NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

6.0 Release

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_NvDsObjectMeta Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Holds metadata for an object in the frame.

Definition at line 323 of file nvdsmeta.h.

Collaboration diagram for _NvDsObjectMeta:

Data Fields

NvDsBaseMeta base_meta
struct _NvDsObjectMetaparent
 Holds a pointer to the parent NvDsObjectMeta. More...
gint unique_component_id
 Holds a unique component ID that identifies the metadata in this structure. More...
gint class_id
 Holds the index of the object class inferred by the primary detector/classifier. More...
guint64 object_id
 Holds a unique ID for tracking the object. More...
NvDsComp_BboxInfo detector_bbox_info
 Holds a structure containing bounding box parameters of the object when detected by detector. More...
NvDsComp_BboxInfo tracker_bbox_info
 Holds a structure containing bounding box coordinates of the object when processed by tracker. More...
gfloat confidence
 Holds a confidence value for the object, set by the inference component. More...
gfloat tracker_confidence
 Holds a confidence value for the object set by nvdcf_tracker. More...
NvOSD_RectParams rect_params
 Holds a structure containing positional parameters of the object processed by the last component that updates it in the pipeline. More...
NvOSD_MaskParams mask_params
 Holds mask parameters for the object. More...
NvOSD_TextParams text_params
 Holds text describing the object. More...
gchar obj_label [MAX_LABEL_SIZE]
 Holds a string describing the class of the detected object. More...
 Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsClassifierMeta. More...
 Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsUserMeta. More...
gint64 misc_obj_info [MAX_USER_FIELDS]
 Holds additional user-defined object information. More...
gint64 reserved [MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS]
 For internal use. More...

Field Documentation

NvDsBaseMeta _NvDsObjectMeta::base_meta

Definition at line 324 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gint _NvDsObjectMeta::class_id

Holds the index of the object class inferred by the primary detector/classifier.

Definition at line 333 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvDsClassifierMetaList* _NvDsObjectMeta::classifier_meta_list

Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsClassifierMeta.

Definition at line 369 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gfloat _NvDsObjectMeta::confidence

Holds a confidence value for the object, set by the inference component.

confidence will be set to -0.1, if "Group Rectangles" mode of clustering is chosen since the algorithm does not preserve confidence values. Also, for objects found by tracker and not inference component, confidence will be set to -0.1

Definition at line 348 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvDsComp_BboxInfo _NvDsObjectMeta::detector_bbox_info

Holds a structure containing bounding box parameters of the object when detected by detector.

Definition at line 339 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvOSD_MaskParams _NvDsObjectMeta::mask_params

Holds mask parameters for the object.

This mask is overlayed on object

See also

Definition at line 362 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gint64 _NvDsObjectMeta::misc_obj_info[MAX_USER_FIELDS]

Holds additional user-defined object information.

Definition at line 373 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gchar _NvDsObjectMeta::obj_label[MAX_LABEL_SIZE]

Holds a string describing the class of the detected object.

Definition at line 367 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvDsUserMetaList* _NvDsObjectMeta::obj_user_meta_list

Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsUserMeta.

Definition at line 371 of file nvdsmeta.h.

guint64 _NvDsObjectMeta::object_id

Holds a unique ID for tracking the object.

UNTRACKED_OBJECT_ID indicates that the object has not been tracked.

Definition at line 336 of file nvdsmeta.h.

struct _NvDsObjectMeta* _NvDsObjectMeta::parent

Holds a pointer to the parent NvDsObjectMeta.

Set to NULL if no parent exists.

Definition at line 327 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvOSD_RectParams _NvDsObjectMeta::rect_params

Holds a structure containing positional parameters of the object processed by the last component that updates it in the pipeline.

e.g. If the tracker component is after the detector component in the pipeline then positinal parameters are from tracker component. Positional parameters are clipped so that they do not fall outside frame boundary. Can also be used to overlay borders or semi-transparent boxes on objects.

See also

Definition at line 359 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gint64 _NvDsObjectMeta::reserved[MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS]

For internal use.

Definition at line 375 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvOSD_TextParams _NvDsObjectMeta::text_params

Holds text describing the object.

This text can be overlayed on the standard text that identifies the object.

See also

Definition at line 365 of file nvdsmeta.h.

NvDsComp_BboxInfo _NvDsObjectMeta::tracker_bbox_info

Holds a structure containing bounding box coordinates of the object when processed by tracker.

Definition at line 342 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gfloat _NvDsObjectMeta::tracker_confidence

Holds a confidence value for the object set by nvdcf_tracker.

tracker_confidence will be set to -0.1 for KLT and IOU tracker

Definition at line 351 of file nvdsmeta.h.

gint _NvDsObjectMeta::unique_component_id

Holds a unique component ID that identifies the metadata in this structure.

Definition at line 330 of file nvdsmeta.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: