Cryptography and Encryption
This page contains commands for configuring, generating and modifying x.509 certificates used in the system. Certificates are used for creating a trusted SSL connection to the system.
Crypto commands also cover IPSec configuration commands used for establishing a secure connection between hosts over IP layer which is useful for transferring sensitive information.
This feature encrypts all sensitive data on NVIDIA systems including logs certificates, keys, etc.
To activate encryption on the switch:
Enable encryption and configure key location as USB (if you are using a USB device).
metrox (config)# crypto encrypt-data key-location usb key mypassword Warning! All sensitive files are about to be encrypted - System will perform reset factory, configuration files will be preserved - System will be rebooted - Active configuration will be preserved - Do not power-off, wait
the system to boot Type'YES'
to confirmthis
action: YESNote***IMPORTANT***
Encryption and decryption perform “reset factory keep-config” on the switch system once configured. This means that sysdumps, logs, and images are deleted.
NoteThe key may be saved locally as well by using the parameter “local” instead of “usb” but that configuration is less secure.
After the system reboots, verify configuration.
metrox (config)# show crypto encrypt-data Sensitive files encryption: Status: enabled Key location: usb Cipher: aes256
NoteOnce encryption is enabled, reverting back to an older version while encrypted is not possible. The command “no crypto encrypt-data” must be run before attempting to downgrade to an older OS version.
NoteIf encryption is enabled, upgrading to a new OS version maintains the encryption configuration.
To change the default certificate for the system, to the following:
Import the certificate to be used (e.g., a certificate created by openssl outside the switch).
metrox (config) # crypto certificate name <cert_name>
-cert pem "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- > MIIDYzCCAksCCQC9EPbMuxjNBzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBeMQswCQYDVQQGEwJJ ... > fEt2ui9taB1dl9480xDsGUxwUDX4YOs/bQDjp99z+cKXUe2eYzeEwnTdrCzPZuQo > -----END CERTIFICATE-----" Successfully installed certificate with name'<cert_name>'
Or use a new self-signed certificate via switch CLI and export it as a CSR (certificate signing request) and send said CSR to the root CA for signing:
metrox (config) # crypto certificate name <cert_name> generate self-signed Successfully generated certificate with name
(config) # show crypto certificate name <cert_name> csr-pem -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICuDCCAaACAQAwczELMAkGA1UEBhMCSVMxDDAKBgNVBAgMA1RCRDEMMAoGA1UE BwwDVEJEMQwwCgYDVQQKDANUQkQxDDAKBgNVBAsMA1RCRDEYMBYGA1UEAwwPYnVs bGRvZy1xcDEtMTMzMRIwEAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgNUQkQwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC34xRVh9BaBUPIilV6kiSOAVAnOFgreWtEYoWeGpWJ XGZQBwewFx4TGptYo5fZ4KcnYcQxrcW7gYycQB9Y+9vUVvvPi3b4aYc2FkoNtnC3 0BRTxEcIiwXY7LQxIA23Zuv/OlhjTkpe0+OYtpJSFeIDKMIX4Uy2BfevG06YLCAW tuju2FLQVkexayNK/HFLa5POpVt+16JLB1eV0bcC38Mq9JNIgPspJ7JIjo+BjzgD 43iEY41hlRzoalu78nBBd0HbAddxCF1Uc+8PLuPLCIjGbV9ehPJNWSsA/T9jUEFU 90KaI0/k05JqCXWnpvKz3opQraHsVAbsxG312pnmbTFNAgMBAAGgADANBgkqhkiG 9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAhpgZRNW/jleyhUbtGEr0CzdNbJ70V8w2lGr6bDhZgrQ/I4eO 1K1D1hvfrVWYRB0SSPFmCmVmFmC7BQne8xrbL2It3ZdSKd82Ts36/Uxjtb63hyt3 GBzCas7qypsbCVW42UHuD+259Yu5xpi9haspzD8Wg2ZKU5e6SjcH+JIchkM9mh/g BQJo4shybTgPfT+mFUCCygWmf5aLyQ9TrZpaUQ7cOk6BZB1RRkOVvA6uCfrwlBks X72LleceL4fP9dtML4VMzMMAf+wOUNxWP9+lqkKMaDhroDP5qlo/lr5BLSlRVet4 z7zb3xSaPrhnefoGr88WFO74d9RxLPPdHcfMFw== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----Import key of certificate.
metrox (config) # crypto certificate name <cert_name>
-key pem "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- > MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAypJnZkwbhmt71Kf/MO6cy7QmWWHhCozzWRwuWGKse+MxSmfC ... > QAuPOVR1lSyIEnYU+X0rMHc/9tgUh/8C7mBKwj7dccMmnRWz2djsjg== > -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"Designate <cert_name> as the global default certificate for authentication of this system to clients.
