffer.

[in]bufferThe buffer to unmap

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferUnmap was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferMap, rtBufferMapEx, rtBufferUnmapEx

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferUnmapEx ( RTbuffer  buffer,
unsigned int  level 

Unmaps mipmap level storage from the host.


rtBufferUnmapEx unmaps buffer level from the host after a call to rtBufferMapEx. rtContextLaunch cannot be called while buffers are still mapped to the host. A call to rtBufferUnmapEx that does not follow a matching rtBufferMapEx call will return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE. rtBufferUnmap is equivalent to rtBufferUnmapEx with level = 0.

Note that this call does not stop a progressive render if called with a stream buffer.

[in]bufferThe buffer to unmap
[in]levelThe mipmap level to unmap

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferUnmapEx was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtBufferMap, rtBufferUnmap, rtBufferMapEx

RTresult RTAPI rtBufferValidate ( RTbuffer  buffer)

Validates the state of a buffer.


rtBufferValidate checks buffer for completeness. If buffer has not had its dimensionality, size or format set, this call will return RT_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT.

[in]bufferThe buffer to validate

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtBufferValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtBufferCreate, rtBufferCreateFromGLBO rtContextValidate

RTresult RTAPI rtContextCompile ( RTcontext  context)

Compiles a context object.


rtContextCompile creates a final computation kernel from the given context's programs and scene hierarchy. This kernel will be executed upon subsequent invocations of rtContextLaunch.

Calling rtContextCompile is not strictly necessary since any changes to the scene specification or programs will cause an internal compilation upon the next rtContextLaunch call. rtContextCompile allows the application to control when the compilation work occurs.

Conversely, if no changes to the scene specification or programs have occurred since the last compilation, rtContextCompile and rtContextLaunch will not perform a recompilation.

[in]contextThe context to be compiled

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextCompile was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextLaunch

RTresult RTAPI rtContextCreate ( RTcontext context)

Creates a new context object.


rtContextCreate allocates and returns a handle to a new context object. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[out]contextHandle to context for return value

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also

RTresult RTAPI rtContextDeclareVariable ( RTcontext  context,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Declares a new named variable associated with this context.


rtContextDeclareVariable - Declares a new variable named name and associated with this context. Only a single variable of a given name can exist for a given context and any attempt to create multiple variables with the same name will cause a failure with a return value of RT_ERROR_VARIABLE_REDECLARED. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer. Return RT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_SYMBOL if name is not syntactically valid.

[in]contextThe context node to which the variable will be attached
[in]nameThe name that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vPointer to variable handle used to return the new object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextDeclareVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryDeclareVariable, rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable, rtMaterialDeclareVariable, rtProgramDeclareVariable, rtSelectorDeclareVariable, rtContextGetVariable, rtContextGetVariableCount, rtContextQueryVariable, rtContextRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtContextDestroy ( RTcontext  context)

Destroys a context and frees all associated resources.


rtContextDestroy frees all resources, including OptiX objects, associated with this object. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL context. RT_ERROR_LAUNCH_FAILED may be returned if a previous call to rtContextLaunch failed.

[in]contextHandle of the context to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetAttribute ( RTcontext  context,
RTcontextattribute  attrib,
RTsize  size,
void *  p 

Returns an attribute specific to an OptiX context.


rtContextGetAttribute returns in p the value of the per context attribute specified by attrib.

Each attribute can have a different size. The sizes are given in the following list:

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_TEXTURE_COUNT queries the maximum number of textures handled by OptiX. For OptiX versions below 2.5 this value depends on the number of textures supported by CUDA.

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CPU_NUM_THREADS queries the number of host CPU threads OptiX can use for various tasks.

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_USED_HOST_MEMORY queries the amount of host memory allocated by OptiX.

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_PAGING_ACTIVE queries if software paging of device memory has been turned on by the context. The returned value is a boolean, where 1 means that paging is currently active.

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_PAGING_FORCED_OFF queries if software paging has been prohibited by the user. The returned value is a boolean, where 0 means that OptiX is allowed to activate paging if necessary, 1 means that paging is always off.

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_AVAILABLE_DEVICE_MEMORY queries the amount of free device memory.

Some attributes are used to get per device information. In contrast to rtDeviceGetAttribute, these attributes are determined by the context and are therefore queried through the context. This is done by summing the attribute with the OptiX ordinal number when querying the attribute. The following are per device attributes.


[in]contextThe context object to be queried
[in]attribAttribute to query
[in]sizeSize of the attribute being queried. Parameter p must have at least this much memory allocated
[out]pReturn pointer where the value of the attribute will be copied into. This must point to at least size bytes of memory

Return values

Relevant return values:

  • RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE - Can be returned if size does not match the proper size of the attribute, if p is NULL, or if attribute+ordinal does not correspond to an OptiX device


rtContextGetAttribute was introduced in OptiX 2.0.

See also rtContextGetDeviceCount, rtContextSetAttribute, rtDeviceGetAttribute

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetBufferFromId ( RTcontext  context,
int  buffer_id,
RTbuffer buffer 

Gets an RTbuffer corresponding to the buffer id.


rtContextGetBufferFromId returns a handle to the buffer in *buffer corresponding to the buffer_id supplied. If buffer_id does not map to a valid buffer handle, *buffer is NULL or if context is invalid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]contextThe context the buffer should be originated from
[in]buffer_idThe ID of the buffer to query
[out]bufferThe return handle for the buffer object corresponding to the buffer_id

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetBufferFromId was introduced in OptiX 3.5.

See also rtBufferGetId

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetDeviceCount ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int *  count 

Query the number of devices currently being used.


rtContextGetDeviceCount - Query the number of devices currently being used.

[in]contextThe context containing the devices
[out]countReturn parameter for the device count

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetDeviceCount was introduced in OptiX 2.0.

See also rtContextSetDevices, rtContextGetDevices

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetDevices ( RTcontext  context,
int *  devices 

Retrieve a list of hardware devices being used by the kernel.


rtContextGetDevices retrieves a list of hardware devices used during execution of the subsequent trace kernels.

[in]contextThe context to which the hardware list is applied
[out]devicesReturn parameter for the list of devices. The memory must be able to hold entries numbering least the number of devices as returned by rtContextGetDeviceCount

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetDevices was introduced in OptiX 2.0.

See also rtContextSetDevices, rtContextGetDeviceCount

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetEntryPointCount ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int *  num_entry_points 

Query the number of entry points for this context.


rtContextGetEntryPointCount passes back the number of entry points associated with this context in num_entry_points. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context node to be queried
[out]num_entry_pointsReturn parameter for passing back the entry point count

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetEntryPointCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextSetEntryPointCount

void RTAPI rtContextGetErrorString ( RTcontext  context,
RTresult  code,
const char **  return_string 

Returns the error string associated with a given error.


rtContextGetErrorString return a descriptive string given an error code. If context is valid and additional information is available from the last OptiX failure, it will be appended to the generic error code description. return_string will be set to point to this string. The memory return_string points to will be valid until the next API call that returns a string.

[in]contextThe context object to be queried, or NULL
[in]codeThe error code to be converted to string
[out]return_stringThe return parameter for the error string

Return values

rtContextGetErrorString does not return a value


rtContextGetErrorString was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetExceptionEnabled ( RTcontext  context,
RTexception  exception,
int *  enabled 

Query whether a specified exception is enabled.


rtContextGetExceptionEnabled passes back 1 in *enabled if the given exception is enabled, 0 otherwise. exception specifies the type of exception to be queried. For a list of available types, see rtContextSetExceptionEnabled. If exception is RT_EXCEPTION_ALL, enabled is set to 1 only if all possible exceptions are enabled.

[in]contextThe context to be queried
[in]exceptionThe exception of which to query the state
[out]enabledReturn parameter to store whether the exception is enabled

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetExceptionEnabled was introduced in OptiX 1.1.

See also rtContextSetExceptionEnabled, rtContextSetExceptionProgram, rtContextGetExceptionProgram, rtGetExceptionCode, rtThrow, rtPrintExceptionDetails

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetExceptionProgram ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTprogram program 

Queries the exception program associated with the given context and entry point.


rtContextGetExceptionProgram passes back the exception program associated with the given context and entry point. This program is set via rtContextSetExceptionProgram. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given an invalid entry point index or NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context node associated with the exception program
[in]entry_point_indexThe entry point index for the desired exception program
[out]programReturn parameter to store the exception program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetExceptionProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextSetExceptionProgram, rtContextSetEntryPointCount, rtContextSetExceptionEnabled, rtContextGetExceptionEnabled, rtGetExceptionCode, rtThrow, rtPrintExceptionDetails

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetMissProgram ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  ray_type_index,
RTprogram program 

Queries the miss program associated with the given context and ray type.


rtContextGetMissProgram passes back the miss program associated with the given context and ray type. This program is set via rtContextSetMissProgram. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given an invalid ray type index or a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context node associated with the miss program
[in]ray_type_indexThe ray type index for the desired miss program
[out]programReturn parameter to store the miss program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetMissProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextSetMissProgram, rtContextGetRayTypeCount

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetPrintBufferSize ( RTcontext  context,
RTsize *  buffer_size_bytes 

Get the current size of the print buffer.


rtContextGetPrintBufferSize is used to query the buffer size available to hold data generated by rtPrintf. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context from which to query the print buffer size
[out]buffer_size_bytesThe returned print buffer size in bytes

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetPrintBufferSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtPrintf, rtContextSetPrintEnabled, rtContextGetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintBufferSize, rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex, rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetPrintEnabled ( RTcontext  context,
int *  enabled 

Query whether text printing from programs is enabled.


rtContextGetPrintEnabled passes back 1 if text printing from programs through rtPrintf is currently enabled for this context; 0 otherwise. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context to be queried
[out]enabledReturn parameter to store whether printing is enabled

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetPrintEnabled was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtPrintf, rtContextSetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintBufferSize, rtContextGetPrintBufferSize, rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex, rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex ( RTcontext  context,
int *  x,
int *  y,
int *  z 

Gets the active print launch index.


rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex is used to query for which launch indices rtPrintf generates output. The initial value of (x,y,z) is (-1,-1,-1), which generates output for all indices.

[in]contextThe context from which to query the print launch index
[out]xReturns the launch index in the x dimension to which the output of rtPrintf invocations is limited. Will not be written to if a NULL pointer is passed
[out]yReturns the launch index in the y dimension to which the output of rtPrintf invocations is limited. Will not be written to if a NULL pointer is passed
[out]zReturns the launch index in the z dimension to which the output of rtPrintf invocations is limited. Will not be written to if a NULL pointer is passed

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtPrintf, rtContextGetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintBufferSize, rtContextGetPrintBufferSize, rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetProgramFromId ( RTcontext  context,
int  program_id,
RTprogram program 

Gets an RTprogram corresponding to the program id.


rtContextGetProgramFromId returns a handle to the program in *program corresponding to the program_id supplied. If program_id is not a valid program handle, *program is set to NULL. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if context is invalid or program_id is not a valid program handle.

[in]contextThe context the program should be originated from
[in]program_idThe ID of the program to query
[out]programThe return handle for the program object corresponding to the program_id

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetProgramFromId was introduced in OptiX 3.6.

See also rtProgramGetId

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetRayGenerationProgram ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTprogram program 

Queries the ray generation program associated with the given context and entry point.


rtContextGetRayGenerationProgram passes back the ray generation program associated with the given context and entry point. This program is set via rtContextSetRayGenerationProgram. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given an invalid entry point index or NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context node associated with the ray generation program
[in]entry_point_indexThe entry point index for the desired ray generation program
[out]programReturn parameter to store the ray generation program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetRayGenerationProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextSetRayGenerationProgram

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetRayTypeCount ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int *  num_ray_types 

Query the number of ray types associated with this context.


rtContextGetRayTypeCount passes back the number of entry points associated with this context in num_ray_types. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context node to be queried
[out]num_ray_typesReturn parameter to store the number of ray types

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetRayTypeCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextSetRayTypeCount

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetRunningState ( RTcontext  context,
int *  running 

Query whether the given context is currently running.


This function is currently unimplemented and it is provided as a placeholder for a future implementation.

[in]contextThe context node to be queried
[out]runningReturn parameter to store the running state

Return values

Since unimplemented, this function will always throw an assertion failure.


rtContextGetRunningState was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextLaunch1D, rtContextLaunch2D, rtContextLaunch3D

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetStackSize ( RTcontext  context,
RTsize *  stack_size_bytes 

Query the stack size for this context.


rtContextGetStackSize passes back the stack size associated with this context in stack_size_bytes. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context node to be queried
[out]stack_size_bytesReturn parameter to store the size of the stack

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetStackSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextSetStackSize

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetTextureSamplerFromId ( RTcontext  context,
int  sampler_id,
RTtexturesampler sampler 

Gets an RTtexturesampler corresponding to the texture id.


rtTextureSamplerGetId returns a handle to the texture sampler in *sampler corresponding to the sampler_id supplied. If sampler_id does not map to a valid texture handle, *sampler is NULL or if context is invalid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]contextThe context the sampler should be originated from
[in]sampler_idThe ID of the sampler to query
[out]samplerThe return handle for the sampler object corresponding to the sampler_id

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetTextureSamplerFromId was introduced in OptiX 3.5.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetId

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetVariable ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  index,
RTvariable v 

Queries an indexed variable associated with this context.


rtContextGetVariable queries the variable at position index in the variable array from context and stores the result in the parameter v. A variable must be declared first with rtContextDeclareVariable and index must be in the range [0, rtContextGetVariableCount -1].

