Public Attributes
ClothingActorParam Struct Reference

Describes the NxParameterized::Interface for 'ClothingActorParam' : More...

#include <params.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

Mat44 globalPose
 'globalPose' : The pose where the clothing asset will be put into the scene
Bool useHardwareCloth
 'useHardwareCloth' : Turns on hardware acceleration for the cloth simulation
Bool flags.ParallelCpuSkinning
 'flags.ParallelCpuSkinning' : Determines whether or not to perform CPU skinning in parallel
Bool flags.RecomputeNormals
 'flags.RecomputeNormals' : Fully recomputes the normals on the final mesh.
Bool flags.RecomputeTangents
 'flags.RecomputeTangents' : Fully recomputes the tangents on the final mesh.
Bool flags.Visualize
 'flags.Visualize' : Determines whether or not to display debug visualization for this clothing actor
Bool flags.CorrectSimulationNormals
 'flags.CorrectSimulationNormals' :
Bool flags.ComputeRenderData
 'flags.ComputeRenderData' : If set to false no skinning is done for this actor. Disable if all skinning is done outside of APEX.
Bool flags.ComputePhysicsMeshNormals
 'flags.ComputePhysicsMeshNormals' : If set to false the normals on the physics mesh are not computed. Disable skinning and normal calculation is done outside of APEX.
Bool fallbackSkinning
 'fallbackSkinning' : Performs skinning in software
Bool slowStart
 'slowStart' : Prevents from having full max distance right from the start
Bool useInternalBoneOrder
 'useInternalBoneOrder' : Expect internally ordered bone arrays in updateState call.
Bool updateStateWithGlobalMatrices
 'updateStateWithGlobalMatrices' : Use world space matrices instead of composite (relative to bind pose) in NxClothingActor::updateState().
U32 uvChannelForTangentUpdate
 'uvChannelForTangentUpdate' : This UV channel is used for updating tangent space
F32 maxDistanceBlendTime
 'maxDistanceBlendTime' : Time in seconds how long it takes to go from zero maxDistance to full maxDistance
U32 clothingMaterialIndex
 'clothingMaterialIndex' : Use this material from the assets material library
F32 lodWeights.maxDistance
 'lodWeights.maxDistance' : Maximum distance
F32 lodWeights.distanceWeight
 'lodWeights.distanceWeight' : Distance weight
F32 lodWeights.bias
 'lodWeights.bias' : Bias
F32 lodWeights.benefitsBias
 'lodWeights.benefitsBias' : Benefits bias
Vec3 windParams.Velocity
 'windParams.Velocity' : The target velocity each vertex tries to achieve.
F32 windParams.Adaption
 'windParams.Adaption' : The rate of adaption. The higher this value, the faster the cloth reaches the wind velocity. Set to 0 to turn off wind.
F32 maxDistanceScale.Scale
 'maxDistanceScale.Scale' : Scale
Bool maxDistanceScale.Multipliable
 'maxDistanceScale.Multipliable' : Multipliable
U64 userData
 'userData' : Optional user data pointer associated with the clothing actor
Mat44 boneMatrices[]
 'boneMatrices[]' : An Array of matrices with the full transform for each bone
F32 clothDescTemplate.collisionResponseCoefficient
 'clothDescTemplate.collisionResponseCoefficient' : Defines a factor for the impulse transfer from cloth to colliding rigid bodies.
U16 clothDescTemplate.collisionGroup
 'clothDescTemplate.collisionGroup' : Sets which collision group this cloth is part of.
U32 clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0
 'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0' : First part of 128-bit group mask
U32 clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1
 'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1' : Second part of 128-bit group mask
U32 clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2
 'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2' : Third part of 128-bit group mask
U32 clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3
 'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3' : Fourth part of 128-bit group mask
Bounds3 clothDescTemplate.validBounds
 'clothDescTemplate.validBounds' : Defines the volume outside of which cloth particle are automatically removed from the simulation.
U64 clothDescTemplate.compartment
 'clothDescTemplate.compartment' : The compartment to place the cloth in.
U64 clothDescTemplate.userData
 'clothDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for this shape
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision detection for this shape (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION)
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING' : Disable raycasting for this shape
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD' : Enable dynamic-dynamic CCD for this shape. Used only when CCD is globally enabled and shape have a CCD skeleton.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES' : Disable participation in ray casts, overlap tests and sweeps.
U16 shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup
 'shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup' : Sets which collision group this shape is part of.
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0' : First part of 128-bit group mask
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1' : Second part of 128-bit group mask
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2' : Third part of 128-bit group mask
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3' : Fourth part of 128-bit group mask
U16 shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex
 'shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex' : The material index of the shape.
U64 shapeDescTemplate.userData
 'shapeDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer
 '' : Name of the shapes; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.
U64 actorDescTemplate.userData
 'actorDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer
 '' : Optional name string for the shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.
F32 actorScale
 'actorScale' : Scale the actor differently than the asset.
ClothingCookedParam runtimeCooked
 'runtimeCooked' :
Vec3 morphDisplacements[]
 'morphDisplacements[]' : Displacements according to the current morph target.
Vec3 morphPhysicalMeshNewPositions[]
 'morphPhysicalMeshNewPositions[]' : New positions for the physical meshes and convex collision volumes.
Vec3 morphGraphicalMeshNewPositions[]
 'morphGraphicalMeshNewPositions[]' : New positions of all submeshes of all graphical meshes.
Bool allowAdaptiveTargetFrequency
 'allowAdaptiveTargetFrequency' : Slightly modifies gravity to avoid high frequency jittering due to variable time steps.
Bool useVelocityClamping
 'useVelocityClamping' : Enable/disable velocity clamping
Bounds3 vertexVelocityClamp
 'vertexVelocityClamp' : Vertex velocity clamping values
F32 pressure
 'pressure' : Set pressure of cloth, only works on closed meshes.
Bool multiplyGlobalPoseIntoBones
 'multiplyGlobalPoseIntoBones' : Enable/disable multiplying global pose into bones
String overrideMaterialNames[]
 'overrideMaterialNames[]' : Replacement material names for the ones provided by the render mesh asset inside the clothing asset.
SimulationBackend simulationBackend
 'simulationBackend' : Select which backend should be used. 'ForceNative' will only work when running with the 2.8.x PhysX SDK
Bool freezeByLOD
 'freezeByLOD' : Cloth state frozen when LoD turns off simulation of the actor, instead of returning to the animated state.
Bool localSpaceSim
 'localSpaceSim' : Do simulation in local space.
I32 teleportMode
 'teleportMode' : Buffered teleport state for the next simulate call, gets set in updateState, is reset to Continuous during simulate().

