Struct IDataTable

Base Type

  • public std::enable_shared_from_this< IDataTable >

Derived Type

struct IDataTable : public std::enable_shared_from_this<IDataTable>

Owning object which owns a unique_ptr<cudf::table>, table_metadata, and index information Why this doesn’t exist in cudf is beyond me.

Subclassed by morpheus::PyDataTable

Unnamed Group

TableInfo get_info() const

Gets a read-only instance of TableInfo which can be used to query and update the table from both C++ and Python. This will block calls to get_mutable_info until all TableInfo object have been destroyed.


Read-only refers to changes made to the structure of a DataFrame. i.e. Adding/Removing columns, changing column, types, adding/removing rows, etc. It’s possible to update an existing range of data in a column with TableInfo.



Unnamed Group

MutableTableInfo get_mutable_info() const

Gets a writable instance of MutableTableInfo which can be used to modify the structure of the table from both C++ and Python. This requires exclusive access to the underlying IDataTable and will block until all TableInfo and MutableTableInfo objects have been destroyed. This class also provides direct access to the underlying python object.


Read-only refers to changes made to the structure of a DataFrame. i.e. Adding/Removing columns, changing column, types, adding/removing rows, etc. It’s possible to update an existing range of data in a column with TableInfo.



Public Functions

IDataTable() = default

Construct a new IDataTable object.

virtual ~IDataTable() = default

virtual cudf::size_type count() const = 0

cuDF dataframe rows count.



virtual const pybind11::object &get_py_object() const = 0

Direct access to the underlying python object. Use only when absolutely necessary. get_mutable_info() provides better checking when using the python object directly.


const pybind11::object&

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 11, 2023.