Docker Installation
MLNX_OFED must be installed on the server that will run UFM Docker
For UFM to work, you must have an InfiniBand port configured with an IP address and in "up" state.
WarningFor InfiniBand support, please refer to NVIDIA Inbox Drivers , or MLNX_OFED guides.
Make sure to stop the following services before running UFM Docker container, as it utilizes the same default ports that they do: Pacemaker, httpd, OpenSM, and Carbon.
If firewall is running on the host, please make sure to add an allow rule for UFM used ports (listed below):
WarningIf the default ports used by UFM are changed in UFM configuration files, make sure to open the modified ports on the host firewall.
80 (TCP) and 443 (TPC) are used by WS clients (Apache Web Server)
8000 (UDP) is used by the UFM server to listen for REST API requests (redirected by Apache web server)
6306 (UDP) is used for multicast request communication with the latest UFM Agents
8005 (UDP) is used as a UFM monitoring listening port
8888 (TCP) is used by DRBD to communicate between the UFM Primary and Standby servers
2022 (TCP) is used for SSH
Supported versions for upgrade are UFM v.6.7.0 and above.
UFM files directory from previous container version mounted on the host.
To load the UFM docker image, pull the latest image from docker hub:
docker pull mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest
You can see full usage screen for ufm-installation by running the container with -h or -help flag:
docker run --rm mellanox/ufm-enterprise-installer:latest -h
Installation Command Usage
docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \
-v [UFM_FILES_DIRECTORY]:/installation/ufm_files/ \
-v [LICENSE_DIRECTORY]:/installation/ufm_licenses/ \
mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest \
--install [OPTIONS]
Modify the variables in the installation command as follows:
[UFM_FILES_DIRECTORY]: A directory on the host to mount UFM configuration files.
WarningUFM_FILES_DIRECTORY must have read/write permissions for other users because UFM needs write data during runtime.
WarningExample: If you want UFM files on the host to be under /opt/ufm/files/ you must set this volume to be: -v /opt/ufm/files/:/installation/ufm_files/
[UFM_LICENSES_DIR]: UFM license file or files location.
WarningExample: If your license file or files are located under /downloads/ufm_license_files/ then you must set this volume to be -v /downloads/ufm_license_files/:/installation/ufm_licenses/
[OPTIONS]: UFM installation options. For more details see the table below.
Command Options
Flag |
Description |
Default Value |
-f | --fabric-interface |
IB fabric interface name. |
ib0 |
-g | --mgmt-interface |
Management interface name. |
eth0 |
-h | --help |
Show help |
N/A |
UFM Enterprise installer supports several deployment modes:
Stand Alone (SA) Installation
Create a directory on the host to mount and sync UFM Enterprise files with read/write permissions. For example: / opt/ufm_files/.
Copy only your UFM license file(s) to a temporary directory which we’re going to use in the installation command. For example: /tmp/license_file/
Run the UFM installation command according to the following example which will also configure UFM fabric interface to be ib1:
docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \ -v /opt/ufm/files/:/installation/ufm_files/ \ -v /tmp/license_file/:/installation/ufm_licenses/ \ mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest \ --install \ --fabric-interface ib1
WarningThe values below can be updated in the command to your needs:
For example, if you want UFM files to be mounted in another location on your server, create that directory and replace the path in the command.
Reload system
systemctl daemon-reload
To Start UFM Enterprise service run:
systemctl start ufm-enterprise
High Availability
This solution requires downloading and installing a new package released with UFM v6.9.0 called “UFM-HA”.
Pre-deployments requirements
Install pacemaker, pcs, and drbd-utils on both servers
A partition for DRBD on each server (with the same name on both servers) such as /dev/sdd1. Recommended partition size is 10-20 GB, otherwise DRBD sync will take a long time to complete.
CLI command hostname -i must return the IP address of the management interface used for pacemaker sync correctly (update /etc/hosts/ file with machine IP)
Create the directory on each server under /opt/ufm/files/ with read/write permissions on each server. This directory will be used by UFM to mount UFM files, and it will be synced by DRBD.
Installing UFM Containers
On the main server, install UFM Enterprise container with the command below:
docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \
-v /opt/ufm/files/:/installation/ufm_files/ \
-v /tmp/license_file/:/installation/ufm_licenses/ \
mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest \
On each the standby (secondary) server, install UFM Enterprise container like the following example with the command below:
docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \
-v /opt/ufm/files/:/installation/ufm_files/ \
mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest \
Downloading UFM HA Package
Download the UFM-HA package on both servers using the following command:
Installing UFM HA Package
[On Both Servers] Extract the downloaded UFM-HA package under /tmp/
[On Both Servers] Go to the extracted directory /tmp/ufm_ha_XXX and run the installation script:
./ -f /opt/ufm/files/ -p /dev/sda5
UFM enterprise files directory
Partition name for DRBD
Configuring UFM HA
There are two methods to configure the HA cluster:
Configure HA with SSH - Requires SSH connection between the servers.
Configure HA without SSH - Does not require SSH connection between the servers, but asks you to run configuration commands on both servers.
Configure HA with SSH
[On the Master Server] Run the following command: \ --cluster-password
\ --main-hostname ufm-host01 \ --main-ip192.168
\ --main-sync-interface
enp2s0f0 \ --standby-hostname ufm-host02 \ --standby-ip192.168
\ --standby-sync-interface
enp2s0f0 \ --virtual-ip192.168
.10.5 requires SSH connection to the standby server. If SSH is not configured, then you are prompted to enter the SSH password of the standby server during configuration runtime
UFM HA cluster password for authentication by the pacemaker.
Master (main) server hostname
Master (main) server IP address
Port name (interface) on a master (main) server that will be used in DRBD sync
Standby server hostname
Standby server IP address
Port name (interface) on standby server that will be used in DRBD sync
UFM HA cluster Virtual IP
Depending on the size of your partition, wait for the configuration process to complete and DRBD sync to finish.
Configure HA without SSH
If you cannot establish an SSH trust between your HA servers, you can use ufm_ha_cluster directly to configure HA. You can see all the options for configuring HA in the Help menu:
ufm_ha_cluster config -h
ufm_ha_cluster config [<options>]
Option |
Description |
-r |
--role <node role> |
Node role (master or standby). |
-n |
--peer-node <node-hostname> |
Peer node name. |
-s |
--peer-sync-ip <ip address> |
Peer node sync IP address |
-c |
--sync-interface |
Local interface to be used for DRBD sync |
-i |
--virtual-ip <virtual-ip> |
Cluster virtual IP (should be used for master only) |
-p |
--hacluster-pwd <pwd> |
HA cluster user password. |
-h |
--help |
Show this message |
To configure HA, follow the below instructions:
Please change the variables in the commands below based on your setup.
[On Both Servers] Run the following command to set the cluster password:
ufm_ha_cluster set-password –p <cluster_password>
[On Standby Server] Run the following command to configure Standby Server:
ufm_ha_cluster config -r standby -n <master_hostname> -s <master_ip_address> -c <standby_sync_interface_name> -p <cluster_password>
[On Master Server] Run the following command to configure Master Server:
ufm_ha_cluster config -r master -n <standby_hostname> -s <standby_ip_address> -c <master_sync_interface_name> -i <virtual_ip_address> -p <cluster_password>
Starting HA Cluster
To start UFM HA cluster:
ufm_ha_cluster start
To check UFM HA cluster status:
ufm_ha_cluster status
To stop UFM HA cluster:
ufm_ha_cluster stop
To uninstall UFM HA, first stop the cluster and then run the uninstallation command as follows:
Upgrade the UFM container based on the existing UFM configuration files that are mounted on the server. It is important to use that same directory as a volume for the UFM installation command.
In the below example /opt/ufm_files is used.
Upgrading UFM Container in SA Mode
Stop the UFM Enterprise service. Run:
systemctl stop ufm-enterprise
Remove the old docker image. Run:
docker rmi mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest
Load the new UFM docker image. Run:
docker pull mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest
Run the docker upgrade command:
docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \ -v /opt/ufm/files/:/opt/ufm/shared_config_files/ \ mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest --upgrade
Reload system manager configuration:
systemctl daemon-reload
Start UFM Enterprise service:
systemctl start ufm-enterprise
Upgrading UFM Container in HA Mode
Stop HA Cluster on the master node. Run:
ufm_ha_cluster stop
Remove the old docker image from both servers. Run:
docker rmi mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest
Load the new docker image on both servers. Run:
docker pull mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest
Run the docker command to upgrade UFM on the master node. Run:
docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \ -v /opt/ufm/files/:/opt/ufm/shared_config_files/ \ mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest --upgrade
Download and extract the latest UFM HA package. Run
wget https:
Install the extracted UFM HA package:
WarningIn the below command, please modify the partition name based on the already configured DRBD partition.
./ -f /opt/ufm/files/ -p /dev/sda5
Start UFM HA cluster. Run:
ufm_ha_cluster start
To open UFM WEB UI, open the following URL in your browser: http://[SERVER_IP]/ufm/ and type the default credentials.