29 #include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
30 #include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
31 #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
32 #include <opencv2/videoio.hpp>
48 #define CHECK_STATUS(STMT) \
51 VPIStatus status = (STMT); \
52 if (status != VPI_SUCCESS) \
55 vpiGetLastStatusMessage(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); \
56 std::ostringstream ss; \
57 ss << "line " << __LINE__ << ": "; \
58 ss << vpiStatusGetName(status) << ": " << buffer; \
59 throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); \
63 static void ProcessMotionVector(
VPIImage mvImg, cv::Mat &outputImage)
74 cv::Mat flow(mvImage.size(), CV_32FC2);
75 mvImage.convertTo(flow, CV_32F, 1.0f / (1 << 5));
83 cv::Mat magnitude, angle;
85 cv::Mat flowChannels[2];
86 split(flow, flowChannels);
87 cv::cartToPolar(flowChannels[0], flowChannels[1], magnitude, angle,
91 cv::threshold(magnitude, magnitude, clip, clip, cv::THRESH_TRUNC);
94 cv::Mat _hsv[3], hsv, bgr;
96 _hsv[1] = cv::Mat::ones(angle.size(), CV_32F);
97 _hsv[2] = magnitude / clip;
100 cv::cvtColor(hsv, bgr, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
101 bgr.convertTo(outputImage, CV_8U, 255.0);
104 int main(
int argc,
char *argv[])
108 cv::Mat cvPrevFrame, cvCurFrame;
131 throw std::runtime_error(std::string(
"Usage: ") + argv[0] +
132 " <ofa> <input_video> <low|medium|high> <gridsize> <numlevels>");
136 std::string strBackend = argv[1];
137 std::string strInputVideo = argv[2];
138 std::string strQuality = argv[3];
139 std::string strGridSize = argv[4];
140 std::string strNumLevels = argv[5];
143 if (strQuality ==
147 else if (strQuality ==
151 else if (strQuality ==
157 throw std::runtime_error(
"Unknown quality provided");
161 if (strBackend ==
167 throw std::runtime_error(
"Backend '" + strBackend +
"' not recognized, it must be ofa.");
171 int gridSize = strtol(strGridSize.c_str(), &endptr, 10);
174 throw std::runtime_error(
"Syntax error parsing gridsize " + strGridSize);
177 int numLevels = strtol(strNumLevels.c_str(), &endptr, 10);
180 throw std::runtime_error(
"Syntax error parsing numlevels " + strNumLevels);
184 cv::VideoCapture invid;
185 if (!invid.open(strInputVideo))
187 throw std::runtime_error(
"Can't open '" + strInputVideo +
195 if (!invid.read(cvPrevFrame))
197 throw std::runtime_error(
"Cannot read frame from input video");
209 int32_t width = cvPrevFrame.cols;
210 int32_t height = cvPrevFrame.rows;
213 std::vector<int32_t> pyrGridSize(numLevels, gridSize);
vpiImageCreate(width, height, imgFmt, 0, &imgPrevFrameTmp));
vpiImageCreate(width, height, imgFmt, 0, &imgCurFrameTmp));
vpiPyramidCreate(width, height, imgFmt, pyrGridSize.size(), 0.5, 0, &prevPyrTmp));
vpiPyramidCreate(width, height, imgFmt, pyrGridSize.size(), 0.5, 0, &curPyrTmp));
vpiPyramidCreate(width, height, imgFmtBL, pyrGridSize.size(), 0.5, 0, &prevPyrBL));
vpiPyramidCreate(width, height, imgFmtBL, pyrGridSize.size(), 0.5, 0, &curPyrBL));
235 int32_t mvWidth = (width + gridSize - 1) / gridSize;
236 int32_t mvHeight = (height + gridSize - 1) / gridSize;
239 int fourcc = cv::VideoWriter::fourcc(
240 double fps = invid.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS);
242 cv::VideoWriter outVideo(
"denseoptflow_mv_" + strBackend +
".mp4", fourcc, fps, cv::Size(mvWidth, mvHeight));
243 if (!outVideo.isOpened())
245 throw std::runtime_error(
"Can't create output video");
258 cv::Mat mvOutputImage;
262 while (invid.read(cvCurFrame))
264 printf(
"Processing frame %d\n", idxFrame++);
281 ProcessMotionVector(imgMotionVecBL, mvOutputImage);
284 outVideo << mvOutputImage;
287 std::swap(cvPrevFrame, cvCurFrame);
288 std::swap(imgPrevFramePL, imgCurFramePL);
289 std::swap(prevPyrBL, curPyrBL);
292 catch (std::exception &e)
294 std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Functions and structures for dealing with VPI arrays.
