NVIDIA Mellanox ConnectX-4 Lx Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v14.30.1004
NVIDIA ConnectX-5 Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v16.35.3502 LTS

Changes and New Features


Security Hardening Enhancements: This release contains important reliability improvements and security hardening enhancements. Mellanox recommends upgrading your devices firmware to this release to improve the devices’ firmware security and reliability.


SR-IOV - Virtual Functions (VF) per Port - The maximum Virtual Functions (VF) per port is 127. For further information, see RoCE Limitations.




Performance: Steering

Added support for a new NV config mode “icm_cache_mode_large_scale_steering” that enables less cache misses and improves performance for cases when working with many steering rules.
This capability is enabled using the mlxconfig parameter "ICM_CACHE_MODE".

Bug Fixes

See Bug Fixes in this Firmware Version section.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on May 23, 2023.