NVIDIA Onyx User Manual v3.10.4504 LTS

Web Interface Overview

The NVIDIA Onyx package equipped with web-based GUI that accepts input and provides output by generating webpages that can be viewed by the user using a web browser.


The maximum allowed number of WebUI session is 225. Trying to open new sessions beyond this limitation is rejected.

Upon initial login through the web interface, if the initial login was not completed through the CLI the following prompt will appear (by default, password hardening is enabled).


The password may be required to be changed upon initial login through the web interface if initial login was not completed through the CLI.

Upon initial login do the following:

  1. Login as admin.

  2. If the following screen appears (this screen will appear if default password was never changed), type in a new password ("admin" may be reused as the new password).


  3. Only after successfully changing the admin password (this must be done first), change the monitor password. If the password is not changed, all pages (besides the logout page) will be locked.


  4. After successfully changing the monitor password, the home page may be accessed and the system may be used.


  5. Click on the home page link or wait 5 seconds until the countdown reaches 0 and the page is redirected automatically.


Warning: Entering the monitor user before the default password is changed will block the system (all pages besides the logout page will be blocked).

The web interface makes available the following perspective tabs:

  • Setup

  • System

  • Security

  • Ports

  • Status

  • Ethernet Management

  • IP Route


Make sure to save your changes before switching between menus or submenus. Click the “Save” button to the right of “Save Changes?”.


The Setup menu makes available the following submenus (listed in order of appearance from top to bottom):

Submenu Title



Obtains the status of, configures, or disables interfaces to the fabric. Thus, you can: set or clear the IP address and netmask of an interface; enable DHCP to dynamically assign the IP address and netmask; and set interface attributes such as MTU, speed, duplex, etc.


Configures, removes or displays the default gateway, and the static and dynamic routes


Configures or modifies the hostname

Configures or deletes static hosts

Note: Changing hostname stamps a new HTTPS certificate


Configures, removes, modifies or displays static and dynamic name servers

Login Messages

Edits the login messages: Message of the Day (MOTD), Remote Login message, and Local Login message

Address Resolution

Adds static and dynamic ARP entries, and clears the dynamic ARP cache


Configures IPSec


Displays IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol


Manages the virtualization and virtual machines

Virtual Switch Mgmt

Configures the system profile


Configures web user interface and proxy settings


Configures SNMP attributes, SNMP admin user, and trap sinks

Email Alerts

Configures the destination of email alerts and the recipients to be notified

XML gateway

Provides an XML request-response protocol to get and set hardware management information


Manages JSON API


Sets up system log files, remote log sinks, and log formats


Manages, activates, saves, and imports OS configuration files, and executes CLI commands


Manages docker images and containers.

Date and Time

Configures the date, time, and time zone of the switch system


Configures NTP (Network Time Protocol) and NTP servers


Manages OS licenses

The System menu makes available the following sub-menus (listed in order of appearance from top to bottom):

Submenu Title



Displays a graphic illustration of the system modules. By moving the mouse over the ports in the front view, a pop-up caption is displayed to indicate the status of the port. The port state (active/down) is differentiated by a color scheme (green for active, gray/black for down). By moving the mouse over the rear view, a pop-up caption is displayed to indicate the leaf part information.


Displays a table with the following information about the system modules: module name, type, serial number, ordering part number and ASIC firmware version

Power Management

Displays a table with the following information about the system power supplies: power supply name, power, voltage level, current consumption, and status. A total power summary table is also displayed providing the power used, the power capacity, and the power available.

OS Upgrade

Displays the installed OS images (and the active partition), uploads a new image, and installs a new image


Reboots the system. Make sure that you save your configuration prior to clicking reboot.

The Security menu makes available the following submenus (listed in order of appearance from top to bottom):

Submenu Title



Manages (setting up, removing, modifying) user accounts

Admin Password

Modifies the system administrator password


Displays and generate host keys


Configures AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) security services such as authentication methods and authorization

Login Attempts

Manages login attempts


Manages Radius client


Manages TACACS+ client


Manages LDAP client


Manages certificates

The Ports menu displays the port state and enables some configuration attributes of a selected port. It also enables modification of the port configuration. A graphical display of traffic over time (last hour or last day) through the port is also available.

Submenu Title



Manages port attributes, counters, transceiver info and displays a graphical counters histogram

Phy Profile

Provides the ability to manage PHY profiles

Monitor Session

Displays monitor session summary and enables configuration of a selected session


Displays and configures telemetry

The Status menu makes available the following submenus (listed in order of appearance from top to bottom):

Submenu Title



Displays general information about the switch system and the OS image, including current date and time, hostname, uptime of system, system memory, CPU load averages, etc.

Profile and Capabilities

Displays general information about the switch system capabilities such as the enabled profiles (e.g IB/ETH) and their corresponding values

What Just Happened

Displays and configures What Just Happened packet drop reasons


Provides a graphical display of the switch module sensors’ temperature levels over time (1 hour). It is possible to display either the temperature level of one module’s sensor or the temperature levels of all the module sensors’ together.

Power Supplies

Provides a graphical display of one of the switch’s power supplies voltage level over time (1 hour)


Provides a graphical display of fan speeds over time (1 hour). The display is per fan unit within a fan module.

CPU Load

Provides a graphical display of the management CPU load over time (1 hour)


Provides a graphical display of memory utilization over time (1 day)


Provides a graphical display of network usage (transmitted and received packets) over time (1 day). It also provides per interface statistics.


Displays the system log messages. It is possible to display either the currently saved system log or a continuous system log.


Performs specific maintenance operations automatically on a predefined schedule


Displays a list of the recent health alerts and enables the user to configure health settings


Displays the virtual machines, networks and volumes

The ETH Mgmt menu makes available the following sub-menus (listed in order of appearance from top to bottom):

Submenu Title


Spanning Tree

Configures and monitors spanning tree protocol

MAC Table

Configures static mac addresses in the switch, and displays the MAC address table

Link Aggregation

Configures and monitors aggregated Ethernet links (LAG) and configures LACP


Manages the switch VLAN table


Manages multi-chassis LAGs

IGMP Snooping

Manages IGMP snooping in the switch


Manages Access Control in the switch

Priority Flow Control

Manages priority flow control


Manages the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)


Displays the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) IPv4 information


Displays the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) IPv6 information

The IP Route menu makes available the following sub-menus (listed in order of appearance from top to bottom):

Submenu Title


Router Global

Enables/disables IP routing protocol

IP Route

Configures, removes, and displays the routing table for router interfaces

IP Interface

Displays router interfaces

Address Resolution

Displays the address resolution (ARP) table for router interfaces

IP Diagnostic

Not implemented

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Aug 1, 2024.