gchar * eyecolor
Holds a pointer to the person's eye color.
gchar * apparel
Holds a pointer to a description of the person's apparel.
gpointer payload
Holds a pointer to the payload.
gdouble * signature
Holds a pointer to an array of signature values.
Holds a person object's parameters.
gchar * eyecolor
Holds a pointer to the person's eye color.
Holds a vehicle object's parameters.
guint payloadSize
Holds the size of the payload.
guint age
Holds the person's age.
gchar * name
Holds a pointer to the person's name.
NvDsEventType eventType
Holds the type of event.
gchar * license
Holds a pointer to the license number of the vehicle.
GList * mask
Holds a list of polygons for face mask.
Holds a person object's parameters.
gchar * make
Holds a pointer to the make of the vehicle.
gchar * model
Holds a pointer to the model of the vehicle.
gchar * facialhair
Holds a pointer to the person's facial hair color.
gdouble alt
Holds the location's altitude.
NvDsEventMsgMeta * metadata
Holds a pointer to event metadata.
gdouble lon
Holds the location's longitude.
gchar * color
Holds a pointer to the color of the vehicle.
gchar * license
Holds a pointer to the license number of the vehicle.
gchar * region
Holds a pointer to the region of the vehicle.
gchar * type
Holds a pointer to the type of the vehicle.
gchar * glasses
Holds a pointer to the type of glasses the person is wearing, if any.
gchar * glasses
Holds a pointer to the type of glasses the person is wearing, if any.
gchar * color
Holds a pointer to the color of the vehicle.
float height
Holds the rectangle's height in pixels.
gchar * type
Holds a pointer to the type of the vehicle.
gchar * hair
Holds a pointer to the person's hair color.
float left
Holds the position of rectangle's left side in pixels.
gchar * region
Holds a pointer to the region of the vehicle.
gchar * gender
Holds a pointer to the person's gender.
gchar * hair
Holds a pointer to the person's hair color.
gchar * cap
Holds a pointer to the type of cap the person is wearing, if any.
gchar * make
Holds a pointer to the make of the vehicle.
gchar * gender
Holds a pointer to the person's gender.
GList * mask
Holds a list of polygons for person mask.
gchar * hair
Holds a pointer to the person's hair color.
gchar * name
Holds a pointer to the person's name.
guint componentId
Holds the ID of the component (plugin) which attached the payload (optional).
Holds a face object's parameters.
gchar * facialhair
Holds a pointer to the person's facial hair color.
gchar * apparel
Holds a pointer to a description of the person's apparel.
Holds data for any user defined custom message to be attached to the payload message : custom message...
float top
Holds the position of rectangle's top in pixels.
Holds a vehicle object's parameters.
guint size
Holds the number of signature values in signature.
Holds geolocation parameters.
gdouble x
Holds the coordinate's X position.
gchar * cap
Holds a pointer to the type of cap the person is wearing, if any.
GList * mask
Holds a list of polygons for vehicle mask.
gdouble z
Holds the coordinate's Z position.
Hold a coordinate's position.
guint age
Holds the person's age.
Holds a rectangle's position and size.
gchar * hair
Holds a pointer to the person's hair color.
gchar * gender
Holds a pointer to the person's gender.
gdouble y
Holds the coordinate's Y position.
Holds an object's signature.
gchar * cap
Holds a pointer to the type of cap the person is wearing, if any.
float width
Holds the rectangle's width in pixels.
gchar * gender
Holds a pointer to the person's gender.
gchar * cap
Holds a pointer to the type of cap the person is wearing, if any.
gdouble lat
Holds the location's latitude.
guint age
Holds the person's age.
Holds a face object's parameters.
gchar * model
Holds a pointer to the model of the vehicle.
guint age
Holds the person's age.