[in]contextThe context node to be queried for an indexed variable
[in]indexThe index that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vReturn value to store the queried variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGetVariable, rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable, rtMaterialGetVariable, rtProgramGetVariable, rtSelectorGetVariable, rtContextDeclareVariable, rtContextGetVariableCount, rtContextQueryVariable, rtContextRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtContextGetVariableCount ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of variables associated with this context.


rtContextGetVariableCount returns the number of variables that are currently attached to context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed a NULL pointer.

[in]contextThe context to be queried for number of attached variables
[out]countReturn parameter to store the number of variables

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextGetVariableCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGetVariableCount, rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount, rtMaterialGetVariableCount, rtProgramGetVariableCount, rtSelectorGetVariable, rtContextDeclareVariable, rtContextGetVariable, rtContextQueryVariable, rtContextRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunch1D ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTsize  image_width 

Executes the computation kernel for a given context.


rtContextLaunch functions execute the computation kernel associated with the given context. If the context has not yet been compiled, or if the context has been modified since the last compile, rtContextLaunch will recompile the kernel internally. Acceleration structures of the context which are marked dirty will be updated and their dirty flags will be cleared. Similarly, validation will occur if necessary. The ray generation program specified by entry_point_index will be invoked once for every element (pixel or voxel) of the computation grid specified by image_width, image_height, and image_depth.

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextLaunch was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetRunningState, rtContextCompile, rtContextValidate

[in]contextThe context to be executed
[in]entry_point_indexThe initial entry point into kernel
[in]image_widthWidth of the computation grid
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunch2D ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTsize  image_width,
RTsize  image_height 
[in]contextThe context to be executed
[in]entry_point_indexThe initial entry point into kernel
[in]image_widthWidth of the computation grid
[in]image_heightHeight of the computation grid
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunch3D ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTsize  image_width,
RTsize  image_height,
RTsize  image_depth 
[in]contextThe context to be executed
[in]entry_point_indexThe initial entry point into kernel
[in]image_widthWidth of the computation grid
[in]image_heightHeight of the computation grid
[in]image_depthDepth of the computation grid
RTresult RTAPI rtContextLaunchProgressive2D ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_index,
RTsize  width,
RTsize  height,
unsigned int  max_subframes 

Executes a Progressive Launch for a given context.


Starts the (potentially parallel) generation of subframes for progressive rendering. If max_subframes is zero, there is no limit on the number of subframes generated. The generated subframes are automatically composited into a single result and streamed to the client at regular intervals, where they can be read by mapping an associated stream buffer. An application can therefore initiate a progressive launch, and then repeatedly map and display the contents of the stream buffer in order to visualize the progressive refinement of the image.

The call is nonblocking. A polling approach should be used to decide when to map and display the stream buffer contents (see rtBufferGetProgressiveUpdateReady). If a progressive launch is already in progress at the time of the call and its parameters match the initial launch, the call has no effect. Otherwise, the accumulated result will be reset and a new progressive launch will be started.

If any other OptiX function is called while a progressive launch is in progress, it will cause the launch to stop generating new subframes (however, subframes that have already been generated and are currently in flight may still arrive at the client). The only exceptions to this rule are the operations to map a stream buffer, issuing another progressive launch with unchanged parameters, and polling for an update. Those exceptions do not cause the progressive launch to stop generating subframes.

There is no guarantee that the call actually produces any subframes, especially if rtContextLaunchProgressive2D and other OptiX commands are called in short succession. For example, during an animation, rtVariableSet calls may be tightly interleaved with progressive launches, and when rendering remotely the server may decide to skip some of the launches in order to avoid a large backlog in the command pipeline.

[in]contextThe context in which the launch is to be executed
[in]entry_indexThe initial entry point into kernel
[in]widthWidth of the computation grid
[in]heightHeight of the computation grid
[in]max_subframesThe maximum number of subframes to be generated. Set to zero to generate an unlimited number of subframes

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextLaunchProgressive2D was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtContextStopProgressive rtBufferGetProgressiveUpdateReady

RTresult RTAPI rtContextQueryVariable ( RTcontext  context,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Returns a named variable associated with this context.


rtContextQueryVariable queries a variable identified by the string name from context and stores the result in *v. A variable must be declared with rtContextDeclareVariable before it can be queried, otherwise *v will be set to NULL. RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE will be returned if name or v is NULL.

[in]contextThe context node to query a variable from
[in]nameThe name that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vReturn value to store the queried variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextQueryVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryQueryVariable, rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable, rtMaterialQueryVariable, rtProgramQueryVariable, rtSelectorQueryVariable, rtContextDeclareVariable, rtContextGetVariableCount, rtContextGetVariable, rtContextRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtContextRemoveVariable ( RTcontext  context,
RTvariable  v 

Removes a variable from the given context.


rtContextRemoveVariable removes variable v from context if present. Returns RT_ERROR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND if the variable is not attached to this context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if passed an invalid variable.

[in]contextThe context node from which to remove a variable
[in]vThe variable to be removed

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextRemoveVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryRemoveVariable, rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable, rtMaterialRemoveVariable, rtProgramRemoveVariable, rtSelectorRemoveVariable, rtContextDeclareVariable, rtContextGetVariable, rtContextGetVariableCount, rtContextQueryVariable,

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetAttribute ( RTcontext  context,
RTcontextattribute  attrib,
RTsize  size,
void *  p 

Set an attribute specific to an OptiX context.


rtContextSetAttribute sets p as the value of the per context attribute specified by attrib.

Each attribute can have a different size. The sizes are given in the following list:

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CPU_NUM_THREADS sets the number of host CPU threads OptiX can use for various tasks.

RT_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_PAGING_FORCED_OFF prohibits software paging of device memory. A value of 0 means that OptiX is allowed to activate paging if necessary, 1 means that paging is always off. Note that currently paging cannot be disabled once it has been activated.

[in]contextThe context object to be modified
[in]attribAttribute to set
[in]sizeSize of the attribute being set
[in]pPointer to where the value of the attribute will be copied from. This must point to at least size bytes of memory

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetAttribute was introduced in OptiX 2.5.

See also rtContextGetAttribute

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetDevices ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  count,
const int *  devices 

Specify a list of hardware devices to be used by the kernel.


rtContextSetDevices specifies a list of hardware devices to be used during execution of the subsequent trace kernels.

[in]contextThe context to which the hardware list is applied
[in]countThe number of devices in the list
[in]devicesThe list of devices

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetDevices was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetDevices, rtContextGetDeviceCount

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetEntryPointCount ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  num_entry_points 

Set the number of entry points for a given context.


rtContextSetEntryPointCount sets the number of entry points associated with the given context to num_entry_points.

[in]contextThe context to be modified
[in]num_entry_pointsThe number of entry points to use

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetEntryPointCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetEntryPointCount

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetExceptionEnabled ( RTcontext  context,
RTexception  exception,
int  enabled 

Enable or disable an exception.


rtContextSetExceptionEnabled is used to enable or disable specific exceptions. If an exception is enabled, the exception condition is checked for at runtime, and the exception program is invoked if the condition is met. The exception program can query the type of the caught exception by calling rtGetExceptionCode. exception may take one of the following values:

RT_EXCEPTION_TEXTURE_ID_INVALID verifies that every access of a texture id is valid, including use of RT_TEXTURE_ID_NULL and IDs out of bounds.

RT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER_ID_INVALID verifies that every access of a buffer id is valid, including use of RT_BUFFER_ID_NULL and IDs out of bounds.

RT_EXCEPTION_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS checks that rtIntersectChild and rtReportIntersection are called with a valid index.

RT_EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW checks the runtime stack against overflow. The most common cause for an overflow is a too deep rtTrace recursion tree.

RT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS checks every read and write access to rtBuffer objects to be within valid bounds.

RT_EXCEPTION_INVALID_RAY checks the each ray's origin and direction values against NaNs and infinity values.

RT_EXCEPTION_INTERNAL_ERROR indicates an unexpected internal error in the runtime.

RT_EXCEPTION_USER is used to enable or disable all user-defined exceptions. The reserved range of exception codes for user-defined exceptions starts at RT_EXCEPTION_USER (0x400) and ends at 0xFFFF. See rtThrow for more information.

RT_EXCEPTION_ALL is a placeholder value which can be used to enable or disable all possible exceptions with a single call to rtContextSetExceptionEnabled.

By default, RT_EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW is enabled and all other exceptions are disabled.

[in]contextThe context for which the exception is to be enabled or disabled
[in]exceptionThe exception which is to be enabled or disabled
[in]enabledNonzero to enable the exception, 0 to disable the exception

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetExceptionEnabled was introduced in OptiX 1.1.

See also rtContextGetExceptionEnabled, rtContextSetExceptionProgram, rtContextGetExceptionProgram, rtGetExceptionCode, rtThrow, rtPrintExceptionDetails

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetExceptionProgram ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTprogram  program 

Specifies the exception program for a given context entry point.


rtContextSetExceptionProgram sets context's exception program at entry point entry_point_index. RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned if entry_point_index is outside of the range [0, rtContextGetEntryPointCount -1].

[in]contextThe context node to which the exception program will be added
[in]entry_point_indexThe entry point the program will be associated with
[in]programThe exception program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetExceptionProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetEntryPointCount, rtContextGetExceptionProgram rtContextSetExceptionEnabled, rtContextGetExceptionEnabled, rtGetExceptionCode, rtThrow, rtPrintExceptionDetails

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetMissProgram ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  ray_type_index,
RTprogram  program 

Specifies the miss program for a given context ray type.


rtContextSetMissProgram sets context's miss program associated with ray type ray_type_index. RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned if ray_type_index is outside of the range [0, rtContextGetRayTypeCount -1].

[in]contextThe context node to which the miss program will be added
[in]ray_type_indexThe ray type the program will be associated with
[in]programThe miss program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetMissProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetRayTypeCount, rtContextGetMissProgram

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetPrintBufferSize ( RTcontext  context,
RTsize  buffer_size_bytes 

Set the size of the print buffer.


rtContextSetPrintBufferSize is used to set the buffer size available to hold data generated by rtPrintf. The default size is 65536 bytes.

[in]contextThe context for which to set the print buffer size
[in]buffer_size_bytesThe print buffer size in bytes

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetPrintBufferSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtPrintf, rtContextSetPrintEnabled, rtContextGetPrintEnabled, rtContextGetPrintBufferSize, rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex, rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetPrintEnabled ( RTcontext  context,
int  enabled 

Enable or disable text printing from programs.


rtContextSetPrintEnabled is used to control whether text printing in programs through rtPrintf is currently enabled for this context.

[in]contextThe context for which printing is to be enabled or disabled
[in]enabledSetting this parameter to a nonzero value enables printing, 0 disables printing

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetPrintEnabled was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtPrintf, rtContextGetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintBufferSize, rtContextGetPrintBufferSize, rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex, rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex ( RTcontext  context,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

Sets the active launch index to limit text output.


rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex is used to control for which launch indices rtPrintf generates output. The initial value of (x,y,z) is (-1,-1,-1), which generates output for all indices.

[in]contextThe context for which to set the print launch index
[in]xThe launch index in the x dimension to which to limit the output of rtPrintf invocations. If set to -1, output is generated for all launch indices in the x dimension
[in]yThe launch index in the y dimension to which to limit the output of rtPrintf invocations. If set to -1, output is generated for all launch indices in the y dimension
[in]zThe launch index in the z dimension to which to limit the output of rtPrintf invocations. If set to -1, output is generated for all launch indices in the z dimension

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtPrintf, rtContextGetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintEnabled, rtContextSetPrintBufferSize, rtContextGetPrintBufferSize, rtContextGetPrintLaunchIndex

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetRayGenerationProgram ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  entry_point_index,
RTprogram  program 

Specifies the ray generation program for a given context entry point.


rtContextSetRayGenerationProgram sets context's ray generation program at entry point entry_point_index. RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned if entry_point_index is outside of the range [0, rtContextGetEntryPointCount -1].

[in]contextThe context node to which the exception program will be added
[in]entry_point_indexThe entry point the program will be associated with
[in]programThe ray generation program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetRayGenerationProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetEntryPointCount, rtContextGetRayGenerationProgram

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetRayTypeCount ( RTcontext  context,
unsigned int  num_ray_types 

Sets the number of ray types for a given context.


rtContextSetRayTypeCount Sets the number of ray types associated with the given context.

[in]contextThe context node
[in]num_ray_typesThe number of ray types to be used

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetRayTypeCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetRayTypeCount

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetRemoteDevice ( RTcontext  context,
RTremotedevice  remote_dev 

Enable rendering on a remote device.


Associates a context with a remote device. If successful, any further OptiX calls will be directed to the remote device and executed there. The context must be an empty, newly created context. In other words, in order to use a context remotely, the call to rtContextSetRemoteDevice should immediately follow the call to rtContextCreate.

Note that a context that was used for remote rendering cannot be re-used for local rendering by changing devices. However, the Progressive API (that is, rtContextLaunchProgressive2D, stream buffers, etc.) can be used locally by simply not creating a remote device and not calling rtContextSetRemoteDevice.

Only a single remote device can be associated with a context. Switching between different remote devices is not supported.

[in]contextNewly created context to use on the remote device
[in]remote_devRemote device on which rendering is to be executed

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetRemoteDevice was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtRemoteDeviceCreate rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute rtRemoteDeviceReserve rtContextLaunchProgressive2D

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetStackSize ( RTcontext  context,
RTsize  stack_size_bytes 

Set the stack size for a given context.


rtContextSetStackSize sets the stack size for the given context to stack_size_bytes bytes. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if context is not valid.

