Useful Options
Parameter | Description |
--screen_num_errs <num> | Specifies the maximal number error/warning messages logged to the screen (default=5). If the number of errors/warnings is higher than a <num> value. Additional error/warning messages will be logged to the ibdiagne2.log file. |
Output (default):
Nodes Information
-I- Devid: 4099(0x1003), PSID: MT_1090120019, Latest FW Version:2.42.5000
-I- Devid: 4103(0x1007), PSID: MT_1090111019, Latest FW Version:2.42.5000
-I- Devid: 4115(0x1013), PSID: MT_2190110032, Latest FW Version:12.100.5600
-I- Devid: 4119(0x1017), PSID: MT_0000000008, Latest FW Version:16.18.160
-I- Devid: 51000(0xc738), PSID: MT_1270110020, Latest FW Version:9.3.1700
-I- Devid: 52000(0xcb20), PSID: MT_1880110032, Latest FW Version:11.1100.26
-E- FW Check finished with errors
-W- r-ufm118/U1 - Node with Devid:4115(0x1013),PSID:MT_2190110032 has FW version 12.27.6008 while the latest FW version for the same Devid/PSID on this fabric is 12.100.5600
-W- r-ufm112/U2 - Node with Devid:4115(0x1013),PSID:MT_2190110032 has FW version 12.26.4012 while the latest FW version for the same Devid/PSID on this fabric is 12.100.5600
-W- r-ufm218/U1 - Node with Devid:4115(0x1013),PSID:MT_2190110032 has FW version 12.26.4000 while the latest FW version for the same Devid/PSID on this fabric is 12.100.5600
-W- r-ufm216/U2 - Node with Devid:4115(0x1013),PSID:MT_2190110032 has FW version 12.26.4000 while the latest FW version for the same Devid/PSID on this fabric is 12.100.5600
-E- r-ufm101/U2 - The firmware of this device returned invalid general info data
ibdiagnet --screen_num_errs 3
Output ((--screen_num_errs 3):
Nodes Information
-I- Devid: 4099(0x1003), PSID: MT_1090120019, Latest FW Version:2.42.5000
-I- Devid: 4103(0x1007), PSID: MT_1090111019, Latest FW Version:2.42.5000
-I- Devid: 4115(0x1013), PSID: MT_2190110032, Latest FW Version:12.100.5600
-I- Devid: 4119(0x1017), PSID: MT_0000000008, Latest FW Version:16.18.160
-I- Devid: 51000(0xc738), PSID: MT_1270110020, Latest FW Version:9.3.1700
-I- Devid: 52000(0xcb20), PSID: MT_1880110032, Latest FW Version:11.1100.26
-E- FW Check finished with errors
-I- Errors/Warnings list will be reported in log file
The following ibdiagnet option can be used to provide meaningful names for unmanaged switches in ibdiagnet log and dump files. Same file can be used in opensm and infiniband-diags utilities such as ibnetdiscover.
Parameter | Description |
-m|--map <map-file> | Specifies the mapping file that maps unmanaged switch node GUID to the name. The format of the content of file should be as follows: 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ "name" e.g 0x123456 "Switch 1" |
The following ibdiagnet options allow counters and diagnostics fetching only from subset of nodes/switches in the fabric.
Parameter | Description |
--scope <file> | The file with a list of Node-GUIDs and ports belonging to the scope. |
--exclude_scope <file> | The file with a list of Node-GUIDs and ports which the counters fetching, and diagnostics should not be applied to. |
The ibdiagnet2.ibnetdiscover file will not be generated if any of the options is provided.
File format:
Scope file format includes the version and the list of nodes to include in the scope, according to the following syntax:
version:<format version number> - Scope file format version, must be first line of the file. Supported version 1.0
Comment lines start with #.
Nodes line of the following formats:
<Node GUID> - Includes node with specified node GUID with all its ports.
<Node GUID>@port1/port2/... - Includes only the specified ports of specified node.
Note: When using exclude scope option, only the specified ports of the node will be excluded.ALL_SWITCHES - Includes all switches with all ports in the scope.
ALL_CAS - Includes all HCAs in the scope.
ALL_ROUTERS - Includes all routers in the scope.
Defining a scope for nodes with Node GUIDs 0x10001, 0x10002, 0x10003 with all their ports:
version: 1.0 0x10001 0x10002 0x10003
Defining a scope for ports 1,2,17 of node with Node GUID 0x10002:
version: 1.0 0x10002@1/2/17
Defining a scope for all switches (with all their ports):
version: 1.0 ALL_SWITCHES
Defining a scope for all CAs:
version: 1.0 ALL_CAS
Define scope with all the following nodes:
node with Node GUIDs 0x10001
port 1,2,17 of node with Node GUID 0x10002
All CAs
version: 1.0
Scope feature is not applicable for routing validation stages!
Some data collection/diagnostic can be skipped in order to speed up ibdiagnet reporting. For instance, when only routing validation is required, no need to perform port counters fetching and checks.
Parameter | Description |
--skip <stage> | Skips the executions of particular diagnostic stages. |
The following stages can be skipped:
Parameter | Description |
dup_guids | Duplicated GUIDs check |
dup_node_desc | Duplicated node description check |
lids | Valid LID assignment check |
sm | Subnet Manager checks |
nodes_info | Fetching vendor specific data from nodes |
pkey | Partitions fetch and validation |
vs_cap_smp | Collecting Vendor specific data with SMP MADs |
vs_cap_gmp | Collecting Vendor specific data with GMP MADs |
links | Fetching links data |
pm | Fetching and checking port counters |
speed_width_check | Link speed and link width checks |
temp_sensing | Fetching temperature sense |
virt | Virtualization stage |
all | Skip all above stages |
If the Virtualization stage is skipped, the ibdiagnet2.ibnetdiscover file will not contain virtual ports information.
ibdiagnet -r --r_opt=vs,sl=2
--skip pm, pkey, links, temp_sensing,speed_width_check,nodes_info,sm,dup_guids,dup_node_desc,vs_cap_gmp,lids
Parameter | Description |
--vlr <file> | This option provides opensm-path-records.dump file that includes source-to-destination to SL mapping. This file is generated by dump_pr Subnet manager plugin. ibdiagnet will use this mapping for MADs sending on correct SL. |
Parameter | Description |
--back_compat_db <ver> | Indicates the old version of PORTS section in CSV file for backward compatibility.