
struct _NvDsMetaCompLatency

Holds information about latency of the given component.

Public Members

gchar component_name[MAX_COMPONENT_LEN]

Holds the name of the component for which latency is measured.

gdouble in_system_timestamp

Holds the system timestamp of the buffer when it arrives at the input of the component.

gdouble out_system_timestamp

Holds the system timestamp of buffer when it is sent to the downstream component.

guint source_id

Holds the source ID of the component, e.g.

the camera ID.

guint frame_num

Holds the current frame number for which latency is measured.

guint pad_index

Holds the pad or port index of the stream muxer for the frame in the batch.

NvDsMetaSubCompLatency sub_comp_latencies[16]

Holds latency information of subcomponent in an array.

guint num_sub_comps

Holds the number of subcomponents for the given component.