NVIDIA Switch-IB 2 Firmware Release Notes v15.2010.4302 (LTS)
NVIDIA ConnectX-5 Adapter Cards Firmware Release Notes v16.35.3502 LTS

Bug Fixes in This Firmware Version

The following table provides a list of bugs fixed in this version. For a list of bug fixed from previous versions, see Bug Fixes History .

Internal Ref.



Description: When connecting the Switch-IB 2 switches with Optic Cables, high BER may be experiences on specific ports.

Keywords: BER

Discovered in Version: 15.2010.4010

Fixed in Version: 15.2010.4302


Description: The firmware does not return values for the counters "PortSwLifetimeLimitDiscards" and "PortSwHOQLifetimeLimitDiscards". Support has now been added for the counters.

Keywords: Counters

Discovered in Version: 15.2010.3118

Fixed in Version: 15.2010.4302


Description: On some occasions, when shutting down a port, the link can take a few additional seconds to close the port.

Keywords: PLFT, SMA

Discovered in Version: 15.2008.3328

Fixed in Version: 15.2010.4302

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 9, 2023.