Configuration Management
To save the current configuration to the active configuration file, you can either use the “configuration write” command (requires running in Config mode) or the “write memory” command (requires running in Enable mode).
To save the configuration to the active configuration file, run:
gateway (config) # configuration write
To save the configuration to a user-specified file without making the new file the active configuration file, run:
gateway (config) # configuration write to myconf no-gateway
To save the configuration to a user-specified file and make the new file the active configuration file, run:
gateway (config) # configuration write to myconf
To display the available configuration files and the active file, run:
gateway (config) # show configuration files initial myconf (active) gateway (config) #
By default, or after a system reset, the system loads the default “initial” configuration file.
To load a different configuration file and make it the active configuration:
gateway >
gateway > enable
gateway # configure terminal
gateway (config) # configuration switch
-to myconfig
gateway (config) #
If system configuration becomes corrupted, it is suggested to restore factory default configuration.
To restore factory default configuration on a single management module system, run:
gateway (config) # reset factory keep-basic
There are two types of configuration files that can be applied on the BIN files (binary) and text-based configuration files.
BIN Configuration Files
BIN configuration files are not human readable. Additionally, these files are encrypted and contain integrity verification preventing them from being edited and used.
To create a new BIN configuration file, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration
my-filenameNoteA newly created BIN configuration file is always empty and is not created from the running-config.
To upload a BIN configuration file to an external file server, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration upload my-filename scp:
To fetch a BIN configuration file, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration fetch scp:
To see the available configuration files, do the following:
gateway (config) # show configuration files initial (active) my-filename Active configuration: initial Unsaved changes: no gateway (config) #
To load a BIN configuration file, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration
-to my-filename This requires a reboot. Type'yes'
to confirm: yes
A binary configuration file uploaded from the gateway is encrypted and has integrity verification. If the file is modified in any manner, the fetch to the system fails.
Text Configuration Files
Text configuration files are text-based and editable. It is similar in form to the output of the command “show running-config expanded”.
To create a new text-based configuration file, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration text generate active running save my-filename
NoteA newly created text configuration file is always created from the running-config.
To apply a text-based configuration file, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration text file my-filename apply
gateway (config) # configuration text generate active running save my-filename
NoteApplying a text-based configuration file to an existing/running data port configuration may result in unpredictable behavior. It is therefore suggested to first clear the configuration by applying a specific configuration file (following the procedure in "BIN Configuration File") or by resetting the switch back to factory default.
To upload a text-based configuration file to an external file server, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration text file my-filename upload scp:
To fetch a text-based configuration file from an external file server to a
gateway, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration text fetch scp:
To apply a text-based configuration file, do the following:
gateway (config) # configuration text file my-filename apply
NoteWhen applying a text-based configuration file, the configuration is appended to the existing configuration. Only new or changed configuration is added. Reboot is not required.
Automated Backup
Automated configuration file backup feature can be used to upload the active configuration file on every “configuration write".
To set the remote URL to upload the configuration file to, run the following:
gateway (config) # configuration auto-upload remote-url “scp:
To check the remote URL set, run the following:
gateway (config) # show configuration auto-upload Auto-upload settings: Enabled: yes Remote url: scp:
Password : ******To save the configuration, run the following:
gateway (config)# configuration write
This will upload the active configuration file on every “configuration write."
To remove the remote URL, run the following:
gateway (config)# no configuration auto-upload remote-url
This will disable the feature. It will not upload the active configuration file after each “configuration write."
Automated Periodic Backup
Scheduled jobs can be used to perform automated periodic backup.
To upload the active configuration file periodically, follow these steps.
Create a job.
gateway (config) # job
Add the upload command to the job.
gateway (config) # job
"configuration upload timestamp active scp://root:password@my-server/path/to/upload/to"
Schedule this job to run periodically, and specify the period.
gateway (config) # job
schedule periodic interval 18h0m0sEnable the job.
gateway (config) # job