NVIDIA ConnectX-7 Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v28.36.1010
NVIDIA ConnectX-5 Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v16.35.3502 LTS

Changes and New Features




Link Protocol

IB/Ethernet (IB NDR / 200GbE) supported ConnectX-7 adapter cards now raise at their default link protocol. For the list of these cards, please refer to the "Supported Devices" section of this Release Notes, see the cards that have (default mode) in their description.

For a non-default protocol, please refer to the Hardware User Manual.


Enabled provisioning of the OEM public key that is used for OEM NVconfig file signature verification.

Bug Fixes

See Bug Fixes in this Firmware Version section.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Oct 18, 2023.