
struct NvDsInferDetectionParams

Holds detection and bounding box grouping parameters.

Public Members

union NvDsInferDetectionParams::[anonymous] [anonymous]

Holds the bounding box detection threshold to be applied prior to clustering operation.

float postClusterThreshold

Hold the bounding box detection threshold to be applied post clustering operation.

float eps

Holds the epsilon to control merging of overlapping boxes.

Refer to OpenCV groupRectangles and DBSCAN documentation for more information on epsilon.

int minBoxes

Holds the minimum number of boxes in a cluster to be considered an object during grouping using DBSCAN.

int groupThreshold

Holds the minimum number boxes in a cluster to be considered an object during grouping using OpenCV groupRectangles.

float minScore

Minimum score in a cluster for the cluster to be considered an object during grouping.

Different clustering may cause the algorithm to use different scores.

float nmsIOUThreshold

IOU threshold to be used with NMS mode of clustering.

int topK

Number of objects with objects to be filtered in the decensding order of probability.