NVIDIA ConnectX-7 Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v28.36.2050
NVIDIA ConnectX-5 Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v16.35.3502 LTS

Changes and New Features




Surprise Link Down Mechanism

Added support for surprise link down mechanism by the DPC.


Added support for mlxfwreset (multi ASIC reset). Following the mlxfwreset activation, the host reboot will trigger all ASICs' reset (enables applying TLVs, loading new firmware ver).


Implemented the following NC-SI commands:

  • Get Protection Options (Command = 0x0, parameter 0x33). This command is issued for the specific package. This Command is used by the BMC to query which protections is enforced on the network controller. On multi-Host platforms this command can only be issued by the chassis manager BMC. The settings of Get Protection Options command are non-volatile.

  • Set Protection Options (Command = 0x1, parameter 0x33). This command is issued for the specific package. This Command is used by the BMC to configure which protections shall be enforced on the network controller. On multi-Host platforms this command can only be issued by the chassis manager BMC. The settings of Set Protection Options command are non-volatile.


Added Get PCIe Error Counters OEM NC-SI command to retrieve PCIe error counters via OOB. Fields that are not supported in Advanced Error Reporting, are reported as 0.

Note: Root Error Command, Root Error Status & Error Source Identifier and TLP Prefix Log are currently not supported.


Implemented the following NVIDIA NC-SI OEM Commands:

  • Get Electrical Sensor Count (command 0x13, parameter 0x6)

  • Gel Electrical Sensor (command 0x13, parameter 0x7)

  • Get Electrical Sensors (command 0x13, parameter 0x8)


Added support for MMS4X00-NS-FLT vs T-DP4CNT-N00 HW rev 1A

Note: The recommended cable firmware version: 234.241.0. When connecting the DR8 to the DR4, you must use this specific DR4.

Voltage Monitoring

Added support for ASICs voltage monitoring from each of the MP2975 – DUAL-LOOP DIGITAL PWM CONTROLLER devices.

Bug Fixes

See Bug Fixes in this Firmware Version.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Oct 18, 2023.