Jetson Linux API Reference

36.2 Release
v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_ Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Holds the preprocessing enhancement initialization parameters to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_PPE_INIT_PARAMS IOCTL.

Definition at line 2083 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

Data Fields

__u8 enable_ppe
 Boolean value indicating if PPE module should be enabled. More...
__u32 feature_flags
 Bit flags to enable/disable each individual feature. More...
__u8 enable_profiler
 Boolean value indicating if profiler should be enabled. More...
__s32 wait_time_ms
 The max number of milliseconds that Nvmedia should wait for each frame processing. More...
__u8 taq_max_qp_delta
 Maximum strength of QP delta map for TAQ. More...
__u8 taq_b_frame_mode
 Boolean value indicating if TAQ should be applied for B-frames. More...

Field Documentation

◆ enable_ppe

__u8 v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_::enable_ppe

Boolean value indicating if PPE module should be enabled.

Definition at line 2086 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ enable_profiler

__u8 v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_::enable_profiler

Boolean value indicating if profiler should be enabled.

Definition at line 2090 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ feature_flags

__u32 v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_::feature_flags

Bit flags to enable/disable each individual feature.

Definition at line 2088 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ taq_b_frame_mode

__u8 v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_::taq_b_frame_mode

Boolean value indicating if TAQ should be applied for B-frames.

Definition at line 2096 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ taq_max_qp_delta

__u8 v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_::taq_max_qp_delta

Maximum strength of QP delta map for TAQ.

Definition at line 2094 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ wait_time_ms

__s32 v4l2_enc_ppe_init_params_::wait_time_ms

The max number of milliseconds that Nvmedia should wait for each frame processing.

Definition at line 2092 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: