Checkpoint Conversion

NVIDIA provides a simple tool to convert the checkpoints from .ckpt format to .nemo format. The .nemo checkpoint will be used for evaluation and inference.

Run Conversion

To run checkpoint conversion update conf/config.yaml:

  - conversion: llama/convert_llama

  - conversion

Execute the launcher pipeline: python3


Default configurations for conversion can be found in file conf/conversion/llama/convert_llama.yaml.

    name: convert_${}
    nodes: ${divide_ceil:${conversion.model.model_parallel_size}, 8} # 8 gpus per node
    time_limit: "2:00:00"
    ntasks_per_node: ${divide_ceil:${conversion.model.model_parallel_size}, ${.nodes}}
    convert_name: convert_nemo
    model_train_name: llama3_8b
    train_dir: ${base_results_dir}/${.model_train_name}
    results_dir: ${.train_dir}/${.convert_name}
    output_path: ${.train_dir}/${.convert_name}
    nemo_file_name: megatron_llama.nemo # name of nemo checkpoint; must be .nemo file

nemo_file_name sets the output filename of the converted .nemo checkpoint.

output_path sets the output location of the converted .nemo checkpoint.

    model_type: gpt
    checkpoint_folder: ${}/results/checkpoints
    checkpoint_name: latest # latest OR name pattern of a checkpoint (e.g. megatron_gpt-*last.ckpt)
    hparams_file: ${}/results/hparams.yaml
    tensor_model_parallel_size: 2
    pipeline_model_parallel_size: 1
    model_parallel_size: ${multiply:${.tensor_model_parallel_size}, ${.pipeline_model_parallel_size}}
    tokenizer_model: ${data_dir}/llama/llama_tokenizer.model

checkpoint_folder sets the input checkpoint folder to be used for conversion.

checkpoint_name sets the input checkpoint filename to bed used for conversion.