[in]contextThe context node to be modified
[in]stack_size_bytesThe desired stack size in bytes

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetStackSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetStackSize

RTresult RTAPI rtContextSetTimeoutCallback ( RTcontext  context,
RTtimeoutcallback  callback,
double  min_polling_seconds 

Side timeout callback function.


rtContextSetTimeoutCallback sets an application-side callback function callback and a time interval min_polling_seconds in seconds. Long-running OptiX API calls such as rtContextCompile and rtContextLaunch call the callback function about every min_polling_seconds seconds. The core purpose of a timeout callback function is to give the application a chance to do whatever it might need to do frequently, such as handling GUI events.

If the callback function returns true, the API call tries to abort, leaving the context in a clean but unfinished state. Output buffers are left in an unpredictable state. In case an OptiX API call is terminated by a callback function, it returns RT_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK.

As a side effect, timeout functions also help control the OptiX kernel run-time. This can in some cases prevent OptiX kernel launches from running so long that they cause driver timeouts. For example, if min_polling_seconds is 0.5 seconds then once the kernel has been running for 0.5 seconds it won't start any new launch indices (calls to a ray generation program). Thus, if the driver's timeout is 2 seconds (the default on Windows), then a launch index may take up to 1.5 seconds without triggering a driver timeout.

RTtimeoutcallback is defined as int (*RTtimeoutcallback)(void).

To unregister a callback function, callback needs to be set to NULL and min_polling_seconds to 0.

Only one timeout callback function can be specified at any time.

Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if context is not valid, if min_polling_seconds is negative, if callback is NULL but min_polling_seconds is not 0, or if callback is not NULL but min_polling_seconds is 0.

[in]contextThe context node to be modified
[in]callbackThe function to be called
[in]min_polling_secondsThe timeout interval after which the function is called

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextSetTimeoutCallback was introduced in OptiX 2.5.

See also rtContextCompile, rtContextLaunch

RTresult RTAPI rtContextStopProgressive ( RTcontext  context)

Stops a Progressive Launch.


If a progressive launch is currently in progress, calling rtContextStopProgressive terminates it. Otherwise, the call has no effect. If a launch is stopped using this function, no further subframes will arrive at the client, even if they have already been generated by the server and are currently in flight.

This call should only be used if the application must guarantee that frames generated by previous progressive launches won't be accessed. Do not call rtContextStopProgressive in the main rendering loop if the goal is only to change OptiX state (e.g. rtVariable values). The call is unnecessary in that case and will degrade performance.

[in]contextThe context associated with the progressive launch

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextStopProgressive was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtContextLaunchProgressive2D

RTresult RTAPI rtContextValidate ( RTcontext  context)

Checks the given context for valid internal state.


rtContextValidate checks the the given context and all of its associated OptiX objects for a valid state. These checks include tests for presence of necessary programs (e.g. an intersection program for a geometry node), invalid internal state such as NULL children in graph nodes, and presence of variables required by all specified programs. rtContextGetErrorString can be used to retrieve a description of a validation failure.

[in]contextThe context to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtContextValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextGetErrorString

RTresult RTAPI rtDeviceGetAttribute ( int  ordinal,
RTdeviceattribute  attrib,
RTsize  size,
void *  p 

Returns an attribute specific to an OptiX device.


rtDeviceGetAttribute returns in p the value of the per device attribute specified by attrib for device ordinal.

Each attribute can have a different size. The sizes are given in the following list:

[in]ordinalOptiX device ordinal
[in]attribAttribute to query
[in]sizeSize of the attribute being queried. Parameter p must have at least this much memory allocated
[out]pReturn pointer where the value of the attribute will be copied into. This must point to at least size bytes of memory

Return values

Relevant return values:

  • RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE - Can be returned if size does not match the proper size of the attribute, if p is NULL, or if ordinal does not correspond to an OptiX device


rtDeviceGetAttribute was introduced in OptiX 2.0. RT_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TCC_DRIVER was introduced in OptiX 3.0. RT_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CUDA_DEVICE_ORDINAL was introduced in OptiX 3.0.

See also rtDeviceGetDeviceCount, rtContextGetAttribute

RTresult RTAPI rtDeviceGetDeviceCount ( unsigned int *  count)

Returns the number of OptiX capable devices.


rtDeviceGetDeviceCount returns in count the number of compute devices that are available in the host system and will be used by OptiX.

[out]countNumber devices available for OptiX

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtDeviceGetDeviceCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGetVersion

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTgeometry geometry 

Creates a new geometry node.


rtGeometryCreate creates a new geometry node within a context. context specifies the target context, and should be a value returned by rtContextCreate. Sets *geometry to the handle of a newly created geometry within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if geometry is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies the rendering context of the Geometry node
[out]geometryNew Geometry node handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryDestroy, rtGeometrySetBoundingBoxProgram, rtGeometrySetIntersectionProgram

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryDeclareVariable ( RTgeometry  geometry,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Declares a new named variable associated with a geometry instance.


rtGeometryDeclareVariable declares a new variable associated with a geometry node. geometry specifies the target geometry node, and should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. name specifies the name of the variable, and should be a NULL-terminated string. If there is currently no variable associated with geometry named name, a new variable named name will be created and associated with geometry. Returns the handle of the newly-created variable in *v or NULL otherwise. After declaration, the variable can be queried with rtGeometryQueryVariable or rtGeometryGetVariable. A declared variable does not have a type until its value is set with one of the rtVariableSet functions. Once a variable is set, its type cannot be changed anymore.

[in]geometrySpecifies the associated Geometry node
[in]nameThe name that identifies the variable
[out]vReturns a handle to a newly declared variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryDeclareVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also Variables, rtGeometryQueryVariable, rtGeometryGetVariable, rtGeometryRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryDestroy ( RTgeometry  geometry)

Destroys a geometry node.


rtGeometryDestroy removes geometry from its context and deletes it. geometry should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. Associated variables declared via rtGeometryDeclareVariable are destroyed, but no child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, geometry is no longer a valid handle.

[in]geometryHandle of the geometry node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryCreate, rtGeometrySetPrimitiveCount, rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetBoundingBoxProgram ( RTgeometry  geometry,
RTprogram program 

Returns the attached bounding box program.


rtGeometryGetBoundingBoxProgram returns the handle program for the attached bounding box program of geometry.

[in]geometryGeometry node handle from which to query program
[out]programHandle to attached bounding box program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetBoundingBoxProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometrySetBoundingBoxProgram

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetContext ( RTgeometry  geometry,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with a geometry node.


rtGeometryGetContext queries a geometry node for its associated context. geometry specifies the geometry node to query, and should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. Sets *context to the context associated with geometry.

[in]geometrySpecifies the geometry to query
[out]contextThe context associated with geometry

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetIntersectionProgram ( RTgeometry  geometry,
RTprogram program 

Returns the attached intersection program.


rtGeometryGetIntersectionProgram returns in program a handle of the attached intersection program.

[in]geometryGeometry node handle to query program
[out]programHandle to attached intersection program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetIntersectionProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometrySetIntersectionProgram, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount ( RTgeometry  geometry,
unsigned int *  num_primitives 

Returns the number of primitives.


rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount returns for geometry the number of set primitives. The number of primitvies can be set with rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount.

[in]geometryGeometry node to query from the number of primitives
[out]num_primitivesNumber of primitives

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometrySetPrimitiveCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetPrimitiveIndexOffset ( RTgeometry  geometry,
unsigned int *  index_offset 

Returns the current primitive index offset.


rtGeometryGetPrimitiveIndexOffset returns for geometry the primitive index offset. The primitive index offset can be set with rtGeometrySetPrimitiveIndexOffset.

[in]geometryGeometry node to query for the primitive index offset
[out]index_offsetPrimitive index offset

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetPrimitiveIndexOffset was introduced in OptiX 3.5.

See also rtGeometrySetPrimitiveIndexOffset

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetVariable ( RTgeometry  geometry,
unsigned int  index,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to an indexed variable of a geometry node.


rtGeometryGetVariable queries the handle of a geometry node's indexed variable. geometry specifies the target geometry and should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. index specifies the index of the variable, and should be a value less than rtGeometryGetVariableCount. If index is the index of a variable attached to geometry, returns its handle in *v or NULL otherwise. *v must be declared first with rtGeometryDeclareVariable before it can be queried.

[in]geometryThe geometry node from which to query a variable
[in]indexThe index that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vReturns handle to indexed variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryDeclareVariable, rtGeometryGetVariableCount, rtGeometryRemoveVariable, rtGeometryQueryVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGetVariableCount ( RTgeometry  geometry,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of attached variables.


rtGeometryGetVariableCount queries the number of variables attached to a geometry node. geometry specifies the geometry node, and should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. After the call, the number of variables attached to geometry is returned to *count.

[in]geometryThe Geometry node to query from the number of attached variables
[out]countReturns the number of attached variables

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGetVariableCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGetVariableCount, rtGeometryDeclareVariable, rtGeometryRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTgeometrygroup geometrygroup 

Creates a new geometry group.


rtGeometryGroupCreate creates a new geometry group within a context. context specifies the target context, and should be a value returned by rtContextCreate. Sets *geometrygroup to the handle of a newly created geometry group within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if geometrygroup is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies a context within which to create a new geometry group
[out]geometrygroupReturns a newly created geometry group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupDestroy, rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupDestroy ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup)

Destroys a geometry group node.


rtGeometryGroupDestroy removes geometrygroup from its context and deletes it. geometrygroup should be a value returned by rtGeometryGroupCreate. No child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, geometrygroup is no longer a valid handle.

[in]geometrygroupHandle of the geometry group node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetAcceleration ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
RTacceleration acceleration 

Returns the acceleration structure attached to a geometry group.


rtGeometryGroupGetAcceleration returns the acceleration structure attached to a geometry group using rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration. If no acceleration structure has previously been set, *acceleration is set to NULL.

[in]geometrygroupThe geometry group handle
[out]accelerationThe returned acceleration structure object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupGetAcceleration was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration, rtAccelerationCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetChild ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
unsigned int  index,
RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance 

Returns a child node of a geometry group.


rtGeometryGroupGetChild returns the child geometry instance at slot index of the parent geometrygroup. If no child has been assigned to the given slot, *geometryinstance is set to NULL. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given an invalid child index or NULL pointer.

[in]geometrygroupThe parent geometry group handle
[in]indexThe index of the child slot to query
[out]geometryinstanceThe returned child geometry instance

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupGetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupSetChild, rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount, rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount,

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of child slots for a group.


rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount returns the number of child slots allocated using rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount. This includes empty slots which may not yet have actual children assigned by rtGeometryGroupSetChild.

[in]geometrygroupThe parent geometry group handle
[out]countReturned number of child slots

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupSetChild, rtGeometryGroupGetChild, rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupGetContext ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with a geometry group.


rtGeometryGroupGetContext queries a geometry group for its associated context. geometrygroup specifies the geometry group to query, and must be a value returned by rtGeometryGroupCreate. Sets *context to the context associated with geometrygroup.

[in]geometrygroupSpecifies the geometry group to query
[out]contextReturns the context associated with the geometry group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextCreate, rtGeometryGroupCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
RTacceleration  acceleration 

Set the acceleration structure for a group.


rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration attaches an acceleration structure to a geometry group. The acceleration structure must have been previously created using rtAccelerationCreate. Every geometry group is required to have an acceleration structure assigned in order to pass validation. The acceleration structure will be built over the primitives contained in all children of the geometry group. This enables a single acceleration structure to be built over primitives of multiple geometry instances. Note that it is legal to attach a single RTacceleration object to multiple geometry groups, as long as the underlying geometry of all children is the same. This corresponds to attaching an acceleration structure to multiple groups at higher graph levels using rtGroupSetAcceleration.

[in]geometrygroupThe geometry group handle
[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure to attach to the geometry group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupGetAcceleration, rtAccelerationCreate, rtGroupSetAcceleration

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupSetChild ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
unsigned int  index,
RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance 

Attaches a child node to a geometry group.


rtGeometryGroupSetChild attaches a new child node geometryinstance to the parent node geometrygroup. index specifies the number of the slot where the child node gets attached. The index value must be lower than the number previously set by rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount.

[in]geometrygroupThe parent geometry group handle
[in]indexThe index in the parent's child slot array
[in]geometryinstanceThe child node to be attached

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupSetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount, rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount, rtGeometryGroupGetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup,
unsigned int  count 

Sets the number of child nodes to be attached to the group.


rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount specifies the number of child slots in this geometry group. Potentially existing links to children at indices greater than count-1 are removed. If the call increases the number of slots, the newly created slots are empty and need to be filled using rtGeometryGroupSetChild before validation.

[in]geometrygroupThe parent geometry group handle
[in]countNumber of child slots to allocate for the geometry group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupSetChildCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupGetChild, rtGeometryGroupGetChildCount rtGeometryGroupSetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryGroupValidate ( RTgeometrygroup  geometrygroup)

Validates the state of the geometry group.


rtGeometryGroupValidate checks geometrygroup for completeness. If geometrygroup or any of the objects attached to geometrygroup are not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]geometrygroupSpecifies the geometry group to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryGroupValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGroupCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTgeometryinstance geometryinstance 

Creates a new geometry instance node.


rtGeometryInstanceCreate creates a new geometry instance node within a context. context specifies the target context, and should be a value returned by rtContextCreate. Sets *geometryinstance to the handle of a newly created geometry instance within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if geometryinstance is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies the rendering context of the GeometryInstance node
[out]geometryinstanceNew GeometryInstance node handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceDestroy, rtGeometryInstanceDestroy, rtGeometryInstanceGetContext

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Declares a new named variable associated with a geometry node.


rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable declares a new variable associated with a geometry instance node. geometryinstance specifies the target geometry node, and should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. name specifies the name of the variable, and should be a NULL-terminated string. If there is currently no variable associated with geometryinstance named name, a new variable named name will be created and associated with geometryinstance. After the call, *v will be set to the handle of the newly-created variable. Otherwise, *v will be set to NULL. After declaration, the variable can be queried with rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable or rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable. A declared variable does not have a type until its value is set with one of the rtVariableSet functions. Once a variable is set, its type cannot be changed anymore.