metrox (config) # crypto certificate
-cert name <cert_name>(Optional) Import the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate which signed for the controller.
metrox (config) # # crypto certificate name rootCA
-cert pem "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- > MIIDjzCCAnegAwIBAgIJALVou4mcQtxlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMF4xCzAJBgNV ... > +ZfQIOCFS8gY4BDq73W4ugr38mqIA8UXXAMPwgjCbk4NyOh0rJ1P6WT8fYzvunct > -----END CERTIFICATE-----" Successfully installed certificate with name'rootCA'
Adds the “rootCA” to the default CA certificate list.
metrox (config) # crypto certificate ca-list
-ca-list name rootCASave configuration.
metrox (config) # configuration write
Verify configuration.
metrox (config) # show crypto certificate Certificate with name
Comment: system-generated self-signed certificate Private Key: present Serial Number:0x543e2efc3a5ecdbe18b5b5e744598424
Fingerprint: 14e1d36035c7a5fea9f7f0f423572c9954cb9fac Validity: Starts:2022
Subject: Common Name:switch
Country: IS State or Province: TBD Locality: TBD Organization: TBD Organizational Unit: TBD E-mail Address: TBD Issuer: Common Name:switch
Country: IS State or Province: TBD Locality: TBD Organization: TBD Organizational Unit: TBD E-mail Address: TBD Certificate with name'<cert_name>'
-cert) Private Key: present Serial Number:0xbd10f6ccbb18cd07
Fingerprint: 1e0e3302182ab56f2cbd3ca21722dec55299d670 Validity: Starts:2021
Subject: Common Name:switch
Country: * State or Province: Some-State Locality: * Organization: NVIDIA Organizational Unit: e2e E-mail Address: none@nowhere
.com Issuer: Common Name: ca Country: * State or Province: Some-State Locality: * Organization: NVIDIA Organizational Unit: e2e Certificate with name'rootCA'
Private Key: not present Serial Number:0xb568bb899c42dc65
Fingerprint: 9855536f6ee0177356ffbdc54ffe803bc83fb4c6 Validity: Starts:2020
Subject: Common Name: ca Country: * State or Province: Some-State Locality: * Organization: NVIDIA Organizational Unit: e2e Issuer: Common Name: ca Country: * State or Province: Some-State Locality: * Organization: NVIDIA Organizational Unit: e2e
crypto encrypt-data
crypto encrypt-data key-location <local | usb> key <password> no crypto encrypt-data Enables and configures system file encryption. The no form of the command decrypts sensitive information on the system. |
Syntax Description |
key-location |
Configures where to store the encryption key:
key |
Configures a key |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
crypto ipsec ike
crypto ipsec ike {clear sa [peer {any | <IPv4 or IPv6 address>} local <IPv4 or IPv6 address>] | restart} Manages the IKE (ISAKMP) process or database state. |
Syntax Description |
clear |
Clears IKE (ISAKMP) peering state |
sa |
Clears IKE generated ISAKMP and IPSec security associations (remote peers are affected) |
peer |
Clears security associations for the specified IKE peer (remote peers are affected)
IPv4 or IPv6 address |
Clears security associations for the specified IKE peering (remote peer is affected) |
local |
Clear security associations for the specified/all IKE peering (remote peer is affected) |
restart |
Restarts the IKE (ISAKMP) daemon (clears all IKE state, peers may be affected) |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config)# crypto ipsec ike restart |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
crypto ipsec peer local
crypto ipsec peer local {enable | keying {ike negotiation {ikev1 | ikev2} | [auth { hmac-sha1 | hmac-sha256 | hmac-sha512 | aes-xcbc} | dh-group | disable | encrypt { 3des-cbc| aes-cbc | aes-gcm} | exchange-mode | lifetime | local | mode | peer-identity | pfs-group | preshared-key | prompt-preshared-key | transform-set] | manual [auth | disable | encrypt | local-spi | mode | remote-spi]}} Configures IPSec in the system. |
Syntax Description |
enable |
Enables IPSec peering. |
ike |
Configures IPSec peering using IKE ISAKMP to manage SA keys. The following optional parameters are available:
keying |
Configures key management for this IPSec peering.
