Deprecated List

Member nvidia::apex::ApexSDK::getOutputStream ()=0
Use getErrorCallback() instead.

Member nvidia::apex::ClothingActor::getMaxDistanceBlendTime () const =0
Use ClothingActor::getActorDesc() and read the maxDistanceBlendTime part of it

Member nvidia::apex::ClothingActor::setMaxDistanceBlendTime (float blendTime)=0
Use ClothingActor::getActorDesc() and modify the maxDistanceBlendTime part of it Default: 1.0

Member nvidia::apex::ClothingActor::setWind (float windAdaption, const PxVec3 &windVelocity)=0
Use ClothingActor::getActorDesc() and modify the wind part of it

Member nvidia::apex::ClothingAssetAuthoring::setExportScale (float scale)=0
Only works with deprecated serialization, use applyTransformation instead!

Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:05

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