Declaration of VPI's algorithms. More...
Modules | |
Background Subtractor | |
Separate foreground and background from video. | |
Bilateral Filter | |
Runs a generic 2D bilateral filter over the input image. | |
Box Filter | |
Runs a generic 2D box filter over the input image. | |
Brute Force Matcher | |
Runs a brute force matcher algorithm on descriptors. | |
Canny Edge Detector | |
Runs the canny edge detector algorithm over the input image. | |
Convert Image Format | |
Converts the image contents to the desired format, with optional pixel value scaling and offset. | |
Convolution | |
Convolves an image with a 2D kernel. | |
Equalize Image Histogram | |
Equalize image histogram for the input image. | |
FAST Corners | |
Detect FAST corners in an image, usually used in keypoint tracking. | |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
Operations that applies the Fast Fourier Transform and its inverse to 2D images. | |
Gaussian Filter | |
Runs a generic 2D Gaussian filter over the input image. | |
Gaussian Pyramid Generator | |
Creates a Gaussian pyramid from the input image. | |
Harris Corners | |
Detect Harris keypoints in an image, usually used in keypoint tracking. | |
Image Histogram | |
Computes image histogram from the input image. | |
Image Flip | |
Flips a 2D image either horizontally, vertically or both. | |
Image Statistics | |
Returns various image statistics of the input image. | |
KLT Feature Tracker | |
Runs KLT Feature tracking on a sequence of frames. | |
Laplacian Pyramid Generator | |
Creates a Laplacian pyramid from the input image. | |
Median Filter | |
Runs a 2D median filter over the input image. | |
MinMaxLoc | |
Find in an image the minimum and maximum value locations. | |
Mix Channels | |
Mix channels from one or more input image channels to one or more output image channels. | |
Erode | |
Filter an image with a 2D binary kernel composed with the erode morphological operation. | |
Dilate | |
Filter an image with a 2D binary kernel composed with the dilate morphological operation. | |
Dense Optical Flow | |
Algorithm used to estimate the motion vectors from previous image to current image. | |
Pyramidal LK Optical Flow | |
Algorithm used to track points from one frame to the next. | |
ORB features | |
Runs the ORB algorithm over the input image to detect features and extract descriptors. | |
Perspective Warp | |
Applies a perspective warp on an image. | |
Remap | |
Remaps the input image, effectively warping it using a user-provided mapping. | |
Rescale | |
Changes the dimensions of the input image while stretching/squeezing it. | |
Stereo Disparity Estimator | |
Estimates disparity from a stereo pair. | |
Template Matching Algorithm | |
Runs the template matching algorithm with template image over the searched image. | |
Temporal Noise Reduction | |
Performs temporal noise reduction in a sequence of images. | |
Transform Estimator | |
Estimate the transform between source and target keypoints. | |
Color Names Features Extractor | |
Extracts the Color Names features of the input image. | |
Histogram of Oriented Gradients | |
Extracts Histogram of Oriented Gradients features from input image. | |
User-Defined Function | |
Submits a user-defined function to be executed on the stream. | |
Lens Distortion Correction | |
Declaration of VPI's algorithms.
These are all algorithms VPI provides. It also declares functions that handle algorithm payloads.