VPI - Vision Programming Interface

2.4 Release

Transform Estimator

Estimate the transform between source and target keypoints. More...

Data Structures

struct  VPIConstrainedHomography2DConfig
 Holds the configuration of a constrained 2d homography transform. More...
union  VPITransformConfig
 Transformation parameters. More...
struct  VPITransformEstimatorParams
 Parameters used to tune Transform Estimator algorithm. More...


enum  VPITransformType
 Types of transformation supported. More...
enum  VPITransfomEstimationMethod
 Transform estimation method. More...


VPIStatus vpiCreateTransformEstimator (uint64_t backends, int32_t maxKeypoints, VPIPayload *payload)
 Creates payload for vpiSubmitTransformEstimator. More...
VPIStatus vpiInitTransformEstimatorParams (VPITransformType type, VPITransformEstimatorParams *params)
 Initializes the VPITransformEstimatorParams with default values for a given transform type. More...
VPIStatus vpiSubmitTransformEstimator (VPIStream stream, uint64_t backend, VPIPayload payload, VPIArray srcKeypoints, VPIArray tgtKeypoints, VPIArray matches, VPIArray outTransform, VPIArray outInliers, const VPITransformEstimatorParams *params)
 Submits a Transform Estimator operation to the stream. More...

Detailed Description

Estimate the transform between source and target keypoints.

Refer to Transform Estimator for more details and usage examples.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ VPIConstrainedHomography2DConfig

struct VPIConstrainedHomography2DConfig

Holds the configuration of a constrained 2d homography transform.

Definition at line 104 of file TransformEstimator.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIConstrainedHomography2DConfig:
Data Fields
float minRotation Valid rotation range, in radians.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum rotation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum rotation. If min==max, no rotation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

float maxRotation Valid rotation range, in radians.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum rotation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum rotation. If min==max, no rotation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

float minXScale Valid horizontal scale range.

If isIsotropicScale is != 0 (true), this range is for the isotropic scale. If 0, don't restrict. If min==max, no horizontal scaling will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • If max != 0, min must be <= max.
float maxXScale Valid rotation range, in radians.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum rotation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum rotation. If min==max, no rotation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

float minYScale Valid vertical scale range.

Only used if isIsotropicScale is 0 (false). If 0, don't restrict. If min==max, no vertical scaling will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • If max != 0, min must be <= max.
float maxYScale Valid vertical scale range.

Only used if isIsotropicScale is 0 (false). If 0, don't restrict. If min==max, no vertical scaling will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • If max != 0, min must be <= max.
float minXTranslation Valid horizontal translation range.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum horizontal translation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum horizontal translation. If min==max, no horizontal translation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • min must be <= max.
float maxXTranslation Valid horizontal translation range.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum horizontal translation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum horizontal translation. If min==max, no horizontal translation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • min must be <= max.
float minYTranslation Valid vertical translation range.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum vertical translation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum vertical translation. If min==max, no vertical translation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • min must be <= max.
float maxYTranslation Valid vertical translation range.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum vertical translation. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum vertical translation. If min==max, no vertical translation will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • min must be <= max.
float minShear Valid shearing range.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum shear. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum shear. If min==max, no shear will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • min must be <= max.
float maxShear Valid shearing range.

If min==-FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on minimum shear. If max==FLT_MAX, do not impose restriction on maximum shear. If min==max, no shear will be estimated, it'll be considered to be min.

  • min must be <= max.
int8_t isAffine Whether to restrict to affine transforms.

If != 0, restrict transform to affine. If 0, allow perspective transform.

int8_t isIsotropicScale Whether scaling is uniform in all directions (isotropic) or not.

If != 0, assume scale is isotropic. If 0, allow different horizontal and vertical scaling.

◆ VPITransformConfig

union VPITransformConfig

Transformation parameters.

Definition at line 178 of file TransformEstimator.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPITransformConfig:
Data Fields
VPIConstrainedHomography2DConfig constrainedHomography2D

◆ VPITransformEstimatorParams

struct VPITransformEstimatorParams

Parameters used to tune Transform Estimator algorithm.

Definition at line 193 of file TransformEstimator.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPITransformEstimatorParams:
Data Fields
VPITransfomEstimationMethod method Method to use for transform estimation.
int32_t solverMaxIterations Maximum number of iterations the non-linear solver should take.
int32_t ransacMaxIterations Maximum number of RANSAC iterations.
float ransacReprojErrorTolerance Maximum allowed reprojection error for a point to be treated as an inlier.
float ransacConfidenceLevel Maximum allowed reprojection error for a point to be treated as an inlier.
int32_t ransacSeed Random number seed to be used.
int32_t maxRefinementIterations Maximum number of iterations for model refinement step.

Pass 0 to skip refinement. It's usually needed when transform isn't affine.

VPITransformType xftype Type of transform to estimate.
VPITransformConfig xfcfg Transform configuration, such as trusted boundaries, etc.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ VPITransformType

#include </opt/nvidia/vpi2/include/vpi/algo/TransformEstimator.h>

Types of transformation supported.


Represents a constrained 2D homography transform.

Definition at line 171 of file TransformEstimator.h.

◆ VPITransfomEstimationMethod

#include </opt/nvidia/vpi2/include/vpi/algo/TransformEstimator.h>

Transform estimation method.


Use least squares minimization method.


Use robust estimation with RANSAC and least squares.

Definition at line 184 of file TransformEstimator.h.