Declares functions that handle gaussian pyramids.
Functions and structures for dealing with VPI images.
Functions for handling OpenCV interoperability with VPI.
Declares functions that implement the dense optical flow.
Functions and structures for dealing with VPI pyramids.
Declaration of VPI status codes handling functions.
Declares functions dealing with VPI streams.
VPIStatus vpiSubmitGaussianPyramidGenerator(VPIStream stream, uint64_t backend, VPIImage input, VPIPyramid output, VPIBorderExtension border)
Computes the Gaussian pyramid from the input image.
void vpiImageDestroy(VPIImage img)
Destroy an image instance.
struct VPIImageImpl * VPIImage
A handle to an image.
VPIStatus vpiImageLockData(VPIImage img, VPILockMode mode, VPIImageBufferType bufType, VPIImageData *data)
Acquires the lock on an image object and returns the image contents.
VPIStatus vpiImageCreate(int32_t width, int32_t height, VPIImageFormat fmt, uint64_t flags, VPIImage *img)
Create an empty image instance with the specified flags.
VPIStatus vpiImageUnlock(VPIImage img)
Releases the lock on an image object.
Host-accessible with planes in pitch-linear memory layout.
Stores information about image characteristics and content.
VPIStatus vpiImageCreateWrapperOpenCVMat(const cv::Mat &mat, VPIImageFormat fmt, uint64_t flags, VPIImage *img)
Wraps a cv::Mat in an VPIImage with the given image format.
VPIStatus vpiImageDataExportOpenCVMat(const VPIImageData &imgData, cv::Mat *mat)
Fills an existing cv::Mat with data from VPIImageData coming from a locked VPIImage.
VPIStatus vpiImageSetWrappedOpenCVMat(VPIImage img, const cv::Mat &mat)
Redefines the wrapped cv::Mat of an existing VPIImage wrapper.
VPIStatus vpiCreateOpticalFlowDense(uint64_t backends, int32_t width, int32_t height, VPIImageFormat inputFmt, const int32_t *gridSize, int32_t numLevels, VPIOpticalFlowQuality quality, VPIPayload *payload)
Creates payload for vpiSubmitOpticalFlowDense.
VPIStatus vpiSubmitOpticalFlowDensePyramid(VPIStream stream, uint64_t backend, VPIPayload payload, VPIPyramid prevPyr, VPIPyramid curPyr, VPIImage mvImg)
Runs dense Optical Flow on two frames, outputting motion vectors.
struct VPIPayloadImpl * VPIPayload
A handle to an algorithm payload.
void vpiPayloadDestroy(VPIPayload payload)
Deallocates the payload object and all associated resources.
VPIStatus vpiPyramidCreate(int32_t width, int32_t height, VPIImageFormat fmt, int32_t numLevels, float scale, uint64_t flags, VPIPyramid *pyr)
Create an empty image pyramid instance with the specified flags.
struct VPIPyramidImpl * VPIPyramid
A handle to an image pyramid.
void vpiPyramidDestroy(VPIPyramid pyr)
Destroy an image pyramid instance as well as all resources it owns.
struct VPIStreamImpl * VPIStream
A handle to a stream.
VPIStatus vpiStreamSync(VPIStream stream)
Blocks the calling thread until all submitted commands in this stream queue are done (queue is empty)...
VPI Backend types.
void vpiStreamDestroy(VPIStream stream)
Destroy a stream instance and deallocate all HW resources.
VPIStatus vpiStreamCreate(uint64_t flags, VPIStream *stream)
Create a stream instance.
CUDA backend.
OFA backend.
VIC backend.
Defines the quality of the optical flow algorithm.
Border pixels are repeated indefinitely.
Fast but low quality optical flow implementation.
Slow but high quality optical flow implementation.
Lock memory only for reading.