manual |
Configures IPSec peering using manual keys. |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config)# crypto ipsec peer local enable |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
NULL will not be supported as an authentication or encryption algorithm for IPsec peering. New ciphers are supported (hmac-sha512 and aes-xcbc for authentication and aes-gcm for encryption. 1, 2, 5, 22, 23, 24 pfs/dh-groups will not be supported, while 19, 20, 21 will be supported only with IKEv2. The transform-set options ah-and-esp-ah are no longer supported. Libreswan is used instead of openswan. |
crypto certificate ca-list
crypto certificate ca-list [default-ca-list name {<cert-name> | system-self-signed}] no crypto certificate ca-list [default-ca-list name {<cert-name> | system-self-signed}] Adds the specified CA certificate to the default CA certificate list. The no form of the command removes the certificate from the default CA certificate list. |
Syntax Description |
cert-name |
The name of the certificate |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config) # crypto certificate default-cert name test |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
crypto certificate default-cert
crypto certificate default-cert name {<cert-name> | system-self-signed} no crypto certificate default-cert name {<cert-name> | system-self-signed} Designates the named certificate as the global default certificate role for authentication of this system to clients. The no form of the command reverts the default-cert name to “system-self-signed” (the “cert-name” value is optional and ignored). |
Syntax Description |
cert-name |
The name of the certificate |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config) # crypto certificate default-cert name test |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
crypto certificate generation
crypto certificate generation default {country-code | days-valid > | ca-valid <true/false> | email-addr | hash-algorithm {sha1 | sha256} | key-size-bits | locality | org-unit | organization | state-or-prov} Configures default values for certificate generation. |
Syntax Description |
country-code |
Configures the default certificate value for country code with a two-alphanumeric-character code or -- for none. |
days-valid |
Configures the default certificate valid days Default value: 365 days |
email-addr |
Configures the default certificate value for email address |
hash-algorithm {sha1 | sha256} |
Configures the default certificate hashing algorithm |
key-size-bits |
Configures the default certificate value for private key size (private key length in bits—at least 1024, but 2048 is strongly recommended) |
locality |
Configures the default certificate value for locality |
org-unit |
Configures the default certificate value for organizational unit |
organization |
Configures the default certificate value for the organization name |
state-or-prov |
Configures the default certificate value for state or province |
ca-valid {true | false} |
Configures the default certificate CA Basic Constraints flag set to TRUE/FALSE |
Default |
hash-algorithm – sha1 |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config) # crypto certificate generation default hash-algorithm sha256 |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
crypto certificate name
crypto certificate name {<cert-name> | system-self-signed} {comment <new comment> | generate selfsigned [comment <cert-comment> | common-name <domain> | country-code <code> | days-valid <days> | ca-valid <true/false> | email-addr <address> | hash-algorithm {sha1 | sha256} | key-size-bits <bits> | locality <name> | org-unit <name> | organization <name> | serial-num <number> | state-or-prov <name>]} | private-key pem <PEM string> | prompt-private-key | public-cert [comment <comment string> | pem <PEM string>] | regenerate days-valid <days> | ca-valid <true/false> | rename <new name>} no crypto certificate name <cert-name> Configures default values for certificate generation. The no form of the command clears/deletes certain certificate settings. |
Syntax Description |
cert-name |
Unique name by which the certificate is identified. |
comment |
Specifies a certificate comment. |
generate self-signed |
Generates certificates. This option has the following parameters which may be entered sequentially in any order:
private-key pem |
Specifies certificate contents in PEM format |
prompt-private-key |
Prompts for certificate private key with secure echo |
public-cert |
Installs a certificate |
regenerate |
Regenerates the named certificate using configured certificate generation default values for the specified validity period |
rename |
Renames the certificate |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config) # crypto certificate name system-self-signed generate self-signed hash-algorithm sha256 |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
crypto certificate system-self-signed
crypto certificate system-self-signed regenerate {[days-valid <days>] | ca-valid <true/false>} Configures default values for certificate generation. |
Syntax Description |
days-valid |
Specifies the number of days the certificate is valid |
ca-valid |
Specifies certificate CA Basic Constraints flag set to TRUE/FALSE |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config) # crypto certificate system-self-signed regenerate days-valid 3 switch (config) # crypto certificate system-self-signed regenerate ca-valid false |
Related Commands |
show crypto certificate |
Notes |
show crypto certificate
show crypto certificate [detail | public-pem | default-cert [detail | public-pem] | [name <cert-name> [detail | public-pem] | ca-list [default-ca-list]] Displays information about all certificates in the certificate database. |
Syntax Description |
ca-list |
Displays the list of supplemental certificates configured for the global default system CA certificate role |
default-ca-list |
Displays information about the currently configured default certificates of the CA list |
default-cert |
Displays information about the currently configured default certificate |
detail |
Displays all attributes related to the certificate |
name |
Displays information about the certificate specified |
public-pem |
Displays the uninterpreted public certificate as a PEM formatted data string |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config) # show crypto certificate Certificate with name 'system-self-signed' (default-cert) X509 Extensions: |
Related Commands |
Notes |
show crypto encrypt-data
show encrypt-data Displays sensitive data encryption information. |
Syntax Description |
N/A |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config)# show crypto encrypt-data |
Related Commands |
Notes |
show crypto ipsec
show crypto ipsec [brief | configured | ike | policy | sa] Displays information ipsec configuration. |
Syntax Description |
N/A |
Default |
N/A |
Configuration Mode |
config |
History |
Example |
switch (config)# show crypto ipsec |
Related Commands |
Notes |