
2. Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:

Action interface
Context interface
Controller interface
Evaluator interface
Frontend interface
Metric interface
NvtxDomainInfo interface
NvtxRange interface
NvtxState interface
Range interface
SourceInfo interface

2.1. NV::Rules::IAction Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents an activity such as a CUDA kernel on a single range, for which zero or more metrics were collected

Public Member Functions

virtual IMetricadd_double_metric ( const char* value_name, IMetric::​ValueKind value_kind, double  value ) =0
Add a single floating point metric to this action.
virtual IMetricadd_integer_metric ( const char* value_name, IMetric::​ValueKind value_kind, uint64_t value ) =0
Add a single integer metric to this action.
virtual IMetricadd_string_metric ( const char* value_name, IMetric::​ValueKind value_kind, const char* value ) =0
Add a single string metric to this action.
virtual IMetricmetric_by_name ( const char* metric_name ) =0
Get a single metric by name.
virtual std::​set < std::​string >  metric_names ( ) =0
Get the set of metric names.
virtual const char* name ( NameBase base = NameBase::FUNCTION ) =0
Get the action name.
virtual INvtxStatenvtx_state ( ) =0
Get the NVTX state associated with this action.
virtual std::​string sass_by_pc ( uint64_t address ) =0
Get the disassembled SASS for a function address within this action.
virtual std::​map < std::​string, std::​string >  source_files ( ) =0
Get the source files associated with an action.
virtual ISourceInfosource_info ( uint64_t address ) =0
Get the source info for a function address within this action.

Member Functions

virtual IMetric* NV::​Rules::​IAction::add_double_metric ( const char* value_name, IMetric::​ValueKind value_kind, double  value ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Add a single floating point metric to this action.

the new IMetric


Add a single floating point metric with name value_name and kind value_kind to this action

virtual IMetric* NV::​Rules::​IAction::add_integer_metric ( const char* value_name, IMetric::​ValueKind value_kind, uint64_t value ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Add a single integer metric to this action.

the new IMetric


Add a single integer metric to with name value_name and kind value_kind this action.

virtual IMetric* NV::​Rules::​IAction::add_string_metric ( const char* value_name, IMetric::​ValueKind value_kind, const char* value ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Add a single string metric to this action.

the new IMetric


Add a single string metric with name value_name and kind value_kind to this action

virtual IMetric* NV::​Rules::​IAction::metric_by_name ( const char* metric_name ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a single metric by name.

Get a single IMetric by metric_name

virtual std::​set < std::​string > NV::​Rules::​IAction::metric_names ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the set of metric names.

Get the set of metrics available for this action

virtual const char* NV::​Rules::​IAction::name ( NameBase base = NameBase::FUNCTION ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the action name.

Get the action name

virtual INvtxState* NV::​Rules::​IAction::nvtx_state ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the NVTX state associated with this action.

a new INvtxState object if any NVTX state is available for this action.


virtual std::​string NV::​Rules::​IAction::sass_by_pc ( uint64_t address ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the disassembled SASS for a function address within this action.

SASS string. An empty string is returned if no SASS is associated with this address


Get the disassembled SASS for a function address within this action. The address is expected to be absolute, i.e. as obtained from the correlation IDs of source-correlated metrics. The SASS may include formatting whitespace as generated by the disassembler.

virtual std::​map < std::​string, std::​string > NV::​Rules::​IAction::source_files ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the source files associated with an action.

a map from file name to file content


Get the map of source files associated with this action, along with their content. If content is not available for a file (e.g. because it hadn't been imported into the report), the file name will map to an empty string.

virtual ISourceInfo* NV::​Rules::​IAction::source_info ( uint64_t address ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the source info for a function address within this action.

a new ISourceInfo object if it is available


Get the source info for address within this action. Addresses are commonly obtained as correlation ids of source-correlated metrics.

2.2. NV::Rules::IContext Class Reference

[NvRules Tool lifetime-managed classes.]

The rule context provides the rule with access to all collected data, properties and means to relay results back to the caller.

