NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
_GstNvDsPreProcess Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Strucuture containing Preprocess info.

Definition at line 192 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

Collaboration diagram for _GstNvDsPreProcess:

Data Fields

GstBaseTransform base_trans
 Gst Base Transform. More...
std::vector< guint64 > target_unique_ids
 Target unique ids. More...
gint operate_on_gie_id
 Gie id to process. More...
std::vector< GstNvDsPreProcessGroup * > nvdspreprocess_groups
 group information as specified in config file More...
NvDsPreProcessPropertySet property_set
 struct denoting properties set by config file More...
 pointer to the custom lib ctx More...
CustomInitParams custom_initparams
 custom lib init params More...
void * custom_lib_handle
 custom lib handle More...
gchar * custom_lib_path
 Custom Library Name. More...
std::string custom_tensor_function_name
 custom tensor function name More...
std::function< NvDsPreProcessStatus(CustomCtx *, NvDsPreProcessBatch *, NvDsPreProcessCustomBuf *&, CustomTensorParams &, NvDsPreProcessAcquirer *)> custom_tensor_function
 wrapper to custom tensor function More...
GstBufferPool * scaling_pool
 Internal buffer pool for memory required for scaling input frames and cropping object. More...
NvDsPreProcessFormat scaling_pool_format
 scaling pool color format More...
NvBufSurfaceMemType scaling_pool_memory_type
 scaling pool memory type More...
NvBufSurfTransform_Compute scaling_pool_compute_hw
 compute hw for transformation More...
NvBufSurfTransform_Inter scaling_pool_interpolation_filter
 interpolation filter for transformation More...
guint scaling_buf_pool_size
 Scaling buffer pool size. More...
guint meta_id
 meta id for differentiating between multiple tensor meta from same gst buffer More...
GstBufferPool * tensor_pool
 Internal buffer pool for memory required for tensor preparation. More...
guint tensor_buf_pool_size
 tensor buffer pool size More...
std::unique_ptr< NvDsPreProcessAcquirerImplacquire_impl
 Class for acquiring/releasing buffer from tensor pool. More...
 pointer to buffer provided to custom library for tensor preparation More...
NvDsPreProcessTensorParams tensor_params
 Parameters for tensor preparation. More...
gint processing_width
 Resolution width at which roi/full-frames should be processed. More...
gint processing_height
 Resolution height at which roi/full-frames should be processed. More...
cudaStream_t convert_stream
 Cuda Stream to ROI crop, scale and convert. More...
gboolean maintain_aspect_ratio
 Boolean to indicate maintain aspect ratio. More...
gboolean symmetric_padding
 Boolean to indicate symmetric padding. More...
GMutex preprocess_lock
 Processing Queue and related synchronization structures. More...
GQueue * preprocess_queue
 Queue to send data to output thread for processing. More...
GCond preprocess_cond
 Gcondition for process queue. More...
GThread * output_thread
 Output thread. More...
gboolean stop
 Boolean to signal output thread to stop. More...
guint unique_id
 Unique ID of the element. More...
guint64 frame_num
 Frame number of the current input buffer. More...
NvBufSurface batch_insurf
 Temporary NvBufSurface for input to batched transformations. More...
NvBufSurface batch_outsurf
 Temporary NvBufSurface for output from batched transformations. More...
guint max_batch_size
 Maximum batch size. More...
guint gpu_id
 GPU ID on which we expect to execute the task. More...
gboolean enable
 if disabled plugin will work in passthrough mode More...
gchar * config_file_path
 Config file path for nvdspreprocess. More...
gboolean config_file_parse_successful
 Config file parsing status. More...
gboolean process_on_frame
 Boolean indicating if processing on frame or already cropped objects should be processed. More...
gulong current_batch_num
 Current batch number of the input batch. More...
GstFlowReturn last_flow_ret
 GstFlowReturn returned by the latest buffer pad push. More...
NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams transform_config_params
 Config params required by NvBufSurfTransform API. More...
NvBufSurfTransformParams transform_params
 Parameters to use for transforming buffers. More...
nvtxDomainHandle_t nvtx_domain
 NVTX Domain. More...
std::unordered_map< gint, gint > * src_to_group_map
 Map src-id : preprocess-group-id. More...
GMutex framemeta_map_lock
 Lock for framemeta_map. More...

