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NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition 5.2 User Guide
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The Resources View allows you to see all of the available resources in the scene.

To open the Resources page, go to NsightWindowsResources. There are two tabs available here: Graphical and Memory.

At the top of the Resources view, you'll find a toolbar:

Below the toolbar is a set of buttons, described below, for high-level filtering of the resources based on type. Next to that, there is a drop-down menu that allows you to select how you wish to view the resources: thumbnails, small thumbnails, tiles, or details.

If you select the Details view, you can sort the resources by the available column headings (type, name, size, etc.).

Filtering Resources

There are three ways to filter the available resources.

  1. For high-level filtering, there are color coded buttons to filter based on resource type. All resource types are visible by default, and you can filter the resource list by de-selecting the button for the type you don't want to see. For example, if you'd like to see only textures, you can click the other buttons to de-select them and remove them from the list of resources.

  2. You can manually type in a search string to filter the list of resources.

  3. You can choose from the drop-down of predefined filters to view only large resources, depth resources, unused resources, or resources that change in the frame. Selecting one of these will fill in the JavaScript string necessary for the requested filter, which is also useful as a basis to construct custom filters.

Graphical Tab

The Graphical tab allows you to view the resource, pan using the left mouse button to click and drag, zoom using the mouse wheel, and inspect pixel values. Also, this is where you can initiate a pixel history (by clicking Select Pixel, see Pixel History for more detail), as well as save the resource to disk.

When you have selected a resource from the left pane, the Show Histogram button will be available on the right side of the Graphical tab, which allows for remapping the color channels for the resource being viewed.

To modify the histogram view, the following options are available: 

Memory Tab

The Memory tab shows a binary dump of the resource data. You can use the controls at the top to cast the values to different data types and decide how many columns to display.

On the Memory tab, you can view details about the texture you've selected.

Mip Level is used for lower-resolution textures, while Volume Slice is used for 3D textures. You can select either the slice or the mip level you are interested in viewing, which will provide more data on both the Memory and Graphical tabs.

You will also find two drop-down menus on the Memory tab, for setting how you want to view the memory data.

The first drop-down specifies the size and type to use when displaying the data (either integer or floating point data).

The second drop-down is a further modifier for the integer formats — you can choose hexadecimal, signed, or unsigned formats. Note that if you select to display floating point data, this drop-down menu will be disabled.





NVIDIA® Nsight™ Application Development Environment for Heterogeneous Platforms, Visual Studio Edition User Guide Rev. 5.2.161206 ©2009-2016. NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.