
class pyds.NvOSD_TextParams

Holds the parameters of the text to be overlaid.

  • display_textstr, Holds the text to be overlaid.

  • x_offsetint, Holds horizontal offset w.r.t top left pixel of the frame.

  • y_offsetint, Holds vertical offset w.r.t top left pixel of the frame.

  • font_paramsNvOSD_FontParams, Holds the font parameters of the text to be overlaid.

  • set_bg_clrint, Boolean to indicate text has background color.

  • text_bg_clrNvOSD_ColorParams, Holds the text’s background color, if specified.

Example usage:

display_meta=pyds.nvds_acquire_display_meta_from_pool(batch_meta) #Retrieve NvDsDisplayMeta object from given NvDsBatchMeta object. See NvDsMeta docs for more details.
display_meta.num_labels = 1
py_nvosd_text_params = display_meta.text_params[0] #Retrieve NvOSD_TextParams object from list in display meta. 
# Setting display text to be shown on screen
# Note that the pyds module allocates a buffer for the string, and the
# memory will not be claimed by the garbage collector.
# Reading the display_text field here will return the C address of the
# allocated string. Use pyds.get_string() to get the string content.
py_nvosd_text_params.display_text = "Frame Number={} Number of Objects={} Vehicle_count={} Person_count={}".format(frame_number, num_rects, obj_counter[PGIE_CLASS_ID_VEHICLE], obj_counter[PGIE_CLASS_ID_PERSON])

# Now set the offsets where the string should appear
py_nvosd_text_params.x_offset = 10
py_nvosd_text_params.y_offset = 12

# Font , font-color and font-size
py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_name = "Serif" #Set attributes of our NvOSD_TextParams object's NvOSD_FontParams member 
py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_size = 10
# set(red, green, blue, alpha); set to White
py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_color.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) #See NvOSD_ColorParams for more details.

# Text background color
py_nvosd_text_params.set_bg_clr = 1 #Set boolean indicating that text has bg color to true. 
# set(red, green, blue, alpha); set to Black
py_nvosd_text_params.text_bg_clr.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# Using pyds.get_string() to get display_text as string
pyds.nvds_add_display_meta_to_frame(frame_meta, display_meta) #Add display meta to frame after setting text params attributes.
cast(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. cast(self: capsule) -> pyds.NvOSD_TextParams

cast given object/data to NvOSD_TextParams, call pyds.NvOSD_TextParams.cast(data)

  1. cast(self: int) -> pyds.NvOSD_TextParams

cast given object/data to NvOSD_TextParams, call pyds.NvOSD_TextParams.cast(data)