[in]geometryinstanceSpecifies the associated GeometryInstance node
[in]nameThe name that identifies the variable
[out]vReturns a handle to a newly declared variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also Variables, rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable, rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable, rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceDestroy ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance)

Destroys a geometry instance node.


rtGeometryInstanceDestroy removes geometryinstance from its context and deletes it. geometryinstance should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. Associated variables declared via rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable are destroyed, but no child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, geometryinstance is no longer a valid handle.

[in]geometryinstanceHandle of the geometry instance node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetContext ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with a geometry instance node.


rtGeometryInstanceGetContext queries a geometry instance node for its associated context. geometryinstance specifies the geometry node to query, and should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. Sets *context to the context associated with geometryinstance.

[in]geometryinstanceSpecifies the geometry instance
[out]contextHandle for queried context

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceGetContext

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetGeometry ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
RTgeometry geometry 

Returns the attached Geometry node.


rtGeometryInstanceGetGeometry sets geometry to the handle of the attached Geometry node. If no Geometry node is attached, RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned, else RT_SUCCESS.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node handle to query geometry
[out]geometryHandle to attached Geometry node

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceGetGeometry was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceCreate, rtGeometryInstanceDestroy, rtGeometryInstanceValidate, rtGeometryInstanceSetGeometry

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterial ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
unsigned int  index,
RTmaterial material 

Returns a material handle.


rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterial returns handle material for the Material node at position index in the material list of geometryinstance. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if index is invalid.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node handle to query material
[in]indexIndex of material
[out]materialHandle to material

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterial was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount, rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterial

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of attached materials.


rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount returns for geometryinstance the number of attached Material nodes count. The number of materies can be set with rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node to query from the number of materials
[out]countNumber of attached materials

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
unsigned int  index,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to an indexed variable of a geometry instance node.


rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable queries the handle of a geometry instance's indexed variable. geometryinstance specifies the target geometry instance and should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. index specifies the index of the variable, and should be a value less than rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount. If index is the index of a variable attached to geometryinstance, returns a handle to that variable in *v, and NULL otherwise. *v must be declared first with rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable before it can be queried.

[in]geometryinstanceThe GeometryInstance node from which to query a variable
[in]indexThe index that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vReturns handle to indexed variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryDeclareVariable, rtGeometryGetVariableCount, rtGeometryRemoveVariable, rtGeometryQueryVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of attached variables.


rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount queries the number of variables attached to a geometry instance. geometryinstance specifies the geometry instance, and should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. After the call, the number of variables attached to geometryinstance is returned to *count.

[in]geometryinstanceThe GeometryInstance node to query from the number of attached variables
[out]countReturns the number of attached variables

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount, rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable, rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to a named variable of a geometry node.


rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable queries the handle of a geometry instance node's named variable. geometryinstance specifies the target geometry instance node, as returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. name specifies the name of the variable, and should be a NULL -terminated string. If name is the name of a variable attached to geometryinstance, returns a handle to that variable in *v, otherwise NULL. Geometry instance variables have to be declared with rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable before they can be queried.

[in]geometryinstanceThe GeometryInstance node to query from a variable
[in]nameThe name that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vReturns the named variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceQueryVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable, rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable, rtGeometryInstanceGetVariableCount, rtGeometryInstanceGetVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
RTvariable  v 

Removes a named variable from a geometry instance node.


rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable removes a named variable from a geometry instance. The target geometry instance is specified by geometryinstance, which should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceCreate. The variable to be removed is specified by v, which should be a value returned by rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable. Once a variable has been removed from this geometry instance, another variable with the same name as the removed variable may be declared.

[in]geometryinstanceThe GeometryInstance node from which to remove a variable
[in]vThe variable to be removed

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceRemoveVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextRemoveVariable, rtGeometryInstanceDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceSetGeometry ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
RTgeometry  geometry 

Attaches a Geometry node.


rtGeometryInstanceSetGeometry attaches a Geometry node to a GeometryInstance. Only one Geometry node can be attached to a GeometryInstance. However, it is at any time possible to attach a different Geometry node.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node handle to attach geometry
[in]geometryGeometry handle to attach to geometryinstance

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceSetGeometry was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceGetGeometry

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterial ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
unsigned int  index,
RTmaterial  material 

Sets a material.


rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterial attaches material to geometryinstance at position index in its internal Material node list. index must be in the range 0 to rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount - 1.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node for which to set a material
[in]indexIndex into the material list
[in]materialMaterial handle to attach to geometryinstance

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterial was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount, rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance,
unsigned int  count 

Sets the number of materials.


rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount sets the number of materials count that will be attached to geometryinstance. The number of attached materials can be changed at any time. Increasing the number of materials will not modify already assigned materials. Decreasing the number of materials will not modify the remaining already assigned materials.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node to set number of materials
[in]countNumber of materials to be set

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceSetMaterialCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceGetMaterialCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryInstanceValidate ( RTgeometryinstance  geometryinstance)

Checks a GeometryInstance node for internal consistency.


rtGeometryInstanceValidate checks geometryinstance for completeness. If geomertryinstance or any of the objects attached to geometry are not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]geometryinstanceGeometryInstance node of a model sub-tree to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryInstanceValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryInstanceCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryIsDirty ( RTgeometry  geometry,
int *  dirty 

Returns the dirty flag.


rtGeometryIsDirty returns the dirty flag of geometry. The dirty flag for geometry nodes can be set with rtGeometryMarkDirty. By default the flag is 1 for a new geometry node, indicating dirty. After a call to rtContextLaunch the flag is automatically set to 0. When the dirty flag is set, the geometry data is uploaded automatically to the device while a rtContextLaunch call.

[in]geometryThe geometry node to query from the dirty flag
[out]dirtyDirty flag

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryIsDirty was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextLaunch, rtGeometryMarkDirty

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryMarkDirty ( RTgeometry  geometry)

Sets the dirty flag.


rtGeometryMarkDirty sets for geometry the dirty flag. By default the dirty flag is set for a new Geometry node. After a call to rtContextLaunch the flag is automatically cleared. When the dirty flag is set, the geometry data is uploaded automatically to the device while a rtContextLaunch call.

[in]geometryThe geometry node to mark as dirty

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryMarkDirty was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryIsDirty

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryQueryVariable ( RTgeometry  geometry,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to a named variable of a geometry node.


rtGeometryQueryVariable queries the handle of a geometry node's named variable. geometry specifies the target geometry node and should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. name specifies the name of the variable, and should be a NULL-terminated string. If name is the name of a variable attached to geometry, returns a handle to that variable in *v or NULL otherwise. Geometry variables must be declared with rtGeometryDeclareVariable before they can be queried.

[in]geometryThe geometry node to query from a variable
[in]nameThe name that identifies the variable to be queried
[out]vReturns the named variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryQueryVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryDeclareVariable, rtGeometryRemoveVariable, rtGeometryGetVariableCount, rtGeometryGetVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryRemoveVariable ( RTgeometry  geometry,
RTvariable  v 

Removes a named variable from a geometry node.


rtGeometryRemoveVariable removes a named variable from a geometry node. The target geometry is specified by geometry, which should be a value returned by rtGeometryCreate. The variable to remove is specified by v, which should be a value returned by rtGeometryDeclareVariable. Once a variable has been removed from this geometry node, another variable with the same name as the removed variable may be declared.

[in]geometryThe geometry node from which to remove a variable
[in]vThe variable to be removed

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryRemoveVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextRemoveVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetBoundingBoxProgram ( RTgeometry  geometry,
RTprogram  program 

Sets the bounding box program.


rtGeometrySetBoundingBoxProgram sets for geometry the program that computes an axis aligned bounding box for each attached primitive to geometry. RTprogram's can be either generated with rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile or rtProgramCreateFromPTXString. A bounding box program is mandatory for every geometry node.

[in]geometryThe geometry node for which to set the bounding box program
[in]programHandle to the bounding box program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometrySetBoundingBoxProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGetBoundingBoxProgram, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetIntersectionProgram ( RTgeometry  geometry,
RTprogram  program 

Sets the intersection program.


rtGeometrySetIntersectionProgram sets for geometry the program that performs ray primitive intersections. RTprogram's can be either generated with rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile or rtProgramCreateFromPTXString. An intersection program is mandatory for every geometry node.

[in]geometryThe geometry node for which to set the intersection program
[in]programA handle to the ray primitive intersection program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometrySetIntersectionProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGetIntersectionProgram, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetPrimitiveCount ( RTgeometry  geometry,
unsigned int  num_primitives 

Sets the number of primitives.


rtGeometrySetPrimitiveCount sets the number of primitives num_primitives in geometry.

[in]geometryThe geometry node for which to set the number of primitives
[in]num_primitivesThe number of primitives

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometrySetPrimitiveCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGeometryGetPrimitiveCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometrySetPrimitiveIndexOffset ( RTgeometry  geometry,
unsigned int  index_offset 

Sets the primitive index offset.


rtGeometrySetPrimitiveIndexOffset sets the primitive index offset index_offset in geometry. In the past, a Geometry object's primitive index range always started at zero (e.g., a Geometry with N primitives would have a primitive index range of [0,N-1]). The index offset is used to allow Geometry objects to have primitive index ranges starting at non-zero positions (e.g., a Geometry with N primtives and and index offset of M would have a primitive index range of [M,M+N-1]). This feature enables the sharing of vertex index buffers between multiple Geometry objects.

[in]geometryThe geometry node for which to set the primitive index offset
[in]index_offsetThe primitive index offset

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometrySetPrimitiveIndexOffset was introduced in OptiX 3.5.

See also rtGeometryGetPrimitiveIndexOffset

RTresult RTAPI rtGeometryValidate ( RTgeometry  geometry)

Validates the geometry nodes integrity.


rtGeometryValidate checks geometry for completeness. If geometry or any of the objects attached to geometry are not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]geometryThe geometry node to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGeometryValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextValidate

RTresult RTAPI rtGetVersion ( unsigned int *  version)

Returns the current OptiX version.


rtGetVersion returns in version a numerically comparable version number of the current OptiX library.

[out]versionOptiX version number

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGetVersion was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtDeviceGetDeviceCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTgroup group 

Creates a new group.


rtGroupCreate creates a new group within a context. context specifies the target context, and should be a value returned by rtContextCreate. Sets *group to the handle of a newly created group within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if group is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies a context within which to create a new group
[out]groupReturns a newly created group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupDestroy, rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupDestroy ( RTgroup  group)

Destroys a group node.


rtGroupDestroy removes group from its context and deletes it. group should be a value returned by rtGroupCreate. No child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, group is no longer a valid handle.

[in]groupHandle of the group node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetAcceleration ( RTgroup  group,
RTacceleration acceleration 

Returns the acceleration structure attached to a group.


rtGroupGetAcceleration returns the acceleration structure attached to a group using rtGroupSetAcceleration. If no acceleration structure has previously been set, *acceleration is set to NULL.

[in]groupThe group handle
[out]accelerationThe returned acceleration structure object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupGetAcceleration was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupSetAcceleration, rtAccelerationCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetChild ( RTgroup  group,
unsigned int  index,
RTobject child 

Returns a child node of a group.


rtGroupGetChild returns the child object at slot index of the parent group. If no child has been assigned to the given slot, *child is set to NULL. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given an invalid child index or NULL pointer.

[in]groupThe parent group handle
[in]indexThe index of the child slot to query
[out]childThe returned child object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupGetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupSetChild, rtGroupSetChildCount, rtGroupGetChildCount, rtGroupGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetChildCount ( RTgroup  group,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of child slots for a group.


rtGroupGetChildCount returns the number of child slots allocated using rtGroupSetChildCount. This includes empty slots which may not yet have actual children assigned by rtGroupSetChild. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given a NULL pointer.

[in]groupThe parent group handle
[out]countReturned number of child slots

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupGetChildCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupSetChild, rtGroupGetChild, rtGroupSetChildCount, rtGroupGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetChildType ( RTgroup  group,
unsigned int  index,
RTobjecttype type 

Get the type of a group child.


rtGroupGetChildType returns the type of the group child at slot index. If no child is associated with the given index, *type is set to RT_OBJECTTYPE_UNKNOWN and RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given a NULL pointer.

[in]groupThe parent group handle
[in]indexThe index of the child slot to query
[out]typeThe returned child type

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupGetChildType was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupSetChild, rtGroupGetChild, rtGroupSetChildCount, rtGroupGetChildCount

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupGetContext ( RTgroup  group,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with a group.


rtGroupGetContext queries a group for its associated context. group specifies the group to query, and must be a value returned by rtGroupCreate. Sets *context to the context associated with group.

[in]groupSpecifies the group to query
[out]contextReturns the context associated with the group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextCreate, rtGroupCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupSetAcceleration ( RTgroup  group,
RTacceleration  acceleration 

Set the acceleration structure for a group.


rtGroupSetAcceleration attaches an acceleration structure to a group. The acceleration structure must have been previously created using rtAccelerationCreate. Every group is required to have an acceleration structure assigned in order to pass validation. The acceleration structure will be built over the children of the group. For example, if an acceleration structure is attached to a group that has a selector, a geometry group, and a transform child, the acceleration structure will be built over the bounding volumes of these three objects.

Note that it is legal to attach a single RTacceleration object to multiple groups, as long as the underlying bounds of the children are the same. For example, if another group has three children which are known to have the same bounding volumes as the ones in the example above, the two groups can share an acceleration structure, thus saving build time. This is true even if the details of the children, such as the actual type of a node or its geometry content, differ from the first set of group children. All that is required is for a child node at a given index to have the same bounds as the other group's child node at the same index.

Sharing an acceleration structure this way corresponds to attaching an acceleration structure to multiple geometry groups at lower graph levels using rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration.

[in]groupThe group handle
[in]accelerationThe acceleration structure to attach to the group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupSetAcceleration was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupGetAcceleration, rtAccelerationCreate, rtGeometryGroupSetAcceleration

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupSetChild ( RTgroup  group,
unsigned int  index,
RTobject  child 

Attaches a child node to a group.


Attaches a new child node child to the parent node group. index specifies the number of the slot where the child node gets attached. A sufficient number of slots must be allocated using rtGroupSetChildCount. Legal child node types are RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, and RTtransform.

[in]groupThe parent group handle
[in]indexThe index in the parent's child slot array
[in]childThe child node to be attached. Can be of type {RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, RTtransform}

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupSetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupSetChildCount, rtGroupGetChildCount, rtGroupGetChild, rtGroupGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupSetChildCount ( RTgroup  group,
unsigned int  count 

Sets the number of child nodes to be attached to the group.


rtGroupSetChildCount specifies the number of child slots in this group. Potentially existing links to children at indices greater than count-1 are removed. If the call increases the number of slots, the newly created slots are empty and need to be filled using rtGroupSetChild before validation.

[in]groupThe parent group handle
[in]countNumber of child slots to allocate for the group

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupSetChildCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupGetChild, rtGroupGetChildCount, rtGroupGetChildType, rtGroupSetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtGroupValidate ( RTgroup  group)

Verifies the state of the group.


rtGroupValidate checks group for completeness. If group or any of the objects attached to group are not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]groupSpecifies the group to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtGroupValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtGroupCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTmaterial material 

Creates a new material.


rtMaterialCreate creates a new material within a context. context specifies the target context, as returned by rtContextCreate. Sets *material to the handle of a newly created material within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if material is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies a context within which to create a new material
[out]materialReturns a newly created material

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialDestroy, rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialDeclareVariable ( RTmaterial  material,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Declares a new named variable to be associated with a material.


rtMaterialDeclareVariable declares a new variable to be associated with a material. material specifies the target material, and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. name specifies the name of the variable, and should be a NULL-terminated string. If there is currently no variable associated with material named name, and v is not NULL, a new variable named name will be created and associated with material and *v will be set to the handle of the newly-created variable. Otherwise, this call has no effect and returns either RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if either name or v is NULL or RT_ERROR_VARIABLE_REDECLARED if name is the name of an existing variable associated with the material.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to modify
[in]nameSpecifies the name of the variable
[out]vReturns a handle to a newly declared variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialDeclareVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialGetVariable, rtMaterialQueryVariable, rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialDestroy ( RTmaterial  material)

Destroys a material object.


rtMaterialDestroy removes material from its context and deletes it. material should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. Associated variables declared via rtMaterialDeclareVariable are destroyed, but no child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, material is no longer a valid handle.

[in]materialHandle of the material node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetAnyHitProgram ( RTmaterial  material,
unsigned int  ray_type_index,
RTprogram program 

Returns the any hit program associated with a (material, ray type) tuple.


rtMaterialGetAnyHitProgram queries the any hit program associated with a (material, ray type) tuple. material specifies the material of interest and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. ray_type_index specifies the target ray type and should be a value less than the value returned by rtContextGetRayTypeCount. if all parameters are valid, *program sets to the handle of the any hit program associated with the tuple (material, ray_type_index). Otherwise, the call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]materialSpecifies the material of the (material, ray type) tuple to query
[in]ray_type_indexSpecifies the type of ray of the (material, ray type) tuple to query
[out]programReturns the any hit program associated with the (material, ray type) tuple

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialGetAnyHitProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialSetAnyHitProgram, rtMaterialCreate, rtContextGetRayTypeCount

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetClosestHitProgram ( RTmaterial  material,
unsigned int  ray_type_index,
RTprogram program 

Returns the closest hit program associated with a (material, ray type) tuple.


rtMaterialGetClosestHitProgram queries the closest hit program associated with a (material, ray type) tuple. material specifies the material of interest and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. ray_type_index specifies the target ray type and should be a value less than the value returned by rtContextGetRayTypeCount. If all parameters are valid, *program sets to the handle of the any hit program associated with the tuple (material, ray_type_index). Otherwise, the call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]materialSpecifies the material of the (material, ray type) tuple to query
[in]ray_type_indexSpecifies the type of ray of the (material, ray type) tuple to query
[out]programReturns the closest hit program associated with the (material, ray type) tuple

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialGetClosestHitProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialSetClosestHitProgram, rtMaterialCreate, rtContextGetRayTypeCount

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetContext ( RTmaterial  material,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with a material.


rtMaterialGetContext queries a material for its associated context. material specifies the material to query, and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. If both parameters are valid, *context sets to the context associated with material. Otherwise, the call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to query
[out]contextReturns the context associated with the material

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetVariable ( RTmaterial  material,
unsigned int  index,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to an indexed variable of a material.


rtMaterialGetVariable queries the handle of a material's indexed variable. material specifies the target material and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. index specifies the index of the variable, and should be a value less than rtMaterialGetVariableCount. If material is a valid material and index is the index of a variable attached to material, *v is set to a handle to that variable. Otherwise, *v is set to NULL and either RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE or RT_ERROR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND is returned depending on the validity of material, or index, respectively.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to query
[in]indexSpecifies the index of the variable to query
[out]vReturns the indexed variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialGetVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialQueryVariable, rtMaterialGetVariableCount, rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialGetVariableCount ( RTmaterial  material,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of variables attached to a material.


rtMaterialGetVariableCount queries the number of variables attached to a material. material specifies the material, and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. After the call, if both parameters are valid, the number of variables attached to material is returned to *count. Otherwise, the call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to query
[out]countReturns the number of variables

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialGetVariableCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialQueryVariable ( RTmaterial  material,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Queries for the existence of a named variable of a material.


rtMaterialQueryVariable queries for the existence of a material's named variable. material specifies the target material and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. name specifies the name of the variable, and should be a NULL-terminated string. If material is a valid material and name is the name of a variable attached to material, *v is set to a handle to that variable after the call. Otherwise, *v is set to NULL. If material is not a valid material, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to query
[in]nameSpecifies the name of the variable to query
[out]vReturns a the named variable, if it exists

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialQueryVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialGetVariable, rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialRemoveVariable ( RTmaterial  material,
RTvariable  v 

Removes a variable from a material.


rtMaterialRemoveVariable removes a variable from a material. The material of interest is specified by material, which should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. The variable to remove is specified by v, which should be a value returned by rtMaterialDeclareVariable. Once a variable has been removed from this material, another variable with the same name as the removed variable may be declared. If material does not refer to a valid material, this call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE. If v is not a valid variable or does not belong to material, this call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE or RT_ERROR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND, respectively.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to modify
[in]vSpecifies the variable to remove

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialRemoveVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialDeclareVariable, rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialSetAnyHitProgram ( RTmaterial  material,
unsigned int  ray_type_index,
RTprogram  program 

Sets the any hit program associated with a (material, ray type) tuple.


rtMaterialSetAnyHitProgram specifies an any hit program to associate with a (material, ray type) tuple. material specifies the target material and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. ray_type_index specifies the type of ray to which the program applies and should be a value less than the value returned by rtContextGetRayTypeCount. program specifies the target any hit program which applies to the tuple (material, ray_type_index) and should be a value returned by either rtProgramCreateFromPTXString or rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile.

[in]materialSpecifies the material of the (material, ray type) tuple to modify
[in]ray_type_indexSpecifies the type of ray of the (material, ray type) tuple to modify
[in]programSpecifies the any hit program to associate with the (material, ray type) tuple

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialSetAnyHitProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialGetAnyHitProgram, rtMaterialCreate, rtContextGetRayTypeCount, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialSetClosestHitProgram ( RTmaterial  material,
unsigned int  ray_type_index,
RTprogram  program 

Sets the closest hit program associated with a (material, ray type) tuple.


rtMaterialSetClosestHitProgram specifies a closest hit program to associate with a (material, ray type) tuple. material specifies the material of interest and should be a value returned by rtMaterialCreate. ray_type_index specifies the type of ray to which the program applies and should be a value less than the value returned by rtContextGetRayTypeCount. program specifies the target closest hit program which applies to the tuple (material, ray_type_index) and should be a value returned by either rtProgramCreateFromPTXString or rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile.

[in]materialSpecifies the material of the (material, ray type) tuple to modify
[in]ray_type_indexSpecifies the ray type of the (material, ray type) tuple to modify
[in]programSpecifies the closest hit program to associate with the (material, ray type) tuple

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialSetClosestHitProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialGetClosestHitProgram, rtMaterialCreate, rtContextGetRayTypeCount, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile

RTresult RTAPI rtMaterialValidate ( RTmaterial  material)

Verifies the state of a material.


rtMaterialValidate checks material for completeness. If material or any of the objects attached to material are not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]materialSpecifies the material to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtMaterialValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtMaterialCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile ( RTcontext  context,
const char *  filename,
const char *  program_name,
RTprogram program 

Creates a new program object.


rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile allocates and returns a handle to a new program object. The program is created from PTX code held in filename from function program_name.

[in]contextThe context to create the program in
[in]filenamePath to the file containing the PTX code
[in]program_nameThe name of the PTX function to create the program from
[in]programHandle to the program to be created

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also RT_PROGRAM, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString, rtProgramDestroy

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramCreateFromPTXString ( RTcontext  context,
const char *  ptx,
const char *  program_name,
RTprogram program 

Creates a new program object.


rtProgramCreateFromPTXString allocates and returns a handle to a new program object. The program is created from PTX code held in the NULL-terminated string ptx from function program_name.

[in]contextThe context to create the program in
[in]ptxThe string containing the PTX code
[in]program_nameThe name of the PTX function to create the program from
[in]programHandle to the program to be created

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramCreateFromPTXString was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also RT_PROGRAM, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile, rtProgramDestroy

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramDeclareVariable ( RTprogram  program,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Declares a new named variable associated with a program.


rtProgramDeclareVariable declares a new variable, name, and associates it with the program. A variable can only be declared with the same name once on the program. Any attempt to declare multiple variables with the same name will cause the call to fail and return RT_ERROR_VARIABLE_REDECLARED. If name orv is NULL returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]programThe program the declared variable will be attached to
[in]nameThe name of the variable to be created
[out]vReturn handle to the variable to be created

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramDeclareVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramRemoveVariable, rtProgramGetVariable, rtProgramGetVariableCount, rtProgramQueryVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramDestroy ( RTprogram  program)

Destroys a program object.


rtProgramDestroy removes program from its context and deletes it. program should be a value returned by rtProgramCreate*. Associated variables declared via rtProgramDeclareVariable are destroyed. After the call, program is no longer a valid handle.

[in]programHandle of the program to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetContext ( RTprogram  program,
RTcontext context 

Gets the context object that created a program.


rtProgramGetContext returns a handle to the context object that was used to create program. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if context is NULL.

[in]programThe program to be queried for its context object
[out]contextThe return handle for the requested context object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetId ( RTprogram  program,
int *  program_id 

Returns the ID for the Program object.


rtProgramGetId returns an ID for the provided program. The returned ID is used to reference program from device code. If program_id is NULL or the program is not a valid RTprogram, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE. RT_PROGRAM_ID_NULL can be used as a sentinel for a non-existent program, since this value will never be returned as a valid program id.

[in]programThe program to be queried for its id
[out]program_idThe returned ID of the program.

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramGetId was introduced in OptiX 3.6.

See also rtContextGetProgramFromId

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetVariable ( RTprogram  program,
unsigned int  index,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to a variable attached to a program by index.


rtProgramGetVariable returns a handle to a variable in *v attached to program with rtProgramDeclareVariable by index. index must be between 0 and one less than the value returned by rtProgramGetVariableCount. The order in which variables are enumerated is not constant and may change as variables are attached and removed from the program object.

[in]programThe program to be queried for the indexed variable object
[in]indexThe index of the variable to return
[out]vReturn handle to the variable object specified by the index

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramGetVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramDeclareVariable, rtProgramRemoveVariable, rtProgramGetVariableCount, rtProgramQueryVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramGetVariableCount ( RTprogram  program,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of variables attached to a program.


rtProgramGetVariableCount returns, in *count, the number of variable objects that have been attached to program.

[in]programThe program to be queried for its variable count
[out]countThe return handle for the number of variables attached to this program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramGetVariableCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramDeclareVariable, rtProgramRemoveVariable, rtProgramGetVariable, rtProgramQueryVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramQueryVariable ( RTprogram  program,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Returns a handle to the named variable attached to a program.


rtProgramQueryVariable returns a handle to a variable object, in *v, attached to program referenced by the NULL-terminated string name. If name is not the name of a variable attached to program, *v will be NULL after the call.

[in]programThe program to be queried for the named variable
[in]nameThe name of the program to be queried for
[out]vThe return handle to the variable object
programHandle to the program to be created

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramQueryVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramDeclareVariable, rtProgramRemoveVariable, rtProgramGetVariable, rtProgramGetVariableCount

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramRemoveVariable ( RTprogram  program,
RTvariable  v 

Removes the named variable from a program.


rtProgramRemoveVariable removes variable v from the program object. Once a variable has been removed from this program, another variable with the same name as the removed variable may be declared.

