Classes | Public Attributes
ApexEmitterAssetParameters Struct Reference

Describes the NxParameterized::Interface for 'ApexEmitterAssetParameters' : APEX Emitter Asset Parameters. More...

#include <params.h>

List of all members.


union  GeometryType

Public Attributes

F32 densityRange.min
 'densityRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 densityRange.max
 'densityRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 rateRange.min
 'rateRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 rateRange.max
 'rateRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 lifetimeRange.min
 'lifetimeRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 lifetimeRange.max
 'lifetimeRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here
Vec3 velocityRange.min
 'velocityRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here
Vec3 velocityRange.max
 'velocityRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 temperatureRange.min
 'temperatureRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 temperatureRange.max
 'temperatureRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here
U32 maxSamples
 'maxSamples' : Shaped emitter only. Max particles spawned each step.
U32 lodParamDesc.version
 'lodParamDesc.version' : Helpful documentation goes here
F32 lodParamDesc.maxDistance
 'lodParamDesc.maxDistance' : Objects greater than this distance from the player will be culled more aggressively
F32 lodParamDesc.distanceWeight
 'lodParamDesc.distanceWeight' : Weight given to distance parameter in LOD function
F32 lodParamDesc.speedWeight
 'lodParamDesc.speedWeight' : Weight given to velocity parameter in LOD function
F32 lodParamDesc.lifeWeight
 'lodParamDesc.lifeWeight' : Weight given to life remain parameter in LOD function
F32 lodParamDesc.separationWeight
 'lodParamDesc.separationWeight' : Weight given to separation parameter in LOD function
F32 lodParamDesc.bias
 'lodParamDesc.bias' : Bias given to objects spawned by this emitter, relative to other emitters in the same IOS
Ref iofxAssetName
 'iofxAssetName' : The name of the instanced object effects asset that will render particles
Ref iosAssetName
 'iosAssetName' : The asset name of the IOS and the type of IOS that will simulate particles
GeometryType geometryType
F32 emitterDuration
 'emitterDuration' : Emitter duration time (in seconds)
U32 minSamplingFPS
 'minSamplingFPS' : Defines minimum FPS at which particles are generating (0-value means no limit in FPS)
F32 rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].x
 'rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].x' : Time
F32 rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].y
 'rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].y' : Rate

Detailed Description

Describes the NxParameterized::Interface for 'ApexEmitterAssetParameters' : APEX Emitter Asset Parameters.

This class contains the parameters for the APEX Emitter asset. The APEX Emitter is sometimes described as a shaped APEX Emitter because it contains the box, sphere, and sphere shell shapes. It also includes an explicit shape that allows for preauthored particles positions and velocities and runtime particle injections.