Public Member Functions

virtual IControllercontroller ( ) =0
Get the controller object.
virtual IFrontendfrontend ( ) =0
Get the frontend object.
virtual size_t num_ranges ( ) =0
Get the number of available ranges.
virtual IRangerange_by_idx ( size_t idx ) =0
Get a single range by index.

Member Functions

virtual IController* NV::​Rules::​IContext::controller ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the controller object.

Get the IController object

virtual IFrontend* NV::​Rules::​IContext::frontend ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the frontend object.

Get the IFrontend object

virtual size_t NV::​Rules::​IContext::num_ranges ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the number of available ranges.

Get the number of available ranges

virtual IRange* NV::​Rules::​IContext::range_by_idx ( size_t idx ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a single range by index.

Get a single IRange by index

2.3. NV::Rules::IController Class Reference

[NvRules Tool lifetime-managed classes.]

The controller can be used to interact with the tool runtime, e.g. to signal the tools to propose a follow-up rule.

Public Member Functions

virtual void propose_rule ( const char* rule ) =0

Member Functions

virtual void NV::​Rules::​IController::propose_rule ( const char* rule ) [inherited, pure virtual]

Propose the specified rule in the current context

2.4. NV::Rules::IEvaluator Class Reference

[NvRules Tool lifetime-managed classes.]

The evaluator is used during rule setup to pass information about rule dependencies to the tool. For most cases, its Python wrapper functions can be used instead for convenience.

Public Member Functions

virtual void require_metric ( const char* metric ) =0
virtual void require_rule ( const char* rule ) =0

Member Functions

virtual void NV::​Rules::​IEvaluator::require_metric ( const char* metric ) [inherited, pure virtual]

Define that the specified metric must have been collected in order for the calling rule to be applied.

virtual void NV::​Rules::​IEvaluator::require_rule ( const char* rule ) [inherited, pure virtual]

Define that the specified rule must be available and ready to be applied in order for the calling rule to be applied itself.

2.5. NV::Rules::IFrontend Class Reference

[NvRules Tool lifetime-managed classes.]

The frontend is responsible for relaying messages and results to the caller via user interfaces, logs or output files.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool  focus_metric ( int  message_id, const char* metric_name, double  metric_value, Severity severity, const char* info ) =0
Rule focus metric message.
virtual void load_chart_from_file ( const char* filename ) =0
virtual int  message ( MsgType type, const char* str, const char* name = nullptr ) =0
Rule result message.
virtual int  message ( const char* str, const char* name = nullptr ) =0
Rule result message.

Member Functions

virtual bool NV::​Rules::​IFrontend::focus_metric ( int  message_id, const char* metric_name, double  metric_value, Severity severity, const char* info ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Rule focus metric message.

Issues a focus metric message to the frontend, e.g. to indicate a key metric that triggered the rule output. Can be associated with a prior message using its message_id . The severity can be used to indicate this metric's impact/severity on the result. The info field can be set to a descriptive string for further information, e.g. the calculation leading to this metric being focused.

virtual void NV::​Rules::​IFrontend::load_chart_from_file ( const char* filename ) [inherited, pure virtual]

Load a ProfilerSection google protcol buffer chart from filename

virtual int NV::​Rules::​IFrontend::message ( MsgType type, const char* str, const char* name = nullptr ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Rule result message.

Issues a message str with a specific message type and optional name name to the frontend. Returns a message ID that is unique in this rule invocation.

virtual int NV::​Rules::​IFrontend::message ( const char* str, const char* name = nullptr ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Rule result message.

Issues a message str to the frontend with the default MsgType and optional name name . Returns a message ID that is unique in this rule invocation.

2.6. NV::Rules::IMetric Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents a single, named metric. A metric can carry one value or multiple, if it is an instanced metric.

Public Member Functions

virtual double  as_double ( size_t instance ) =0
Get a value from the metric list as double.
virtual double  as_double ( ) =0
Get the metric value as double.
virtual const char* as_string ( size_t instance ) =0
Get a value from the metric list as string.
virtual const char* as_string ( ) =0
Get the metric value as string.
virtual uint64_t as_uint64 ( size_t instance ) =0
Get a value from the metric list as 64bit integer.
virtual uint64_t as_uint64 ( ) =0
Get the metric value as 64bit integer.
virtual bool  has_value ( ValueKind value_kind ) =0
Check if the metric has a value of a specific kind.
virtual bool  has_value ( ) =0
Check if the metric has a non-instanced value.
virtual ValueKind kind ( size_t instance ) =0
Get the metric list entry value kind.
virtual ValueKind kind ( ) =0
Get the metric value kind.
virtual const char* name ( ) =0
Get the metric name.
virtual size_t num_instances ( ) =0
Get the number of values in the metric list.