[in]programThe program to remove the variable from
[in]vThe variable to remove

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramRemoveVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramDeclareVariable, rtProgramGetVariable, rtProgramGetVariableCount, rtProgramQueryVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtProgramValidate ( RTprogram  program)

Validates the state of a program.


rtProgramValidate checks program for completeness. If program or any of the objects attached to program are not valid, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT.

[in]programThe program to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtProgramValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile, rtProgramCreateFromPTXString

RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceCreate ( const char *  url,
const char *  username,
const char *  password,
RTremotedevice remote_dev 

Create a device for remote rendering on VCAs.


Establishes a connection to a remote OptiX device, e.g. a VCA or cluster of VCAs. This opens a connection to the cluster manager software running at address, using username and password as authentication strings. address is a WebSocket URL of the form "ws://localhost:80" or "wss://localhost:443", username and password as plain text strings for authenticating on the remote device. If successful, it initializes a new RTremotedevice object.

In order to use this newly created remote device, a rendering instance needs to be configured by selecting a software configuration and reserving a number of nodes in the VCA. See rtRemoteDeviceReserve for more details.

After a rendering instance is properly initialized, a remote device must be associated with a context to be used. Calling rtContextSetDevices creates this association. Any further OptiX calls will be directed to the remote device.

[in]urlThe WebSocket URL to connect to
[in]usernameUsername in plain text
[in]passwordPassword in plain text
[out]remote_devA handle to the new remote device object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtRemoteDeviceCreate was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtRemoteDeviceDestroy rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute rtRemoteDeviceReserve rtRemoteDeviceRelease rtContextSetRemoteDevice

RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceDestroy ( RTremotedevice  remote_dev)

Destroys a remote device.


Closes the network connection to the remote device and destroys the corresponding RTremotedevice object.

[in]remote_devThe remote device object to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtRemoteDeviceDestroy was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtRemoteDeviceCreate rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute rtRemoteDeviceReserve rtRemoteDeviceRelease rtContextSetRemoteDevice

RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute ( RTremotedevice  remote_dev,
RTremotedeviceattribute  attrib,
RTsize  size,
void *  p 

Queries attributes of a remote device.


In order to gather information about a remote device, several attributes can be queried through rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute.

Each attribute can have a different size. The sizes are given in the following list:

The following attributes can be queried when a remote device is connected:

The following attributes require a valid reservation to be queried:

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CLUSTER_URL The URL of the Cluster Manager associated with this remote device.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_HEAD_NODE_URL The URL of the rendering instance being used, once it has been reserved and initialized.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS Number of compatible software configurations available in the remote device.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIGURATIONS Base entry for a list of compatible software configurations in the device. A configuration is a text description for a software package installed in the remote device, intended as a guide to the user in selecting from the pool of compatible configurations. This list is already filtered and it only contains entries on the remote device compatible with the client library being used. Each entry can be accessed as the attribute (RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIGURATIONS + index), with index being zero-based. The configuration description for the given index is copied into the destination buffer. A suggested size for the destination buffer is 256 characters. The number of entries in the list is given by the value of RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS. Only configurations compatible with the client version being used are listed.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS Returns the current status of the remote device, as one of the following:

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_TOTAL_NODES Total number of nodes in the cluster of VCAs.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_FREE_NODES Number of free nodes available.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_RESERVED_NODES Number of nodes used by the current reservation.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_GPUS Number of GPUs used by the current reservation.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME Common name assigned the Remote Device.

RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_TOTAL_MEMORY Total amount of memory on each GPU, in bytes.

[in]remote_devThe remote device to query

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtRemoteDeviceCreate rtRemoteDeviceReserve rtRemoteDeviceRelease rtContextSetRemoteDevice

RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceRelease ( RTremotedevice  remote_dev)

Release reserved nodes on a remote device.


Releases an existing reservation on the remote device. The rendering instance on the remote device is destroyed, and all its remote context information is lost. Further OptiX calls will no longer be directed to the device. A new reservation can take place.

[in]remote_devThe remote device on which the reservation was made

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtRemoteDeviceRelease was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtRemoteDeviceCreate rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute rtRemoteDeviceReserve rtContextSetRemoteDevice

RTresult RTAPI rtRemoteDeviceReserve ( RTremotedevice  remote_dev,
unsigned int  num_nodes,
unsigned int  configuration 

Reserve nodes for rendering on a remote device.


Reserves nodes in the remote device to form a rendering instance. Receives num_nodes as the number of nodes to reserve, and configuration as the index of the software package to use for the created instance. Both the number of available nodes and the list of available configurations in a remote device can be retrieved by rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute.

After successfully reserving the nodes, the RT_REMOTEDEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS attribute should be polled repeatedly. The rendering instance is ready for use when that attribute is set to RT_REMOTE_DEVICE_STATUS_READY.

Only a single reservation per remote device and user can exist at any given time (i.e. a user can have only one rendering instance per remote device). This includes reservations performed through other means, like previous runs that were not properly released, or manual reservations over the cluster manager web interface.

[in]remote_devThe remote device on which to reserve nodes
[in]num_nodesThe number of nodes to reserve
[in]configurationThe index of the software configuration to use

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtRemoteDeviceReserve was introduced in OptiX 3.8.

See also rtRemoteDeviceCreate rtRemoteDeviceGetAttribute rtRemoteDeviceRelease rtContextSetRemoteDevice

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTselector selector 

Creates a Selector node.


Creates a new Selector node within context. After calling rtSelectorCreate the new node is in a "raw" state. For the node to be functional, a visit program must be assigned using rtSelectorSetVisitProgram. Furthermore, a number of (zero or more) children can be attached by using rtSelectorSetChildCount and rtSelectorSetChild. Sets *selector to the handle of a newly created selector within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if selector is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies the rendering context of the Selector node
[out]selectorNew Selector node handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorDestroy, rtSelectorValidate, rtSelectorGetContext, rtSelectorSetVisitProgram, rtSelectorSetChildCount, rtSelectorSetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorDeclareVariable ( RTselector  selector,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Declares a variable associated with a Selector node.


Declares a new variable identified by name, and associates it with the Selector node selector. The new variable handle is returned in v. After declaration, a variable does not have a type until its value is set by an rtVariableSet{...} function. Once a variable type has been set, it cannot be changed, i.e., only rtVariableSet{...} functions of the same type can be used to change the value of the variable.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]nameVariable identifier
[out]vNew variable handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorDeclareVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorQueryVariable, rtSelectorRemoveVariable, rtSelectorGetVariableCount, rtSelectorGetVariable, rtVariableSet{...}

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorDestroy ( RTselector  selector)

Destroys a selector node.


rtSelectorDestroy removes selector from its context and deletes it. selector should be a value returned by rtSelectorCreate. Associated variables declared via rtSelectorDeclareVariable are destroyed, but no child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, selector is no longer a valid handle.

[in]selectorHandle of the selector node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorCreate, rtSelectorValidate, rtSelectorGetContext

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetChild ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int  index,
RTobject child 

Returns a child node that is attached to a Selector node.


rtSelectorGetChild returns in child a handle of the child node currently attached to selector at slot index. The index value must be lower than the number previously set by rtSelectorSetChildCount, thus it must be in the range from 0 to rtSelectorGetChildCount - 1. The returned pointer is of generic type RTobject and needs to be cast to the actual child type, which can be RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, or RTtransform. The actual type of child can be queried using rtSelectorGetChildType;

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]indexChild node index
[out]childChild node handle. Can be {RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, RTtransform}

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorSetChildCount, rtSelectorGetChildCount, rtSelectorSetChild, rtSelectorGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetChildCount ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of child node slots of a Selector node.


rtSelectorGetChildCount returns in count the number of child node slots that have been previously reserved for the Selector node selector by rtSelectorSetChildCount. The value of count does not reflect the actual number of child nodes that have so far been attached to the Selector node using rtSelectorSetChild.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[out]countNumber of child node slots reserved for selector

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetChildCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorSetChildCount, rtSelectorSetChild, rtSelectorGetChild, rtSelectorGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetChildType ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int  index,
RTobjecttype type 

Returns type information about a Selector child node.


rtSelectorGetChildType queries the type of the child node attached to selector at slot index. If no child is associated with the given index, *type is set to RT_OBJECTTYPE_UNKNOWN and RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given a NULL pointer. The returned type is one of:


[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]indexChild node index
[out]typeType of the child node

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetChildType was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorSetChildCount, rtSelectorGetChildCount, rtSelectorSetChild, rtSelectorGetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetContext ( RTselector  selector,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context of a Selector node.


rtSelectorGetContext returns in context the rendering context in which the Selector node selector has been created.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[out]contextThe context, selector belongs to

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorCreate, rtSelectorDestroy, rtSelectorValidate

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetVariable ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int  index,
RTvariable v 

Returns a variable associated with a Selector node.


Returns in v a handle to the variable located at position index in the Selectors's variable array. index is a sequential number depending on the order of variable declarations. The index must be in the range from 0 to rtSelectorGetVariableCount - 1. The current value of a variable can be retrieved from its handle by using an appropriate rtVariableGet{...} function matching the variable's type.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]indexVariable index
[out]vVariable handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorDeclareVariable, rtSelectorQueryVariable, rtSelectorRemoveVariable, rtSelectorGetVariableCount, rtVariableGet{...}

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetVariableCount ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int *  count 

Returns the number of variables attached to a Selector node.


rtSelectorGetVariableCount returns in count the number of variables that are currently attached to the Selector node selector.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[out]countNumber of variables associated with selector

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetVariableCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorDeclareVariable, rtSelectorQueryVariable, rtSelectorRemoveVariable, rtSelectorGetVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorGetVisitProgram ( RTselector  selector,
RTprogram program 

Returns the currently assigned visit program.


rtSelectorGetVisitProgram returns in program a handle of the visit program curently bound to selector.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[out]programCurrent visit progam assigned to selector

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorGetVisitProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorSetVisitProgram

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorQueryVariable ( RTselector  selector,
const char *  name,
RTvariable v 

Returns a variable associated with a Selector node.


Returns in v a handle to the variable identified by name, which is associated with the Selector node selector. The current value of a variable can be retrieved from its handle by using an appropriate rtVariableGet{...} function matching the variable's type.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]nameVariable identifier
[out]vVariable handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorQueryVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorDeclareVariable, rtSelectorRemoveVariable, rtSelectorGetVariableCount, rtSelectorGetVariable, rtVariableGet{...}

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorRemoveVariable ( RTselector  selector,
RTvariable  v 

Removes a variable from a Selector node.


rtSelectorRemoveVariable removes the variable v from the Selector node selector and deletes it. The handle v must be considered invalid afterwards.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]vVariable handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorRemoveVariable was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorDeclareVariable, rtSelectorQueryVariable, rtSelectorGetVariableCount, rtSelectorGetVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorSetChild ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int  index,
RTobject  child 

Attaches a child node to a Selector node.


Attaches a new child node child to the parent node selector. index specifies the number of the slot where the child node gets attached. The index value must be lower than the number previously set by rtSelectorSetChildCount, thus it must be in the range from 0 to rtSelectorGetChildCount -1. Legal child node types are RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, and RTtransform.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]indexIndex of the parent slot the node child gets attached to
[in]childChild node to be attached. Can be {RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, RTtransform}

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorSetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorSetChildCount, rtSelectorGetChildCount, rtSelectorGetChild, rtSelectorGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorSetChildCount ( RTselector  selector,
unsigned int  count 

Specifies the number of child nodes to be attached to a Selector node.


rtSelectorSetChildCount allocates a number of children slots, i.e., it pre-defines the exact number of child nodes the parent Selector node selector will have. Child nodes have to be attached to the Selector node using rtSelectorSetChild. Empty slots will cause a validation error.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]countNumber of child nodes to be attached to selector

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorSetChildCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorValidate, rtSelectorGetChildCount, rtSelectorSetChild, rtSelectorGetChild, rtSelectorGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorSetVisitProgram ( RTselector  selector,
RTprogram  program 

Assigns a visit program to a Selector node.


rtSelectorSetVisitProgram specifies a visit program that is executed when the Selector node selector gets visited by a ray during traversal of the model graph. A visit program steers how traversal of the Selectors's children is performed. It usually chooses only a single child to continue traversal, but is also allowed to process zero or multiple children. Programs can be created from PTX files using rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile.

[in]selectorSelector node handle
[in]programProgram handle associated with a visit program

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorSetVisitProgram was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorGetVisitProgram, rtProgramCreateFromPTXFile

RTresult RTAPI rtSelectorValidate ( RTselector  selector)

Checks a Selector node for internal consistency.


rtSelectorValidate recursively checks consistency of the Selector node selector and its children, i.e., it tries to validate the whole model sub-tree with selector as root. For a Selector node to be valid, it must be assigned a visit program, and the number of its children must match the number specified by rtSelectorSetChildCount.

[in]selectorSelector root node of a model sub-tree to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtSelectorValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtSelectorCreate, rtSelectorDestroy, rtSelectorGetContext, rtSelectorSetVisitProgram, rtSelectorSetChildCount, rtSelectorSetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTtexturesampler texturesampler 

Creates a new texture sampler object.


rtTextureSamplerCreate allocates a texture sampler object. Sets *texturesampler to the handle of a newly created texture sampler within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if texturesampler is NULL.

[in]contextThe context the texture sampler object will be created in
[out]texturesamplerThe return handle to the new texture sampler object

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerDestroy

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerDestroy ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler)

Destroys a texture sampler object.


rtTextureSamplerDestroy removes texturesampler from its context and deletes it. texturesampler should be a value returned by rtTextureSamplerCreate. After the call, texturesampler is no longer a valid handle. Any API object that referenced texturesampler will have its reference invalidated.

