NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Data structure to describe the post processing for BodyPose2D.

Definition at line 51 of file BodyPose2D.h.

Data Fields

size_t numJoints
 Number of joints. More...
size_t nmsWindowSize
 window size for NMS operation. More...
size_t featUpsamplingFactor
 feature upsampleing factor. More...
float threshHeat
 model threshold for heatmap. More...
float threshVectorScore
 model threshold for vector score. More...
int threshVectorCnt1
 model threshold for vector count. More...
int threshPartCnt
 model threshold for part count. More...
float threshHumanScore
 model threshold for human score. More...
std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > jointEdges

Field Documentation

◆ featUpsamplingFactor

size_t cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::featUpsamplingFactor

feature upsampleing factor.

Definition at line 55 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ jointEdges

std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::jointEdges

Definition at line 62 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ nmsWindowSize

size_t cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::nmsWindowSize

window size for NMS operation.

Definition at line 54 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ numJoints

size_t cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::numJoints

Number of joints.

Definition at line 53 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ threshHeat

float cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::threshHeat

model threshold for heatmap.

Definition at line 56 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ threshHumanScore

float cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::threshHumanScore

model threshold for human score.

Definition at line 60 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ threshPartCnt

int cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::threshPartCnt

model threshold for part count.

Definition at line 59 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ threshVectorCnt1

int cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::threshVectorCnt1

model threshold for vector count.

Definition at line 58 of file BodyPose2D.h.

◆ threshVectorScore

float cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams::threshVectorScore

model threshold for vector score.

Definition at line 57 of file BodyPose2D.h.

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