ApexEmitterAssetParameters contains 57 fully qualified names
  1 : F32            densityRange.min                                      
  2 : F32            densityRange.max                                      
  3 : F32            rateRange.min                                         
  4 : F32            rateRange.max                                         
  5 : F32            lifetimeRange.min                                     
  6 : F32            lifetimeRange.max                                     
  7 : Vec3           velocityRange.min                                     
  8 : Vec3           velocityRange.max                                     
  9 : F32            temperatureRange.min                                  
 10 : F32            temperatureRange.max                                  
 11 : U32            maxSamples                                            
 12 : U32            lodParamDesc.version                                  
 13 : F32            lodParamDesc.maxDistance                              
 14 : F32            lodParamDesc.distanceWeight                           
 15 : F32            lodParamDesc.speedWeight                              
 16 : F32            lodParamDesc.lifeWeight                               
 17 : F32            lodParamDesc.separationWeight                         
 18 : F32            lodParamDesc.bias                                     
 19 : Ref            iofxAssetName                                         
 20 : Ref            iosAssetName                                          
 21 : EmitterType    geometryType.emitterType                              RefVariant[EmitterGeomBoxParams]
 22 : Vec3           geometryType.extents                                  RefVariant[EmitterGeomBoxParams]
 23 : EmitterType    geometryType.emitterType                              RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereParams]
 24 : F32            geometryType.radius                                   RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereParams]
 25 : F32            geometryType.hemisphere                               RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereParams]
 26 : EmitterType    geometryType.emitterType                              RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereShellParams]
 27 : F32            geometryType.radius                                   RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereShellParams]
 28 : F32            geometryType.shellThickness                           RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereShellParams]
 29 : F32            geometryType.hemisphere                               RefVariant[EmitterGeomSphereShellParams]
 30 : EmitterType    geometryType.emitterType                              RefVariant[EmitterGeomCylinderParams]
 31 : F32            geometryType.radius                                   RefVariant[EmitterGeomCylinderParams]
 32 : F32            geometryType.height                                   RefVariant[EmitterGeomCylinderParams]
 33 : F32            geometryType.distance                                 RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 34 : ArraySizeName  geometryType.positions                                RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 35 : Vec3           geometryType.points.positions[].position              RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 36 : Bool           geometryType.points.positions[].doDetectOverlaps      RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 37 : ArraySizeName  geometryType.velocities                               RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 38 : Vec3           geometryType.points.velocities[]                      RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 39 : ArraySizeName  geometryType.positions                                RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 40 : Vec3           geometryType.spheres.positions[].center               RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 41 : F32            geometryType.spheres.positions[].radius               RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 42 : Bool           geometryType.spheres.positions[].doDetectOverlaps     RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 43 : ArraySizeName  geometryType.velocities                               RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 44 : Vec3           geometryType.spheres.velocities[]                     RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 45 : ArraySizeName  geometryType.positions                                RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 46 : Vec3           geometryType.ellipsoids.positions[].center            RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 47 : F32            geometryType.ellipsoids.positions[].radius            RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 48 : Vec3           geometryType.ellipsoids.positions[].normal            RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 49 : F32            geometryType.ellipsoids.positions[].polarRadius       RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 50 : Bool           geometryType.ellipsoids.positions[].doDetectOverlaps  RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 51 : ArraySizeName  geometryType.velocities                               RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 52 : Vec3           geometryType.ellipsoids.velocities[]                  RefVariant[EmitterGeomExplicitParams]
 53 : F32            emitterDuration                                       
 54 : U32            minSamplingFPS                                        
 55 : ArraySizeName  rateVsTimeCurvePoints                                 
 56 : F32            rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].x                             
 57 : F32            rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].y                             

Member Data Documentation

'densityRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here

'densityRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here

'emitterDuration' : Emitter duration time (in seconds)

Specifies a duration (in seconds) that the emitter will emit for after being enabled. After the specified duration, the emitter will turn off, unless it has already been explicitly turned off via an API call. The special value 0.0f means there is no duration, and the emitter will remain on until explicitly turned off.

'iofxAssetName' : The name of the instanced object effects asset that will render particles

'iosAssetName' : The asset name of the IOS and the type of IOS that will simulate particles

'lifetimeRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here

'lifetimeRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here

'lodParamDesc.bias' : Bias given to objects spawned by this emitter, relative to other emitters in the same IOS

'lodParamDesc.distanceWeight' : Weight given to distance parameter in LOD function

'lodParamDesc.lifeWeight' : Weight given to life remain parameter in LOD function

'lodParamDesc.maxDistance' : Objects greater than this distance from the player will be culled more aggressively

'lodParamDesc.separationWeight' : Weight given to separation parameter in LOD function

'lodParamDesc.speedWeight' : Weight given to velocity parameter in LOD function

'lodParamDesc.version' : Helpful documentation goes here

'maxSamples' : Shaped emitter only. Max particles spawned each step.

For an explicit emitter, Max Samples is ignored. For shaped emitters, it is the maximum number of particles spawned in a step.

'minSamplingFPS' : Defines minimum FPS at which particles are generating (0-value means no limit in FPS)

It is used to reduce discontinuity in case of fast moving Emitters, by limiting particles generation step max. time by inverse of this value.

'rateRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here

'rateRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here

'rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].x' : Time

'rateVsTimeCurvePoints[].y' : Rate

'temperatureRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here

'temperatureRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here

'velocityRange.max' : Helpful documentation goes here

'velocityRange.min' : Helpful documentation goes here

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:37

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