Reference test application | Path inside sources directory | Description |
Sample test application 1 | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test1 | Sample example of how to use DeepStream elements for a single H.264 stream: filesrc→ decode→ nvstreammux→ nvinfer (primary detector)→ nvdsosd→ renderer. |
Sample test application 2 | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test2 | Sample example of how to use DeepStream elements for a single H.264 stream: filesrc→ decode→ nvstreammux→ nvinfer (primary detector)→ nvtracker→ nvinfer (secondary classifier)→ nvdsosd → renderer. |
Sample test application 3 | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test3 | Builds on deepstream-test1 (simple test application 1) to demonstrate how to: • Use multiple sources in the pipeline • Use a uridecodebin to accept any type of input (e.g. RTSP/File), any GStreamer supported container format, and any codec • Configure Gst-nvstreammux to generate a batch of frames and infer on it for better resource utilization • Extract the stream metadata, which contains useful information about the frames in the batched buffer |
Sample test application 4 | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test4 | Builds on deepstream-test1 for a single H.264 stream: filesrc, decode, nvstreammux, nvinfer, nvdsosd, renderer to demonstrate how to: • Use the Gst-nvmsgconv and Gst-nvmsgbroker plugins in the pipeline • Create NVDS_META_EVENT_MSG type metadata and attach it to the buffer • Use NVDS_META_EVENT_MSG for different types of objects, e.g. vehicle and person • Implement “copy” and “free” functions for use if metadata is extended through the extMsg field |
Sample test application 5 | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test5 | Builds on top of deepstream-app. Demonstrates: • Use of Gst-nvmsgconv and Gst-nvmsgbroker plugins in the pipeline for multistream • How to configure Gst-nvmsgbroker plugin from the config file as a sink plugin (for KAFKA, Azure, etc.) • How to handle the RTCP sender reports from RTSP servers or cameras and translate the Gst Buffer PTS to a UTC timestamp. For more details refer the RTCP Sender Report callback function test5_rtcp_sender_report_callback() registration and usage in deepstream_test5_app_main.c. GStreamer callback registration with rtpmanager element’s “handle-sync” signal is documented in apps-common/src/deepstream_source_bin.c. |
AMQP protocol test application | libs/amqp_protocol_adaptor | Application to test AMQP protocol. |
Azure MQTT test application | libs/azure_protocol_adaptor | Test application to show Azure IoT device2edge messaging and device2cloud messaging using MQTT. |
DeepStream reference application | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-app | Source code for the DeepStream reference application. |
UFF SSD detector | sources/objectDetector_SSD | Configuration files and custom library implementation for the SSD detector model. |
Faster RCNN detector | sources/objectDetector_FasterRCNN | Configuration files and custom library implementation for the FasterRCNN model. |
Yolo detector | sources/objectDetector_Yolo | Configuration files and custom library implementation for the Yolo models, currently Yolo v2, v2 tiny, v3, and v3 tiny. |
Dewarper example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-dewarper-test | Demonstrates dewarper functionality for single or multiple 360-degree camera streams. Reads camera calibration parameters from a CSV file and renders aisle and spot surfaces on the display. |
Optical flow example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-nvof-test | Demonstrates optical flow functionality for single or multiple streams. This example uses two GStreamer plugins (Gst-nvof and Gst-nvofvisual). The Gst-nvof element generates the MV (motion vector) data and attaches it as user metadata. The Gst-nvofvisual element visualizes the MV data using a predefined color wheel matrix. |
Custom meta data example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-user-metadata-test | Demonstrates how to add custom or user-specific metadata to any component of DeepStream. The test code attaches a 16-byte array filled with user data to the chosen component. The data is retrieved in another component. |
MJPEG and JPEG decoder and inferencing example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-image-decode-test | Builds on deepstream-test3 to demonstrate image decoding instead of video. This example uses a custom decode bin so the MJPEG codec can be used as input. |
Image/Video segmentation example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-segmentation-test | Demonstrates segmentation of multi-stream video or images using a semantic or industrial neural network and rendering output to a display. |
Handling metadata before Gst-nvstreammux | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-gst-metadata-test | Demonstrates how to set metadata before the Gst-nvstreammux plugin in the DeepStream pipeline, and how to access it after Gst-nvstreammux. |
Gst-nvinfer tensor meta flow example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-infer-tensor-meta-app | Demonstrates how to flow and access nvinfer tensor output as metadata. |
Performance demo | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-perf-demo | Performs single channel cascaded inferencing and object tracking sequentially on all streams in a directory. |
Analytics example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-nvdsanalytics-test | Demonstrates batched analytics like ROI filtering, Line crossing, direction detection and overcrowding |
OpenCV example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-opencv-test | Demonstrates the use of OpenCV in dsexample plugin |
Image as Metadata example | Apps/sample_apps / deepstream-image-meta-test | Demonstrates how to attach encoded image as meta data and save the images in jpeg format. |
Appsrc and Appsink example | apps/sample_apps/deepstream-appsrc-test | Demonstrates AppSrc and AppSink usage for consuming and giving data from non DeepStream code respectively. |
Transfer learning example | apps/sample_apps/ deepstream-transfer-learning-app | Demonstrates a mechanism to save the images for objects which have lesser confidence and the same can be used for training further |
Mask-RCNN example | apps/sample_apps/ deepstream-mrcnn-test | Demonstrates Instance segmentation using Mask-RCNN model |
Plugin or library | Path inside sources directory | Description |
DsExample GStreamer plugin | gst-plugins/gst-dsexample | Template plugin for integrating custom algorithms into DeepStream SDK graph. |
GStreamer Gst-nvmsgconv plugin | gst-plugins/gst-nvmsgconv | Source code for the GStreamer Gst-nvmsgconv plugin for converting metadata to schema format. |
GStreamer Gst-nvmsgbroker plugin | gst-plugins/gst-nvmsgbroker | Source code for the GStreamer Gst-nvmsgbroker plugin for sending data to the server. |
GStreamer Gst-nvinfer plugin | gst-plugins/gst-nvinfer | Source code for the GStreamer Gst-nvinfer plugin for inference. |
GStreamer Gst-nvdsosd plugin | gst-plugins/gst-nvdsosd | Source code for the GStreamer Gst-nvdsosd plugin for drawing bboxes, text and other objects. |
NvDsInfer library | libs/nvdsinfer | Source code for the NvDsInfer library, used by the Gst-nvinfer GStreamer plugin. |
NvMsgConv library | libs/nvmsgsconv | Source code for the NvMsgConv library, required by the Gst-nvmsgconv GStreamer plugin. |
Kafka protocol adapter | libs/kafka_protocol_adapter | Protocol adapter for Kafka. |
nvdsinfer_customparser | libs/nvdsinfer_customparser | Custom model output parsing example for detectors and classifiers. |
Gst-v4l2 | See the note below * | Source code for v4l2 codecs. |
* Gst-v4l2 sources are not present in DeepStream package. To download, follow these steps: 2. In the “Search filter” field, enter “L4T sources.” 3. Select the appropriate item for L4T Release 32.4.3. 4. Download the file and un-tar it, yielding a .tbz2 file. 5. Expand the .tbz2 file. Gst-v4l2 source files are in gst-nvvideo4linux2_src.tbz2. |