38 #ifndef __NVDS_ROI_META_H__
39 #define __NVDS_ROI_META_H__
gdouble offset_top
offsets in vertical direction while scaling
guint roi_polygon[DS_MAX_POLYGON_POINTS][2]
currently not being used
gdouble scale_ratio_y
Ratio by which the frame/ROI crop was scaled in vertical direction Required when scaling co-ordinates...
Region of Interests (ROIs)
Data type used for model in infer.
NvBufSurfaceParams * converted_buffer
Holds the box parameters of the box to be overlayed.
NvDsFrameMeta * frame_meta
Hold the information of single buffer in the batch.
NvDsUserMetaList * roi_user_meta_list
Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsUserMeta.
max polygon points ; currently not being used
Unit Type Fullframe/ROI/Crop Objects.
struct NvDsRoiMeta NvDsRoiMeta
Holds Information about ROI Metadata.
gdouble offset_left
offsets in horizontal direction while scaling
GList NvDsClassifierMetaList
classifier meta list
gdouble scale_ratio_x
Ratio by which the frame/ROI crop was scaled in horizontal direction Required when scaling co-ordinat...
GList NvDsUserMetaList
user meta list
NvDsClassifierMetaList * classifier_meta_list
Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsClassifierMeta.