DBScan Based Object Clustering API

group ee_dbscan

Defines the API for DBScan-based object clustering.


typedef struct NvDsInferDBScan *NvDsInferDBScanHandle

Holds an opaque DBScan clustering context handle.


NvDsInferDBScanHandle NvDsInferDBScanCreate()

Creates a new DBScan object clustering context.


A handle to the created context.

void NvDsInferDBScanDestroy(NvDsInferDBScanHandle handle)

Destroys a DBScan object clustering context.

  • [in] handle: The handle to the context to be destroyed.

void NvDsInferDBScanCluster(NvDsInferDBScanHandle handle, NvDsInferDBScanClusteringParams *params, NvDsInferObjectDetectionInfo *objects, size_t *numObjects)

Clusters an array of objects in place using specified clustering parameters.

  • [in] handle: A handle to the context be used for clustering.

  • [in] params: A pointer to a clustering parameter structure.

  • [inout] objects: A pointer to an array of objects to be clustered. The function places the clustered objects in the same array.

  • [inout] numObjects: A pointer to the number of valid objects in the objects array. The function sets this value after clustering.

void NvDsInferDBScanClusterHybrid(NvDsInferDBScanHandle handle, NvDsInferDBScanClusteringParams *params, NvDsInferObjectDetectionInfo *objects, size_t *numObjects)

Clusters an array of objects in place using specified clustering parameters.

The outputs are partially only clustered i.e to merge close neighbors of the same cluster together only and the mean normalization of all the proposals in a cluster is not performed. The outputs from this stage are later fed into another clustering algorithm like NMS to obtain the final results.

  • [in] handle: A handle to the context be used for clustering.

  • [in] params: A pointer to a clustering parameter structure.

  • [inout] objects: A pointer to an array of objects to be clustered. The function places the clustered objects in the same array.

  • [inout] numObjects: A pointer to the number of valid objects in the objects array. The function sets this value after clustering.

struct NvDsInferDBScanClusteringParams
#include <nvdsinfer_dbscan.h>

Holds object clustering parameters required by DBSCAN.