Member Functions

virtual double NV::​Rules::​IMetric::as_double ( size_t instance ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a value from the metric list as double.

Get a value instance from the metric list as double

virtual double NV::​Rules::​IMetric::as_double ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the metric value as double.

Get the metric value as double

virtual const char* NV::​Rules::​IMetric::as_string ( size_t instance ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a value from the metric list as string.

Get a value instance from the metric list as string

virtual const char* NV::​Rules::​IMetric::as_string ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the metric value as string.

Get the metric value as string

virtual uint64_t NV::​Rules::​IMetric::as_uint64 ( size_t instance ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a value from the metric list as 64bit integer.

Get a value instance from the metric list as 64bit integer

virtual uint64_t NV::​Rules::​IMetric::as_uint64 ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the metric value as 64bit integer.

Get the metric value as 64bit integer

virtual bool NV::​Rules::​IMetric::has_value ( ValueKind value_kind ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Check if the metric has a value of a specific kind.

Check if the metric has a value of a specific value_kind

virtual bool NV::​Rules::​IMetric::has_value ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Check if the metric has a non-instanced value.

Check if the metric has a non-instanced value. If true, the metric may still have instance values, too.

virtual ValueKind NV::​Rules::​IMetric::kind ( size_t instance ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the metric list entry value kind.

Get the metric list entry value kind

virtual ValueKind NV::​Rules::​IMetric::kind ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the metric value kind.

Get the metric value kind

virtual const char* NV::​Rules::​IMetric::name ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the metric name.

Get the metric name

virtual size_t NV::​Rules::​IMetric::num_instances ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the number of values in the metric list.

Get the number of values in the metric list

2.7. NV::Rules::INvtxDomainInfo Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents a single NVTX domain of the NVTX state, including all ranges associated with this domain.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::​string name ( ) =0
Get the domain name.
virtual INvtxRangepush_pop_range ( size_t idx ) =0
Get a push/pop range object.
virtual std::​vector < std::​string >  push_pop_ranges ( ) =0
Get the list of push/pop range names.
virtual INvtxRangestart_end_range ( size_t idx ) =0
Get a start/end range object.
virtual std::​vector < std::​string >  start_end_ranges ( ) =0
Get the list of start/end range names.

Member Functions

virtual std::​string NV::​Rules::​INvtxDomainInfo::name ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the domain name.

Get the name of this domain

virtual INvtxRange* NV::​Rules::​INvtxDomainInfo::push_pop_range ( size_t idx ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a push/pop range object.

Get a push/pop INvtxRange object by it's running index . The index is identical to the range's order on the call stack.

virtual std::​vector < std::​string > NV::​Rules::​INvtxDomainInfo::push_pop_ranges ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the list of push/pop range names.

Get the sorted list of stacked push/pop range names in this domain, associated with the current INvtxState.

virtual INvtxRange* NV::​Rules::​INvtxDomainInfo::start_end_range ( size_t idx ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a start/end range object.

Get a start/end INvtxRange object by it's running index .

virtual std::​vector < std::​string > NV::​Rules::​INvtxDomainInfo::start_end_ranges ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the list of start/end range names.

Get the list of start/end range names in this domain, associated with the current INvtxState.

2.8. NV::Rules::INvtxRange Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents a single NVTX Push/Pop or Start/End range.

Public Member Functions

virtual uint32_t category ( ) const =0
Get the category attribute value.
virtual uint32_t color ( ) const =0
Get the color attribute value.
virtual bool  has_attributes ( ) const =0
Check if the range has event attributes.
virtual std::​string message ( ) const =0
Get the message attribute value.
virtual std::​string name ( ) const =0
Get the range name.
virtual double  payload_as_double ( ) const =0
Get the payload attribute value as double (64-bit floating point).
virtual std::​string payload_as_string ( ) const =0
Get the payload attribute value as a string.
virtual uint64_t payload_as_uint64 ( ) const =0
Get the payload attribute value as uint64.
virtual PayloadType payload_type ( ) const =0
Get the payload attribute type.