Field Documentation

◆ acquire_impl

std::unique_ptr<NvDsPreProcessAcquirerImpl> _GstNvDsPreProcess::acquire_impl

Class for acquiring/releasing buffer from tensor pool.

Definition at line 257 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ base_trans

GstBaseTransform _GstNvDsPreProcess::base_trans

Gst Base Transform.

Definition at line 195 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ batch_insurf

NvBufSurface _GstNvDsPreProcess::batch_insurf

Temporary NvBufSurface for input to batched transformations.

Definition at line 304 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ batch_outsurf

NvBufSurface _GstNvDsPreProcess::batch_outsurf

Temporary NvBufSurface for output from batched transformations.

Definition at line 307 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ config_file_parse_successful

gboolean _GstNvDsPreProcess::config_file_parse_successful

Config file parsing status.

Definition at line 322 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ config_file_path

gchar* _GstNvDsPreProcess::config_file_path

Config file path for nvdspreprocess.

Definition at line 319 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ convert_stream

cudaStream_t _GstNvDsPreProcess::convert_stream

Cuda Stream to ROI crop, scale and convert.

Definition at line 272 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ current_batch_num

gulong _GstNvDsPreProcess::current_batch_num

Current batch number of the input batch.

Definition at line 328 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ custom_initparams

CustomInitParams _GstNvDsPreProcess::custom_initparams

custom lib init params

Definition at line 213 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ custom_lib_ctx

CustomCtx* _GstNvDsPreProcess::custom_lib_ctx

pointer to the custom lib ctx

Definition at line 210 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ custom_lib_handle

void* _GstNvDsPreProcess::custom_lib_handle

custom lib handle

Definition at line 216 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ custom_lib_path

gchar* _GstNvDsPreProcess::custom_lib_path

Custom Library Name.

Definition at line 219 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ custom_tensor_function

std::function<NvDsPreProcessStatus(CustomCtx *, NvDsPreProcessBatch *, NvDsPreProcessCustomBuf *&, CustomTensorParams &, NvDsPreProcessAcquirer *)> _GstNvDsPreProcess::custom_tensor_function

wrapper to custom tensor function

Definition at line 226 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ custom_tensor_function_name

std::string _GstNvDsPreProcess::custom_tensor_function_name

custom tensor function name

Definition at line 222 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ enable

gboolean _GstNvDsPreProcess::enable

if disabled plugin will work in passthrough mode

Definition at line 316 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ frame_num

guint64 _GstNvDsPreProcess::frame_num

Frame number of the current input buffer.

Definition at line 301 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ framemeta_map_lock

GMutex _GstNvDsPreProcess::framemeta_map_lock

Lock for framemeta_map.

Definition at line 346 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ gpu_id

guint _GstNvDsPreProcess::gpu_id

GPU ID on which we expect to execute the task.

Definition at line 313 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ last_flow_ret

GstFlowReturn _GstNvDsPreProcess::last_flow_ret

GstFlowReturn returned by the latest buffer pad push.

Definition at line 331 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ maintain_aspect_ratio

gboolean _GstNvDsPreProcess::maintain_aspect_ratio

Boolean to indicate maintain aspect ratio.

Definition at line 275 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ max_batch_size

guint _GstNvDsPreProcess::max_batch_size

Maximum batch size.

Definition at line 310 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ meta_id

guint _GstNvDsPreProcess::meta_id

meta id for differentiating between multiple tensor meta from same gst buffer

Definition at line 248 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ nvdspreprocess_groups

std::vector<GstNvDsPreProcessGroup*> _GstNvDsPreProcess::nvdspreprocess_groups

group information as specified in config file

Definition at line 204 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ nvtx_domain

nvtxDomainHandle_t _GstNvDsPreProcess::nvtx_domain

NVTX Domain.

