NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

5.0 Release

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_NvBbox_CoordsHolds unclipped bounding box coordinates of the object
 C_NvBufSurfaceTransformParamsHolds transform parameters for a transform call
 C_NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParamsHolds composite parameters for a composite call
 C_NvBufSurfTransformConfigParamsHolds configuration parameters for a transform/composite session
 C_NvDewarperSurfaceMetaHolds a set of dewarper metadata
 C_NvDsBaseMetaHolds information about base metadata of a given metadata type
 C_NvDsBatchMetaHolds information about a formed batch containing frames from different sources
 C_NvDsClassifierMetaHolds classifier metadata for an object
 C_NvDsComp_BboxInfoHolds unclipped positional bounding box coordinates of the object processed by the component
 C_NvDsEventHolds event information
 C_NvDsFrameMetaHolds metadata for a frame in a batch
 C_NvDsInferContextInitParamsHolds the initialization parameters required for the NvDsInferContext interface
 C_NvDsLabelInfoHolds label metadata for the classifier
 C_NvDsMetaHolds DeepSteam metadata
 C_NvDsMetaCompLatencyHolds information about latency of the given component
 C_NvDsMetaPoolHolds information about a given metadata pool
 C_NvDsObjectMetaHolds metadata for an object in the frame
 C_NvDsObjEncOutParamsHolds output parameters
 C_NvDsObjEncUsrArgsHolds user parameters for a nvds_obj_enc_process call
 C_NvDsPastFrameObjBatchBatch of lists of buffered objects
 C_NvDsPastFrameObjListOne object in several past frames
 C_NvDsPastFrameObjStreamList of objects in each stream
 C_NvDsUserMetaHolds user metadata
 C_NvMOTConfigHolds a tracker configuration
 C_NvMOTConfigResponseHolds a tracker's configuration status
 C_NvMOTFrameHolds a frame containing the image and objects to be tracked
 C_NvMOTMiscConfigHolds miscellaneous configurations
 C_NvMOTObjToTrackHolds information about an object to be tracked
 C_NvMOTObjToTrackListHolds a list of objects
 C_NvMOTPerTransformBatchConfigHolds a configuration for batches for an input transform (a scaling/color conversion)
 C_NvMOTProcessParamsHolds parameters for processing a batch
 C_NvMOTRectHolds the definition of a rectangle
 C_NvMOTTrackedObjHolds information about each tracked object
 C_NvMOTTrackedObjBatchHolds a batch of lists of tracked objects
 C_NvMOTTrackedObjListHolds a list of tracked objects
 C_NvOFFlowVectorHolds motion vector information about an element
 C_NvOSD_ArrowParamsHolds arrow parameters to be overlaid
 C_NvOSD_CircleParamsHolds circle parameters to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_ColorParamsHolds the color parameters of the box or text to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_FontParamsHolds the font parameters of the text to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_FrameArrowParamsHolds information about the arrows in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameCircleParamsHolds information about the circles in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameLineParamsHolds information about the lines in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameRectParamsHolds information about the rectangles in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameSegmentMaskParamsHolds information about the rectangles in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameTextParamsHolds information about the text in a frame
 C_NvOSD_LineParamsHolds the box parameters of a line to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_MaskParamsHolds the mask parameters of the segment to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_RectParamsHolds the box parameters of the box to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_TextParamsHolds parameters of text to be overlayed
 CNvBufSurfaceHolds information about batched buffers
 CNvBufSurfaceCreateParamsHolds parameters required to allocate an NvBufSurface
 CNvBufSurfaceMappedAddrHolds pointers for a mapped buffer
 CNvBufSurfaceParamsHolds information about a single buffer in a batch
 CNvBufSurfacePlaneParamsHolds the planewise parameters of a buffer
 CNvBufSurfTransformRectHolds the coordinates of a rectangle
 CNvDsAnalyticsFrameMetaHolds a set of nvdsanalytics framelevel metadata
 CNvDsAnalyticsObjInfoHolds a set of nvdsanalytics object level metadata
 CNvDsCoordinateHold a coordinate's position
 CNvDsDisplayMetaHolds display metadata that the user can specify in the frame
 CNvDsEventMsgMetaHolds event message meta data
 CNvDsFaceObjectHolds a face object's parameters
 CNvDsFaceObjectWithExtHolds a face object's parameters
 CNvDsFrameLatencyInfoHolds information about the latency of a given frame
 CNvDsGeoLocationHolds geolocation parameters
 CNvDsInferAttributeHolds information about one classified attribute
 CNvDsInferClassificationOutputHolds information on all attributes classifed by a classifier network for one frame
 CNvDsInferContextBatchInputHolds information about one batch to be inferred
 CNvDsInferContextBatchOutputHolds the output for all of the frames in a batch (an array of frame), and related buffer information
 CNvDsInferDBScanClusteringParamsHolds object clustering parameters required by DBSCAN
 CNvDsInferDetectionOutputHolds information on all objects detected by a detector network in one frame
 CNvDsInferDetectionParamsHolds detection and bounding box grouping parameters
 CNvDsInferDimsHolds the dimensions of a layer
 CNvDsInferDimsCHWHolds the dimensions of a three-dimensional layer
 CNvDsInferFrameOutputHolds the information inferred by the network on one frame
 CNvDsInferInstanceMaskInfoHolds information about one parsed object and instance mask from a detector's output
 CNvDsInferLayerInfoHolds information about one layer in the model
 CNvDsInferNetworkInfoHolds information about the model network
 CNvDsInferObjectHolds information about one detected object
 CNvDsInferObjectDetectionInfoHolds information about one parsed object from a detector's output
 CNvDsInferParseDetectionParamsHolds the detection parameters required for parsing objects
 CNvDsInferPluginFactoryCaffeHolds a pointer to a heap-allocated Plugin Factory object required during Caffe model parsing
 CNvDsInferPluginFactoryUffHolds a pointer to a heap-allocated Plugin Factory object required during UFF model parsing
 CNvDsInferSegmentationMetaHolds the segmentation model output information for one frame / one object
 CNvDsInferSegmentationOutputHolds information parsed from segmentation network output for one frame
 CNvDsInferTensorMetaHolds the raw tensor output information for one frame / one object
 CNvDsObjectSignatureHolds an object's signature
 CNvDsOpticalFlowMetaHolds optical flow metadata about a frame
 CNvDsPayloadHolds payload metadata
 CNvDsPersonObjectHolds a person object's parameters
 CNvDsPersonObjectExtHolds a person object's parameters
 CNvDsRectHolds a rectangle's position and size
 CNvDsSRContextHolds information about smart record instance
 CNvDsSRInitParamsHolds initializtion paramerters required to create NvDsSRContext
 CNvDsSRRecordingInfoHold information about video recorded
 CNvDsVehicleObjectHolds a vehicle object's parameters
 CNvDsVehicleObjectExtHolds a vehicle object's parameters