[in]texturesamplerHandle of the texture sampler to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetArraySize ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int *  num_textures_in_array 

Gets the number of array slices present in a texture sampler.

Deprecated in OptiX 3.9


rtTextureSamplerGetArraySize gets the number of texture array slices in texturesampler and stores it in *num_textures_in_array.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]num_textures_in_arrayThe return handle for the number of texture slices the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetArraySize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetArraySize

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetBuffer ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int  deprecated0,
unsigned int  deprecated1,
RTbuffer buffer 

Gets a buffer object handle from a texture sampler.



rtTextureSamplerGetBuffer gets a buffer object from texturesampler and stores it in *buffer.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried for the buffer
[in]deprecated0Must be 0
[in]deprecated1Must be 0
[out]bufferThe return handle to the buffer attached to the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetBuffer was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetBuffer

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetContext ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTcontext context 

Gets the context object that created this texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetContext returns a handle to the context object that was used to create texturesampler. If context is NULL, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried for its context
[out]contextThe return handle for the context object of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetFilteringModes ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTfiltermode minification,
RTfiltermode magnification,
RTfiltermode mipmapping 

Gets the filtering modes of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetFilteringModes gets the minification, magnification and MIP mapping filtering modes from texturesampler and stores them in *minification, *magnification and *mipmapping, respectively. See rtTextureSamplerSetFilteringModes for the values RTfiltermode may take.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]minificationThe return handle for the minification filtering mode of the texture sampler
[out]magnificationThe return handle for the magnification filtering mode of the texture sampler
[out]mipmappingThe return handle for the MIP mapping filtering mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetFilteringModes was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetFilteringModes

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetId ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
int *  texture_id 

Returns the texture ID of this texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetId returns a handle to the texture sampler texturesampler to be used in OptiX programs on the device to reference the associated texture. The returned ID cannot be used on the host side. If texture_id is NULL, returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried for its ID
[out]texture_idThe returned device-side texture ID of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetId was introduced in OptiX 3.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerCreate

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetIndexingMode ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTtextureindexmode indexmode 

Gets the indexing mode of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetIndexingMode gets the indexing mode of texturesampler and stores it in *indexmode. See rtTextureSamplerSetIndexingMode for the values RTtextureindexmode may take.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]indexmodeThe return handle for the indexing mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetIndexingMode was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetIndexingMode

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMaxAnisotropy ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
float *  value 

Gets the maximum anisotropy level for a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetMaxAnisotropy gets the maximum anisotropy level for texturesampler and stores it in *value.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]valueThe return handle for the maximum anisotropy level of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetMaxAnisotropy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetMaxAnisotropy

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelBias ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
float *  value 

Gets the mipmap offset for a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelBias gets the mipmap offset for texturesampler and stores it in *value.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]valueThe return handle for the mipmap offset of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelBias was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelBias

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelClamp ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
float *  minLevel,
float *  maxLevel 

Gets the minimum and the maximum MIP level access range for a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelClamp gets the minimum and the maximum MIP level access range for texturesampler and stores it in *minLevel and maxLevel.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]minLevelThe return handle for the minimum mipmap level of the texture sampler
[out]maxLevelThe return handle for the maximum mipmap level of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelClamp was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelClamp

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelCount ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int *  num_mip_levels 

Gets the number of MIP levels in a texture sampler.

Deprecated in OptiX 3.9


rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelCount gets the number of MIP levels contained in texturesampler and stores it in *num_mip_levels.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]num_mip_levelsThe return handle for the number of MIP levels in the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelCount

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetReadMode ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTtexturereadmode readmode 

Gets the read mode of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetReadMode gets the read mode of texturesampler and stores it in *readmode. See rtTextureSamplerSetReadMode for a list of values RTtexturereadmode can take.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[out]readmodeThe return handle for the read mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetReadMode was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetReadMode

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerGetWrapMode ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int  dimension,
RTwrapmode wrapmode 

Gets the wrap mode of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerGetWrapMode gets the texture wrapping mode of texturesampler and stores it in *wrapmode. See rtTextureSamplerSetWrapMode for a list of values RTwrapmode can take.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be queried
[in]dimensionDimension for the wrapping
[out]wrapmodeThe return handle for the wrap mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerGetWrapMode was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerSetWrapMode

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetArraySize ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int  num_textures_in_array 

Sets the array size of a texture sampler.

Deprecated in OptiX 3.9


rtTextureSamplerSetArraySize specifies the number of texture array slices present in texturesampler as num_textures_in_array. After changing the number of slices in the array, buffers must be reassociated with texturesampler via rtTextureSamplerSetBuffer.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]num_textures_in_arrayThe new number of array slices of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetArraySize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetArraySize

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetBuffer ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int  deprecated0,
unsigned int  deprecated1,
RTbuffer  buffer 

Attaches a buffer object to a texture sampler.

Deprecated in OptiX 3.9


rtTextureSamplerSetBuffer attaches buffer to texturesampler.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object that will contain the buffer
[in]deprecated0Must be 0
[in]deprecated1Must be 0
[in]bufferThe buffer to be attached to the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetBuffer was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetBuffer

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetFilteringModes ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTfiltermode  minification,
RTfiltermode  magnification,
RTfiltermode  mipmapping 

Sets the filtering modes of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerSetFilteringModes sets the minification, magnification and MIP mapping filter modes for texturesampler. RTfiltermode must be one of the following values:

These filter modes specify how the texture sampler will interpolate buffer data that has been attached to it. minification and magnification must be one of RT_FILTER_NEAREST or RT_FILTER_LINEAR. mipmapping may be any of the three values but must be RT_FILTER_NONE if the texture sampler contains only a single MIP level or one of RT_FILTER_NEAREST or RT_FILTER_LINEAR if the texture sampler contains more than one MIP level.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]minificationThe new minification filter mode of the texture sampler
[in]magnificationThe new magnification filter mode of the texture sampler
[in]mipmappingThe new MIP mapping filter mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetFilteringModes was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetFilteringModes

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetIndexingMode ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTtextureindexmode  indexmode 

Sets whether texture coordinates for this texture sampler are normalized.


rtTextureSamplerSetIndexingMode sets the indexing mode of texturesampler to indexmode. indexmode can take on one of the following values:

These values are used to control the interpretation of texture coordinates. If the index mode is set to RT_TEXTURE_INDEX_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES, the texture is parameterized over [0,1]. If the index mode is set to RT_TEXTURE_INDEX_ARRAY_INDEX then texture coordinates are interpreted as array indices into the contents of the underlying buffer objects.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]indexmodeThe new indexing mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetIndexingMode was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetIndexingMode

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMaxAnisotropy ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
float  value 

Sets the maximum anisotropy of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerSetMaxAnisotropy sets the maximum anisotropy of texturesampler to value. A float value specifies the maximum anisotropy ratio to be used when doing anisotropic filtering. This value will be clamped to the range [1,16]

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]valueThe new maximum anisotropy level of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetMaxAnisotropy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetMaxAnisotropy

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelBias ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
float  value 

Sets the mipmap offset of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelBias sets the offset to be applied to the calculated mipmap level.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]valueThe new mipmap offset of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelBias was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelBias

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelClamp ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
float  minLevel,
float  maxLevel 

Sets the minimum and the maximum MIP level access range of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelClamp sets lower end and the upper end of the MIP level range to clamp access to.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]minLevelThe new minimum mipmap level of the texture sampler
[in]maxLevelThe new maximum mipmap level of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelClamp was introduced in OptiX 3.9.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelClamp

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelCount ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int  num_mip_levels 

Sets the number of MIP levels in a texture sampler.

Deprecated in OptiX 3.9


rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelCount sets the number of MIP levels in texturesampler to num_mip_levels.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]num_mip_levelsThe new number of MIP levels of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetMipLevelCount was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetMipLevelCount

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetReadMode ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
RTtexturereadmode  readmode 

Sets the read mode of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerSetReadMode sets the data read mode of texturesampler to readmode. readmode can take one of the following values:

RT_TEXTURE_READ_ELEMENT_TYPE_SRGB and RT_TEXTURE_READ_NORMALIZED_FLOAT_SRGB were introduced in OptiX 3.9 and apply sRGB to linear conversion during texture read for 8-bit integer buffer formats. readmode controls the returned value of the texture sampler when it is used to sample textures. RT_TEXTURE_READ_ELEMENT_TYPE will return data of the type of the underlying buffer objects. RT_TEXTURE_READ_NORMALIZED_FLOAT will return floating point values normalized by the range of the underlying type. If the underlying type is floating point, RT_TEXTURE_READ_NORMALIZED_FLOAT and RT_TEXTURE_READ_ELEMENT_TYPE are equivalent, always returning the unmodified floating point value.

For example, a texture sampler that samples a buffer of type RT_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_BYTE with a read mode of RT_TEXTURE_READ_NORMALIZED_FLOAT will convert integral values from the range [0,255] to floating point values in the range [0,1] automatically as the buffer is sampled from.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]readmodeThe new read mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetReadMode was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetReadMode

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerSetWrapMode ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler,
unsigned int  dimension,
RTwrapmode  wrapmode 

Sets the wrapping mode of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerSetWrapMode sets the wrapping mode of texturesampler to wrapmode for the texture dimension specified by dimension. wrapmode can take one of the following values:

The wrapping mode controls the behavior of the texture sampler as texture coordinates wrap around the range specified by the indexing mode. These values mirror the CUDA behavior of textures. See CUDA programming guide for details.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler object to be changed
[in]dimensionDimension of the texture
[in]wrapmodeThe new wrap mode of the texture sampler

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerSetWrapMode was introduced in OptiX 1.0. RT_WRAP_MIRROR and RT_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDER were introduced in OptiX 3.0.

See also rtTextureSamplerGetWrapMode

RTresult RTAPI rtTextureSamplerValidate ( RTtexturesampler  texturesampler)

Validates the state of a texture sampler.


rtTextureSamplerValidate checks texturesampler for completeness. If texturesampler does not have buffers attached to all of its MIP levels and array slices or if the filtering modes are incompatible with the current MIP level and array slice configuration then returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT.

[in]texturesamplerThe texture sampler to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTextureSamplerValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextValidate

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformCreate ( RTcontext  context,
RTtransform transform 

Creates a new Transform node.


Creates a new Transform node within the given context. For the node to be functional, a child node must be attached using rtTransformSetChild. A transformation matrix can be associated with the transform node with rtTransformSetMatrix. Sets *transform to the handle of a newly created transform within context. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if transform is NULL.

[in]contextSpecifies the rendering context of the Transform node
[out]transformNew Transform node handle

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformCreate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformDestroy, rtTransformValidate, rtTransformGetContext, rtTransformSetMatrix, rtTransformGetMatrix, rtTransformSetChild, rtTransformGetChild, rtTransformGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformDestroy ( RTtransform  transform)

Destroys a transform node.


rtTransformDestroy removes transform from its context and deletes it. transform should be a value returned by rtTransformCreate. No child graph nodes are destroyed. After the call, transform is no longer a valid handle.

[in]transformHandle of the transform node to destroy

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformDestroy was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformCreate, rtTransformValidate, rtTransformGetContext

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetChild ( RTtransform  transform,
RTobject child 

Returns the child node that is attached to a Transform node.


rtTransformGetChild returns in child a handle of the child node currently attached to transform. The returned pointer is of generic type RTobject and needs to be cast to the actual child type, which can be RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, or RTtransform. The actual type of child can be queried using rtTransformGetChildType. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given a NULL pointer.

[in]transformTransform node handle
[out]childChild node handle. Can be {RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, RTtransform}

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformGetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformSetChild, rtTransformGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetChildType ( RTtransform  transform,
RTobjecttype type 

Returns type information about a Transform child node.


rtTransformGetChildType queries the type of the child node attached to transform. If no child is attached, *type is set to RT_OBJECTTYPE_UNKNOWN and RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned. Returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if given a NULL pointer. The returned type is one of:

[in]transformTransform node handle
[out]typeType of the child node

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformGetChildType was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformSetChild, rtTransformGetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetContext ( RTtransform  transform,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context of a Transform node.


rtTransformGetContext queries a transform node for its associated context. transform specifies the transform node to query, and should be a value returned by rtTransformCreate. Sets *context to the context associated with transform.

[in]transformTransform node handle
[out]contextThe context associated with transform

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformCreate, rtTransformDestroy, rtTransformValidate

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformGetMatrix ( RTtransform  transform,
int  transpose,
float *  matrix,
float *  inverse_matrix 

Returns the affine matrix and its inverse associated with a Transform node.


rtTransformGetMatrix returns in matrix the affine matrix that is currently used to perform a transformation of the geometry contained in the sub-tree with transform as root. The corresponding inverse matrix will be retured in inverse_matrix. One or both pointers are allowed to be NULL. If transpose is 0, matrices are returned in row-major format, i.e., matrix rows are contiguously laid out in memory. If transpose is non-zero, matrices are returned in column-major format. If non-NULL, matrix pointers must point to a float array of at least 16 elements.

[in]transformTransform node handle
[in]transposeFlag indicating whether matrix and inverse_matrix should be transposed
[out]matrixAffine matrix (4x4 float array)
[out]inverse_matrixInverted form of matrix

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformGetMatrix was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformSetMatrix

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformSetChild ( RTtransform  transform,
RTobject  child 

Attaches a child node to a Transform node.


Attaches a child node child to the parent node transform. Legal child node types are RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, and RTtransform. A transform node must have exactly one child. If a tranformation matrix has been attached to transform with rtTransformSetMatrix, it is effective on the model sub-tree with child as root node.