Definition at line 340 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ operate_on_gie_id

gint _GstNvDsPreProcess::operate_on_gie_id

Gie id to process.

Definition at line 201 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ output_thread

GThread* _GstNvDsPreProcess::output_thread

Output thread.

Definition at line 291 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ preprocess_cond

GCond _GstNvDsPreProcess::preprocess_cond

Gcondition for process queue.

Definition at line 288 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ preprocess_lock

GMutex _GstNvDsPreProcess::preprocess_lock

Processing Queue and related synchronization structures.

Gmutex lock for against shared access in threads

Definition at line 282 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ preprocess_queue

GQueue* _GstNvDsPreProcess::preprocess_queue

Queue to send data to output thread for processing.

Definition at line 285 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ process_on_frame

gboolean _GstNvDsPreProcess::process_on_frame

Boolean indicating if processing on frame or already cropped objects should be processed.

Definition at line 325 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ processing_height

gint _GstNvDsPreProcess::processing_height

Resolution height at which roi/full-frames should be processed.

Definition at line 269 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ processing_width

gint _GstNvDsPreProcess::processing_width

Resolution width at which roi/full-frames should be processed.

Definition at line 266 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ property_set

NvDsPreProcessPropertySet _GstNvDsPreProcess::property_set

struct denoting properties set by config file

Definition at line 207 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ scaling_buf_pool_size

guint _GstNvDsPreProcess::scaling_buf_pool_size

Scaling buffer pool size.

Definition at line 242 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ scaling_pool

GstBufferPool* _GstNvDsPreProcess::scaling_pool

Internal buffer pool for memory required for scaling input frames and cropping object.

Definition at line 230 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ scaling_pool_compute_hw

NvBufSurfTransform_Compute _GstNvDsPreProcess::scaling_pool_compute_hw

compute hw for transformation

Definition at line 239 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ scaling_pool_format

NvDsPreProcessFormat _GstNvDsPreProcess::scaling_pool_format

scaling pool color format

Definition at line 233 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ scaling_pool_interpolation_filter

NvBufSurfTransform_Inter _GstNvDsPreProcess::scaling_pool_interpolation_filter

interpolation filter for transformation

Definition at line 242 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ scaling_pool_memory_type

NvBufSurfaceMemType _GstNvDsPreProcess::scaling_pool_memory_type

scaling pool memory type

Definition at line 236 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ src_to_group_map

std::unordered_map<gint, gint>* _GstNvDsPreProcess::src_to_group_map

Map src-id : preprocess-group-id.

Definition at line 343 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ stop

gboolean _GstNvDsPreProcess::stop

Boolean to signal output thread to stop.

Definition at line 294 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ symmetric_padding

gboolean _GstNvDsPreProcess::symmetric_padding

Boolean to indicate symmetric padding.

Definition at line 278 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ target_unique_ids

std::vector<guint64> _GstNvDsPreProcess::target_unique_ids

Target unique ids.

Definition at line 198 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ tensor_buf

NvDsPreProcessCustomBuf* _GstNvDsPreProcess::tensor_buf

pointer to buffer provided to custom library for tensor preparation

Definition at line 260 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ tensor_buf_pool_size

guint _GstNvDsPreProcess::tensor_buf_pool_size

tensor buffer pool size

Definition at line 254 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ tensor_params

NvDsPreProcessTensorParams _GstNvDsPreProcess::tensor_params

Parameters for tensor preparation.

Definition at line 263 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ tensor_pool

GstBufferPool* _GstNvDsPreProcess::tensor_pool

Internal buffer pool for memory required for tensor preparation.

Definition at line 251 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ transform_config_params

NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams _GstNvDsPreProcess::transform_config_params

Config params required by NvBufSurfTransform API.

Definition at line 334 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ transform_params

NvBufSurfTransformParams _GstNvDsPreProcess::transform_params

Parameters to use for transforming buffers.

Definition at line 337 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

◆ unique_id

guint _GstNvDsPreProcess::unique_id

Unique ID of the element.

Used to identify metadata generated by this element.

Definition at line 298 of file gstnvdspreprocess.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: