NVIDIA Accelerated IO (XLIO) Documentation Rev 3.20.7

NVIDIA Accelerated IO (XLIO) Documentation Rev 3.20.7


The NVIDIA® Accelerated IO (XLIO) SW library boosts the performance of TCP/IP applications based on NGINX (CDN, DoH Etc.) and storage solutions as part of the SPDK. XLIO is a user-space software library that exposes standard socket APIs with kernel-bypass architecture, enabling a hardware-based direct copy between an application’s user-space memory and the network interface.

Coupling XLIO with the acceleration capabilities of NVIDIA ConnectX®-6 Dx, NVIDIA ConnectX®-7, NVIDIA BlueField®-2 or NVIDIA Bluefield®-3 data processing unit (DPU) provides breakthrough performance of Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption/decryption. It also enables working with features such as HW LRO/TSO and Striding-RQ which increase TCP performance, without application code changes and using a standard socket API.

XLIO is an open-source project - see its repository here.

Further information on this product can be found in the following MLNX_OFED documents:

Document Revision History

For the list of changes made to this document, refer to User Manual Revision History.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Aug 7, 2023.