Detailed Description

Describes the NxParameterized::Interface for 'ClothingActorParam' :

ClothingActorParam contains 90 fully qualified names
  1 : Mat44              globalPose                                                                  
  2 : Bool               useHardwareCloth                                                            
  3 : Bool               flags.ParallelCpuSkinning                                                   
  4 : Bool               flags.RecomputeNormals                                                      
  5 : Bool               flags.RecomputeTangents                                                     
  6 : Bool               flags.Visualize                                                             
  7 : Bool               flags.CorrectSimulationNormals                                              
  8 : Bool               flags.ComputeRenderData                                                     
  9 : Bool               flags.ComputePhysicsMeshNormals                                             
 10 : Bool               fallbackSkinning                                                            
 11 : Bool               slowStart                                                                   
 12 : Bool               useInternalBoneOrder                                                        
 13 : Bool               updateStateWithGlobalMatrices                                               
 14 : U32                uvChannelForTangentUpdate                                                   
 15 : F32                maxDistanceBlendTime                                                        
 16 : U32                clothingMaterialIndex                                                       
 17 : F32                lodWeights.maxDistance                                                      
 18 : F32                lodWeights.distanceWeight                                                   
 19 : F32                lodWeights.bias                                                             
 20 : F32                lodWeights.benefitsBias                                                     
 21 : Vec3               windParams.Velocity                                                         
 22 : F32                windParams.Adaption                                                         
 23 : F32                maxDistanceScale.Scale                                                      
 24 : Bool               maxDistanceScale.Multipliable                                               
 25 : U64                userData                                                                    
 26 : ArraySizeName      boneMatrices                                                                
 27 : Mat44              boneMatrices[]                                                              
 28 : F32                clothDescTemplate.collisionResponseCoefficient                              
 29 : U16                clothDescTemplate.collisionGroup                                            
 30 : U32                clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0                                          
 31 : U32                clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1                                          
 32 : U32                clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2                                          
 33 : U32                clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3                                          
 34 : Bounds3            clothDescTemplate.validBounds                                               
 35 : U64                clothDescTemplate.compartment                                               
 36 : U64                clothDescTemplate.userData                                                  
 37 : Bool               shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION                                 
 38 : Bool               shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION                             
 39 : Bool               shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING                            
 40 : Bool               shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD                           
 41 : Bool               shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES                         
 42 : U16                shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup                                            
 43 : U32                shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0                                          
 44 : U32                shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1                                          
 45 : U32                shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2                                          
 46 : U32                shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3                                          
 47 : U16                shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex                                             
 48 : U64                shapeDescTemplate.userData                                                  
 49 : U64                                                            
 50 : U64                actorDescTemplate.userData                                                  
 51 : U64                                                            
 52 : F32                actorScale                                                                  
 53 : F32                runtimeCooked.actorScale                                                    RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 54 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.convexCookedData                                              RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 55 : U8                 runtimeCooked.convexCookedData[]                                            RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 56 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.convexMeshPointers                                            RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 57 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes                                       RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 58 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].physicalMeshId                      RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 59 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].submeshId                           RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 60 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].cookedDataOffset                    RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 61 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].cookedDataLength                    RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 62 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].deformableInvParticleWeightsOffset  RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 63 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].virtualParticleIndicesOffset        RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 64 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedPhysicalSubmeshes[].virtualParticleIndicesLength        RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 65 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.deformableCookedData                                          RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 66 : U8                 runtimeCooked.deformableCookedData[]                                        RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 67 : U32                runtimeCooked.cookedDataVersion                                             RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 68 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.deformableInvParticleWeights                                  RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 69 : F32                runtimeCooked.deformableInvParticleWeights[]                                RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 70 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.virtualParticleIndices                                        RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 71 : U32                runtimeCooked.virtualParticleIndices[]                                      RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 72 : ArraySizeName      runtimeCooked.virtualParticleWeights                                        RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 73 : Vec3               runtimeCooked.virtualParticleWeights[]                                      RefVariant[ClothingCookedParam]
 74 : ArraySizeName      morphDisplacements                                                          
 75 : Vec3               morphDisplacements[]                                                        
 76 : ArraySizeName      morphPhysicalMeshNewPositions                                               
 77 : Vec3               morphPhysicalMeshNewPositions[]                                             
 78 : ArraySizeName      morphGraphicalMeshNewPositions                                              
 79 : Vec3               morphGraphicalMeshNewPositions[]                                            
 80 : Bool               allowAdaptiveTargetFrequency                                                
 81 : Bool               useVelocityClamping                                                         
 82 : Bounds3            vertexVelocityClamp                                                         
 83 : F32                pressure                                                                    
 84 : Bool               multiplyGlobalPoseIntoBones                                                 
 85 : ArraySizeName      overrideMaterialNames                                                       
 86 : String             overrideMaterialNames[]                                                     
 87 : SimulationBackend  simulationBackend                                                           
 88 : Bool               freezeByLOD                                                                 
 89 : Bool               localSpaceSim                                                               
 90 : I32                teleportMode                                                                

Member Data Documentation

'' : Optional name string for the shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.

'actorDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer

'actorScale' : Scale the actor differently than the asset.

'allowAdaptiveTargetFrequency' : Slightly modifies gravity to avoid high frequency jittering due to variable time steps.

'boneMatrices[]' : An Array of matrices with the full transform for each bone

These matrices are sometimes referred to as composite matrices. They are the multiplication of the current world space bone pose with the inverse bind pose in world space. Note: If 'updateStateWithGlobalMatrices' is set to true, these must be global poses instead.

'clothDescTemplate.collisionGroup' : Sets which collision group this cloth is part of.

'clothDescTemplate.collisionResponseCoefficient' : Defines a factor for the impulse transfer from cloth to colliding rigid bodies.

This is only needed if the twoway interaction flag is set in the clothing asset.

'clothDescTemplate.compartment' : The compartment to place the cloth in.

Must be either a pointer to an NxCompartment of type NX_SCT_CLOTH or NX_SCT_SOFTBODY, or NULL. A NULL compartment means creating NX_CLF_HARDWARE cloth in the first available cloth compartment (a default cloth compartment is created if none exists). Software cloth with a NULL compartment is created in the scene proper.

'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0' : First part of 128-bit group mask

'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1' : Second part of 128-bit group mask

'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2' : Third part of 128-bit group mask

'clothDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3' : Fourth part of 128-bit group mask

'clothDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer.

'clothDescTemplate.validBounds' : Defines the volume outside of which cloth particle are automatically removed from the simulation.

Only works if the flag NX_CLF_VALIDBOUNDS is set.

'clothingMaterialIndex' : Use this material from the assets material library

'fallbackSkinning' : Performs skinning in software

Performs the regular boneweighted skinning on the CPU before giving the data out through the rendering API.

'flags.ComputePhysicsMeshNormals' : If set to false the normals on the physics mesh are not computed. Disable skinning and normal calculation is done outside of APEX.

'flags.ComputeRenderData' : If set to false no skinning is done for this actor. Disable if all skinning is done outside of APEX.

'flags.CorrectSimulationNormals' :

The MaxDistance=0 vertices can have a perturbed simulation normal. This usually happens only for meshes where the MaxDistance=0 vertices are somewhere in the middle separating a simulated and non-simulated region. The normal for those vertices will be computed only by the simulated triangles which can lead to wrong results. This solution will use the normals from the original simulation mesh and skin them with respect to the local pose.

'flags.ParallelCpuSkinning' : Determines whether or not to perform CPU skinning in parallel

All graphical vertices without correspondence to physical vertices or triangles are skinned normally. This flag specifies whether this happens during Physics scene simulation, or after. Note: If this flag is set, an inconsistency can arise when calling NxClothingActor::updateRenderResource in between NxApexScene::simulate and NxApexScene::fetchResults. As a workaround, you should only call NxClothingActor::updateRenderResources _after_ NxApexScene::fetchResults has terminated.

'flags.RecomputeNormals' : Fully recomputes the normals on the final mesh.

This usually leads to better looking results, but is more expensive to compute. Default is off.

'flags.RecomputeTangents' : Fully recomputes the tangents on the final mesh.

RecomputeTangents can only be set to false if less than half of the graphics mesh vertices have an exact match in the physics mesh. Otherwise it's always on.

'flags.Visualize' : Determines whether or not to display debug visualization for this clothing actor

'freezeByLOD' : Cloth state frozen when LoD turns off simulation of the actor, instead of returning to the animated state.

'globalPose' : The pose where the clothing asset will be put into the scene

'localSpaceSim' : Do simulation in local space.

If this flag is enabled the simulation is done at origin, however the cloth is rendered at its global position. The simulation of the actor is transformed such that the root bone ends up at origin. The scale of the actor is maintained during the simulation. If a 3.x physX simulation backend is used, it is possible to add the inertia effects to the simulation, through the inertiaScale parameter of the clothing material. So with an inertiaScale of 1.0 there should be no visible difference between local space and global space simulation. Known issues: - PhysX 2.8.4 does not support inertiaScale (it corresponds to inertiaScale=0.0f). So if localSpaceSim is enabled there's no inertia effect when the global pose of the clothing actor changes. - With 2.8.4 this only works for clothing on 1 character, without world collision. This is because collision volumes would interfere with the cloth that is simulated at origin. This is not a problem in 3.x because there collision only happens with the collision volumes specifically defined for the clothing actor.