Member Functions

virtual uint32_t NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::category ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the category attribute value.

Get the category attribute value. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned value is undefined.

virtual uint32_t NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::color ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the color attribute value.

Get the color attribute value. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned value is undefined.

virtual bool NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::has_attributes ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Check if the range has event attributes.

Check if the range has event attributes, such as INvtxRange::color, INvtxRange::category, or INvtxRange::message.

virtual std::​string NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::message ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the message attribute value.

Get the message attribute value. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned value is undefined.

virtual std::​string NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::name ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the range name.

Get the name of this range

virtual double NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::payload_as_double ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the payload attribute value as double (64-bit floating point).

Get the payload attribute value as a double (64-bit floating point). If the INvtxRange::payload_type cannot be casted to double, the returned value is undefined. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned value is undefined.

virtual std::​string NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::payload_as_string ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the payload attribute value as a string.

Get the payload attribute value as a string. If the INvtxRange::payload_type cannot be casted to a string, the returned value is undefined. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned value is undefined.

virtual uint64_t NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::payload_as_uint64 ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the payload attribute value as uint64.

Get the payload attribute value as a uint64. If the INvtxRange::payload_type cannot be casted to uint64, the returned value is undefined. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned value is undefined.

virtual PayloadType NV::​Rules::​INvtxRange::payload_type ( ) const [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the payload attribute type.

Get the payload attribute type. If INvtxRange::has_attributes returns false, the returned type is undefined.

2.9. NV::Rules::INvtxState Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents the NVTX (Nvidia Tools Extensions) state associated with a single action.

Public Member Functions

virtual INvtxDomainInfodomain_by_id ( long long unsigned id ) =0
Get a domain by ID.
virtual std::​vector < long long unsigned >  domains ( ) =0
Get the domain IDs.

Member Functions

virtual INvtxDomainInfo* NV::​Rules::​INvtxState::domain_by_id ( long long unsigned id ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a domain by ID.

Get a single domain info object by its ID. Use INvtxState::domains to retrieve the list of valid domain IDs.

virtual std::​vector < long long unsigned > NV::​Rules::​INvtxState::domains ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the domain IDs.

Get the list of domain IDs in this state

2.10. NV::Rules::IRange Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents a serial, ordered stream of execution, such as a CUDA stream. It holds one or more actions that were logically executing in this range

Public Member Functions

virtual IActionaction_by_idx ( size_t idx ) =0
Get a single action by index.
virtual std::​set < long long unsigned >  actions_by_nvtx ( const std::​vector < std::​string > & includes, const std::​vector < std::​string > & excludes ) =0
Get a set of actions by their NVTX state.
virtual size_t num_actions ( ) =0
Get the number of actions.

Member Functions

virtual IAction* NV::​Rules::​IRange::action_by_idx ( size_t idx ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a single action by index.

Get a single IAction by index idx.

virtual std::​set < long long unsigned > NV::​Rules::​IRange::actions_by_nvtx ( const std::​vector < std::​string > & includes, const std::​vector < std::​string > & excludes ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get a set of actions by their NVTX state.

Get a set of indizes to IAction objects by their NVTX state. The state is defined using a series of includes and excludes .

virtual size_t NV::​Rules::​IRange::num_actions ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the number of actions.

Get the number of available actions in this range

2.11. NV::Rules::ISourceInfo Class Reference

[NvRules Python garbage-collected classes.]

Represents the source correlation info for a specific function address within an action

Public Member Functions

virtual const char* file_name ( ) =0
Get the file name.
virtual uint32_t line ( ) =0
Get the file line.

Member Functions

virtual const char* NV::​Rules::​ISourceInfo::file_name ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the file name.

Get the file name, as embedded in the correlation info

virtual uint32_t NV::​Rules::​ISourceInfo::line ( ) [inherited, pure virtual]
Get the file line.

Get the line within file_name