Function Documentation

◆ vpiCreateTransformEstimator()

VPIStatus vpiCreateTransformEstimator ( uint64_t  backends,
int32_t  maxKeypoints,
VPIPayload payload 

#include </opt/nvidia/vpi2/include/vpi/algo/TransformEstimator.h>

Creates payload for vpiSubmitTransformEstimator.

[in]backendsVPI backend that will execute the algorithm.
  • Valid values:
  • Backend must be enabled in current context.
[in]maxKeypointsMaximum number of keypoints processed.
  • Must be > 0.
[out]payloadPointer to the payload variable that receives the created handle.
Return values
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTmaxKeypints outside valid range.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTbackend refers to an invalid backend.
VPI_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDTransform Estimator algorithm is not supported by given backend.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXTCurrent context was destroyed.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATIONBackend isn't enabled in current context.
VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORYCannot allocate required resources.
VPI_SUCCESSOperation executed successfully.

◆ vpiInitTransformEstimatorParams()

VPIStatus vpiInitTransformEstimatorParams ( VPITransformType  type,
VPITransformEstimatorParams params 

#include </opt/nvidia/vpi2/include/vpi/algo/TransformEstimator.h>

Initializes the VPITransformEstimatorParams with default values for a given transform type.

The default values remove all parameter constraints. It sets the following parameters:

  • ransacMaxIterations: 2000
  • ransacReprojErrorTolerance: 3
  • ransacConfidenceLevel: 0.95
  • ransacSeed: 0
  • solverMaxIterations: 50
  • solverReprojErrorTolerance: 1e-6
  • solverParameterTolerance: 1e-8
  • maxRefinementIterations: 10
  • xftype: (type passed) If xftype == VPI_XFORM_CONSTRAINED_HOMOGRAPHY_2D:
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.minRotation: -FLT_MAX
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.maxRotation: +FLT_MAX
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.minXScale: 0
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.maxXScale: 0
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.minYScale: 0
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.maxYScale: 0
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.minXTranslation: -FLT_MAX
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.maxXTranslation: FLT_MAX
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.minYTranslation: -FLT_MAX
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.maxYTranslation: FLT_MAX
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.isAffine: 0
  • xfcfg.constrainedHomography2D.isIsotropicScale: 0
[in]typeType of transform to initialize the structure to.
[in,out]paramsPointer to structure to be initialized.
  • Must not be NULL.
Return values
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTTransform type not accepted.
VPI_SUCCESSOperation executed successfully.

◆ vpiSubmitTransformEstimator()

VPIStatus vpiSubmitTransformEstimator ( VPIStream  stream,
uint64_t  backend,
VPIPayload  payload,
VPIArray  srcKeypoints,
VPIArray  tgtKeypoints,
VPIArray  matches,
VPIArray  outTransform,
VPIArray  outInliers,
const VPITransformEstimatorParams params 

#include </opt/nvidia/vpi2/include/vpi/algo/TransformEstimator.h>

Submits a Transform Estimator operation to the stream.

[in]streamThe stream where the operation will be queued in.
  • Must not be NULL.
  • Stream must have enabled the backends that will execute the algorithm.
[in]backendBackend that will execute the algorithm.
  • Must be the backend specified during payload creation or 0 as a shorthand to use this backend.
[in]payloadPayload created with vpiCreateTransformEstimator.
  • Must not be NULL.
[in]srcKeypointsSource keypoints. It defines a set of keypoints to which the estimated transform is to be applied to.
  • Must not be NULL.
  • Array type must be VPI_ARRAY_TYPE_KEYPOINT_F32.
  • If matches is not NULL, srcKeypoints and matches must have the same size.
[in]tgtKeypointsTarget keypoints. It defines a set of keypoints that are to be the result of applying the transform to the source keypoints.
  • Must not be NULL.
  • Array type must be VPI_ARRAY_TYPE_KEYPOINT_F32.
  • If matches is NULL, srcKeypoints and tgtKeypoints must have the same size.
  • If matches is not NULL, it must be guaranteed that the first element of VPIMatches::refIndex exists in tgtKeypoints.
[in]matchesCorrespondence between source and target keypoints. If not NULL, for each i-th element in matches, the correspondence is given by:
  • src = srcKeypoints[i]
  • tgt = tgtKeypoints[matches[i].refIndex[0]] If it's NULL, for each i-th element in srcKeypoints, the correspondence is given by:
  • src = srcKeypoints[i]
  • tgt = tgtKeypoints[i]
  • If not NULL, it must have type VPI_ARRAY_TYPE_MATCHES.
[out]outTransformWhere the estimated transformation will be written to. Array's type specify what transform is to be estimated.
[out]outInliersIndices of the inlier matches. Optional, if not needed pass NULL.
  • Capacity must be >= number of keypoints in srcKeypoints.
  • The array type must be VPI_ARRAY_TYPE_U32
[in]paramsParameters specifying the parameters of the transform to be estimated. If NULL, will perform an unconstrained estimation for the transform given by the output transform array type. If not NULL, the following restrictions apply:
Return values
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsrcKeypoints or tgtKeypoints are NULL.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTbackend is invalid or unknown.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTsrcKeypoints, tgtKeypoints aren't consistent.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTTransform type not consistent with output transform array type.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_ARRAY_TYPEArray type of srcKeypoints, tgtKeypoints, matches or outInliers is not correct.
VPI_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDTransform Estimator algorithm is not supported by given backend.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATIONBackend hardware not available.
VPI_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATIONThe needed backends aren't enabled in stream, srcKeypoints, tgtKeypoints or matches.
VPI_SUCCESSOperation executed successfully.