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Frame Timings

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition 5.2 User Guide
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While the Frame Profiler provides a thorough deep dive into your draw calls, NVIDIA Nsight also provides a Frame Timings page that simply provides the GPU cost for a given draw call, which is much faster.

To view frame timings:

  1. Start the Frame Debugger.
  2. From the Nsight menu, select WindowsFrame Timings.

  3. The save icon on the top left allows you to save the frame timings session to compare it against future frame timings.

    To open a previously saved frame timings session, go to File > Open, and select the *.nvframetimings file.

  4. The top half of the Frame Timings window shows you an overview of your frame, and allows you to zoom in on a group of draw calls, in the same way as the Frame Scrubber.

    If you select a performance marker, all of the draw calls inside that performance marker are selected in the graphs below, helping to visualize the draw calls for that section of rendering.

  5. On the lower-left is the Event List & Options slide-out, which displays a list of the frame timings for each draw call, and also allows you to select the timings you want to graph (see below).
  6. On the lower-right is a graph that shows the three different timings measured:
Note: Due to the nature of the API, collecting empty pipeline cost (“EPC”) for Direct3D 12 is not currently supported. We return the same value for empty and full pipeline cost.

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition User Guide Rev. 5.2.161206 ©2009-2016. NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.