NVIDIA Firmware Tools (MFT) Documentation v4.20.1

Verifying the Firmware Image

To verify the FW image on the Flash, use the following command line:

# flint -d <device> verify

To verify the FW image in a file, use the following command line:

# flint -i <image file> v



Flash device to verify.

image file

Image file to verify.


# flint -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 v
# flint -i ./image_file.bin verify

Binary comparison of the firmware image enables the user to verify that a given firmware image contains the image that matches the given device.


Since ConnectX-4/ConnectX-4 Lx devices have iTOC (image specific) and dTOC (device specific) sections at the beginning of the device flash, and the MFA2 archive does not have the dTOC information by its definition, the binary comparison will ignore the device specific sections on the device.
#flint -d <device> -i <fw image> --silent (optional) bc (or binary_compare)

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