[in]transformTransform node handle
[in]childChild node to be attached. Can be {RTgroup, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, RTtransform}

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformSetChild was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformSetMatrix, rtTransformGetChild, rtTransformGetChildType

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformSetMatrix ( RTtransform  transform,
int  transpose,
const float *  matrix,
const float *  inverse_matrix 

Associates an affine transformation matrix with a Transform node.


rtTransformSetMatrix associates a 4x4 matrix with the Transform node transform. The provided transformation matrix results in a corresponding affine transformation of all geometry contained in the sub-tree with transform as root. At least one of the pointers matrix and inverse_matrix must be non-NULL. If exactly one pointer is valid, the other matrix will be computed. If both are valid, the matrices will be used as-is. If transpose is 0, source matrices are expected to be in row-major format, i.e., matrix rows are contiguously laid out in memory:

float matrix[4*4] = { a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34, a41, a42, a43, a44 };

Here, the translational elements a14, a24, and a34 are at the 4th, 8th, and 12th position the matrix array. If the supplied matrices are in column-major format, a non-0 transpose flag can be used to trigger an automatic transpose of the input matrices.

[in]transformTransform node handle
[in]transposeFlag indicating whether matrix and inverse_matrix should be transposed
[in]matrixAffine matrix (4x4 float array)
[in]inverse_matrixInverted form of matrix

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformSetMatrix was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformGetMatrix

RTresult RTAPI rtTransformValidate ( RTtransform  transform)

Checks a Transform node for internal consistency.


rtTransformValidate recursively checks consistency of the Transform node transform and its child, i.e., it tries to validate the whole model sub-tree with transform as root. For a Transform node to be valid, it must have a child node attached. It is, however, not required to explicitly set a transformation matrix. Without a specified transformation matrix, the identity matrix is applied.

[in]transformTransform root node of a model sub-tree to be validated

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtTransformValidate was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtTransformCreate, rtTransformDestroy, rtTransformGetContext, rtTransformSetMatrix, rtTransformSetChild

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1f ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f1 

Functions designed to modify the value of a program variable.


rtVariableGet functions return the value of a program variable or variable array. The target variable is specificed by v.

The commands rtVariableGet{1-2-3-4}{f-i-ui}v are used to query the value of a program variable specified by v using the pointers passed as arguments as return locations for each component of the vector-typed variable. The number specified in the command should match the number of components in the data type of the specified program variable (e.g., 1 for float, int, unsigned int; 2 for float2, int2, uint2, etc.). The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are expected to be returned, the suffix i indicates that integer values are expected, and the suffix ui indicates that unsigned integer values are expected, and this type should also match the data type of the specified program variable. The f variants of this function should be used to query values for program variables defined as float, float2, float3, float4, or arrays of these. The i variants of this function should be used to query values for program variables defined as int, int2, int3, int4, or arrays of these. The ui variants of this function should be used to query values for program variables defined as unsigned int, uint2, uint3, uint4, or arrays of these. The v variants of this function should be used to return the program variable's value to the array specified by parameter v. In this case, the array v should be large enough to accommodate all of the program variable's components.

The commands rtVariableGetMatrix{2-3-4}x{2-3-4}fv are used to query the value of a program variable whose data type is a matrix. The numbers in the command names are interpreted as the dimensionality of the matrix. For example, 2x4 indicates a 2 x 4 matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows (i.e., 8 values). If transpose is 0, the matrix is returned in row major order, otherwise in column major order.

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGet were introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtVariableSet, rtVariableGetType, rtContextDeclareVariable

[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]f1Float value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1fv ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]fArray of float value(s) to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1i ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i1 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]i1Integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1iv ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]iArray of integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u1 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]u1Unsigned integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet1uiv ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2f ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f1,
float *  f2 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]f1Float value to be returned
[in]f2Float value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2fv ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]fArray of float value(s) to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2i ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i1,
int *  i2 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]i1Integer value to be returned
[in]i2Integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2iv ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]iArray of integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u1,
unsigned int *  u2 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]u1Unsigned integer value to be returned
[in]u2Unsigned integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet2uiv ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3f ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f1,
float *  f2,
float *  f3 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]f1Float value to be returned
[in]f2Float value to be returned
[in]f3Float value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3fv ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]fArray of float value(s) to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3i ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i1,
int *  i2,
int *  i3 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]i1Integer value to be returned
[in]i2Integer value to be returned
[in]i3Integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3iv ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]iArray of integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u1,
unsigned int *  u2,
unsigned int *  u3 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]u1Unsigned integer value to be returned
[in]u2Unsigned integer value to be returned
[in]u3Unsigned integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet3uiv ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4f ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f1,
float *  f2,
float *  f3,
float *  f4 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]f1Float value to be returned
[in]f2Float value to be returned
[in]f3Float value to be returned
[in]f4Float value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4fv ( RTvariable  v,
float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]fArray of float value(s) to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4i ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i1,
int *  i2,
int *  i3,
int *  i4 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]i1Integer value to be returned
[in]i2Integer value to be returned
[in]i3Integer value to be returned
[in]i4Integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4iv ( RTvariable  v,
int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]iArray of integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u1,
unsigned int *  u2,
unsigned int *  u3,
unsigned int *  u4 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]u1Unsigned integer value to be returned
[in]u2Unsigned integer value to be returned
[in]u3Unsigned integer value to be returned
[in]u4Unsigned integer value to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGet4uiv ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetAnnotation ( RTvariable  v,
const char **  annotation_return 

Queries the annotation string of a program variable.


rtVariableGetAnnotation queries a program variable's annotation string. A pointer to the string containing the annotation is returned in *annotation_return. If v is not a valid variable, this call sets *annotation_return to NULL and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE. *annotation_return will point to valid memory until another API function that returns a string is called.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be queried
[out]annotation_returnReturns the program variable's annotation string

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGetAnnotation was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtDeclareVariable, rtDeclareAnnotation

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetContext ( RTvariable  v,
RTcontext context 

Returns the context associated with a program variable.


rtVariableGetContext queries the context associated with a program variable. The target variable is specified by v. The context of the program variable is returned to *context if the pointer context is not NULL. If v is not a valid variable, *context is set to NULL and RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be queried
[out]contextReturns the context associated with the program variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGetContext was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix2x2fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix2x3fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix2x4fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix3x2fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix3x3fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix3x4fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix4x2fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix4x3fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetMatrix4x4fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable whose value is to be returned
[in]transposeSpecify(ies) row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to be returned
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetName ( RTvariable  v,
const char **  name_return 

Queries the name of a program variable.


Queries a program variable's name. The variable of interest is specified by variable, which should be a value returned by rtContextDeclareVariable. A pointer to the string containing the name of the variable is returned in *name_return. If v is not a valid variable, this call sets *name_return to NULL and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE. *name_return will point to valid memory until another API function that returns a string is called.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be queried
[out]name_returnReturns the program variable's name

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGetName was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtContextDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetObject ( RTvariable  v,
RTobject object 

Returns the value of a OptiX object program variable.


rtVariableGetObject queries the value of a program variable whose data type is a OptiX object. The target variable is specified by v. The value of the program variable is returned in *object. The concrete type of the program variable can be queried using rtVariableGetType, and the RTobject handle returned by rtVariableGetObject may safely be cast to an OptiX handle of corresponding type. If v is not a valid variable, this call sets *object to NULL and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be queried
[out]objectReturns the value of the program variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGetObject was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtVariableSetObject, rtVariableGetType, rtContextDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetSize ( RTvariable  v,
RTsize *  size 

Queries the size, in bytes, of a variable.


rtVariableGetSize queries a declared program variable for its size in bytes. This is most often used to query the size of a variable that has a user-defined type. Builtin types (int, float, unsigned int, etc.) may be queried, but object typed variables, such as buffers, texture samplers and graph nodes, cannot be queried and will return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be queried
[out]sizeSpecifies a pointer where the size of the variable, in bytes, will be returned

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGetSize was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtVariableGetUserData, rtContextDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetType ( RTvariable  v,
RTobjecttype type_return 
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableGetUserData ( RTvariable  v,
RTsize  size,
void *  ptr 



rtVariableGetUserData queries the value of a program variable whose data type is user-defined. The variable of interest is specified by v. The size of the variable's value must match the value given by the parameter size. The value of the program variable is copied to the memory region pointed to by ptr. The storage at location ptr must be large enough to accommodate all of the program variable's value data. If v is not a valid variable, this call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be queried
[in]sizeSpecifies the size of the program variable, in bytes
[out]ptrLocation in which to store the value of the variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableGetUserData was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtVariableSetUserData, rtContextDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1f ( RTvariable  v,
float  f1 

Functions designed to modify the value of a program variable.


rtVariableSet functions modify the value of a program variable or variable array. The target variable is specificed by v, which should be a value returned by rtContextGetVariable.

The commands rtVariableSet{1-2-3-4}{f-i-ui}v are used to modify the value of a program variable specified by v using the values passed as arguments. The number specified in the command should match the number of components in the data type of the specified program variable (e.g., 1 for float, int, unsigned int; 2 for float2, int2, uint2, etc.). The suffix f indicates that v has floating point type, the suffix i indicates that v has integral type, and the suffix ui indicates that that v has unsigned integral type. The v variants of this function should be used to load the program variable's value from the array specified by parameter v. In this case, the array v should contain as many elements as there are program variable components.

The commands rtVariableSetMatrix{2-3-4}x{2-3-4}fv are used to modify the value of a program variable whose data type is a matrix. The numbers in the command names are the number of rows and columns, respectively. For example, 2x4 indicates a matrix with 2 rows and 4 columns (i.e., 8 values). If transpose is 0, the matrix is specified in row-major order, otherwise in column-major order or, equivalently, as a matrix with the number of rows and columns swapped in row-major order.

If v is not a valid variable, these calls have no effect and return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableSet were introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtVariableGet, rtVariableSet, rtDeclareVariable

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]f1Specifies the new float value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1fv ( RTvariable  v,
const float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]fArray of float values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1i ( RTvariable  v,
int  i1 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]i1Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1iv ( RTvariable  v,
const int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]iArray of integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int  u1 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]u1Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet1uiv ( RTvariable  v,
const unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2f ( RTvariable  v,
float  f1,
float  f2 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]f1Specifies the new float value of the program variable
[in]f2Specifies the new float value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2fv ( RTvariable  v,
const float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]fArray of float values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2i ( RTvariable  v,
int  i1,
int  i2 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]i1Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
[in]i2Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2iv ( RTvariable  v,
const int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]iArray of integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int  u1,
unsigned int  u2 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]u1Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
[in]u2Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet2uiv ( RTvariable  v,
const unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3f ( RTvariable  v,
float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]f1Specifies the new float value of the program variable
[in]f2Specifies the new float value of the program variable
[in]f3Specifies the new float value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3fv ( RTvariable  v,
const float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]fArray of float values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3i ( RTvariable  v,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]i1Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
[in]i2Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
[in]i3Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3iv ( RTvariable  v,
const int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]iArray of integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int  u1,
unsigned int  u2,
unsigned int  u3 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]u1Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
[in]u2Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
[in]u3Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet3uiv ( RTvariable  v,
const unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4f ( RTvariable  v,
float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]f1Specifies the new float value of the program variable
[in]f2Specifies the new float value of the program variable
[in]f3Specifies the new float value of the program variable
[in]f4Specifies the new float value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4fv ( RTvariable  v,
const float *  f 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]fArray of float values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4i ( RTvariable  v,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3,
int  i4 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]i1Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
[in]i2Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
[in]i3Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
[in]i4Specifies the new integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4iv ( RTvariable  v,
const int *  i 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]iArray of integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4ui ( RTvariable  v,
unsigned int  u1,
unsigned int  u2,
unsigned int  u3,
unsigned int  u4 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]u1Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
[in]u2Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
[in]u3Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
[in]u4Specifies the new unsigned integer value of the program variable
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSet4uiv ( RTvariable  v,
const unsigned int *  u 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]uArray of unsigned integer values to set the variable to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix2x2fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix2x3fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix2x4fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix3x2fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix3x3fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix3x4fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix4x2fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix4x3fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetMatrix4x4fv ( RTvariable  v,
int  transpose,
const float *  m 
[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]transposeSpecifies row-major or column-major order
[in]mArray of float values to set the matrix to
RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetObject ( RTvariable  v,
RTobject  object 

Sets a program variable value to a OptiX object.


rtVariableSetObject sets a program variable to an OptiX object value. The target variable is specified by v. The new value of the program variable is specified by object. The concrete type of object can be one of RTbuffer, RTtexturesampler, RTgroup, RTprogram, RTselector, RTgeometrygroup, or RTtransform. If v is not a valid variable or object is not a valid OptiX object, this call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be set
[in]objectSpecifies the new value of the program variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableSetObject was introduced in OptiX 1.0. The ability to bind an RTprogram to a variable was intrduced in OptiX 3.0.

See also rtVariableGetObject, rtContextDeclareVariable

RTresult RTAPI rtVariableSetUserData ( RTvariable  v,
RTsize  size,
const void *  ptr 



rtVariableSetUserData modifies the value of a program variable whose data type is user-defined. The value copied into the variable is defined by an arbitrary region of memory, pointed to by ptr. The size of the memory region is given by size. The target variable is specified by v. If v is not a valid variable, this call has no effect and returns RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.

[in]vSpecifies the program variable to be modified
[in]sizeSpecifies the size of the new value, in bytes
[in]ptrSpecifies a pointer to the new value of the program variable

Return values

Relevant return values:


rtVariableSetUserData was introduced in OptiX 1.0.

See also rtVariableGetUserData, rtContextDeclareVariable