'lodWeights.benefitsBias' : Benefits bias

'lodWeights.bias' : Bias

'lodWeights.distanceWeight' : Distance weight

'lodWeights.maxDistance' : Maximum distance

'maxDistanceBlendTime' : Time in seconds how long it takes to go from zero maxDistance to full maxDistance

Note: This also influences how quickly different physical LoDs can be switched

'maxDistanceScale.Multipliable' : Multipliable

'maxDistanceScale.Scale' : Scale

'morphDisplacements[]' : Displacements according to the current morph target.

'morphGraphicalMeshNewPositions[]' : New positions of all submeshes of all graphical meshes.

'morphPhysicalMeshNewPositions[]' : New positions for the physical meshes and convex collision volumes.

'multiplyGlobalPoseIntoBones' : Enable/disable multiplying global pose into bones

'overrideMaterialNames[]' : Replacement material names for the ones provided by the render mesh asset inside the clothing asset.

'pressure' : Set pressure of cloth, only works on closed meshes.

'runtimeCooked' :

'shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup' : Sets which collision group this shape is part of.

Default group is 0. Maximum possible group is 31. Collision groups are sets of shapes which may or may not be set to collision detect with each other; this can be set using NxScene::setGroupCollisionFlag() Sleeping: Does NOT wake the associated actor up automatically.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision detection for this shape (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION)

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING' : Disable raycasting for this shape

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES' : Disable participation in ray casts, overlap tests and sweeps.

Setting this to true will make the non-compartment CPU cloth not work.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD' : Enable dynamic-dynamic CCD for this shape. Used only when CCD is globally enabled and shape have a CCD skeleton.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for this shape

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0' : First part of 128-bit group mask

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1' : Second part of 128-bit group mask

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2' : Third part of 128-bit group mask

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3' : Fourth part of 128-bit group mask

'shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex' : The material index of the shape.

'' : Name of the shapes; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.

'shapeDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer

'simulationBackend' : Select which backend should be used. 'ForceNative' will only work when running with the 2.8.x PhysX SDK

'slowStart' : Prevents from having full max distance right from the start

The first time a NxClothingActor starts to be simulated is with full max distance. This prevents starting with full max distance and instead blending in as it will do the second time.

'teleportMode' : Buffered teleport state for the next simulate call, gets set in updateState, is reset to Continuous during simulate().

0 = ClothingTeleportMode::Continuous 1 = ClothingTeleportMode::Teleport 2 = ClothingTeleportMode::TeleportAndReset

'updateStateWithGlobalMatrices' : Use world space matrices instead of composite (relative to bind pose) in NxClothingActor::updateState().

Depending on what matrices are present, the state can be updated using global world or object space bone matrices or composite matrices. The composite matrix can be generated by multiplying the world or object space matrix by the inverse bone bine pose. Note: If there are problems which might be caused by bind poses being different in the ClothingAsset and in the game's animation system, changing this to true (and thus providing global pose matrices) might fix the problem.

'useHardwareCloth' : Turns on hardware acceleration for the cloth simulation

'useInternalBoneOrder' : Expect internally ordered bone arrays in updateState call.

If this is set to true the bone buffers in updateState and the actor descriptor have to be given in the same order as the bones are stored internally in the asset. This can be queried using NxClothingAsset::getNumUsedBones and NxClothingAsset::getBoneName or NxClothingAsset::getBoneMapping. If this is set to false, the bone buffers can be provided in the order as they are stored in the application. This is either the bone order at authoring time, or NxClothingAsset::remapBoneIndex can be called for each bone to let APEX know about the current ordering in the game. Note that this is only recommended if the application already uses physx::PxMat44 (or something binary equivalent) and does not have to convert the matrices.

'userData' : Optional user data pointer associated with the clothing actor

'useVelocityClamping' : Enable/disable velocity clamping

'uvChannelForTangentUpdate' : This UV channel is used for updating tangent space

Tangent update is done based on one UV channel. This allows selection of what UV channel is being used.

'vertexVelocityClamp' : Vertex velocity clamping values

'windParams.Adaption' : The rate of adaption. The higher this value, the faster the cloth reaches the wind velocity. Set to 0 to turn off wind.

This is roughly the inverse of the time in seconds it takes to adapt to the wind velocity.

'windParams.Velocity' : The target velocity each vertex tries to achieve.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:37

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