The brute force matcher algorithm uses query and reference descriptors provided as inputs and finds the closest (by distance) reference descriptor for every query descriptor. There is an additional option of cross checking provided, which notifies the algorithm to output only those matches that are closest to each other both ways, i.e if A is a query descriptor and B is a reference descriptor, B is closest reference descriptor to A and A is the closest query descriptor to B.
The brute force matcher algorithm calculates the distance between query and reference descriptors provided as input. The norm for distance calculation is provided by the user. The user can also choose the number of matches they want per query descriptor, in which case the smallest N (N being the number of matches per query <= 3) distant matches are provided. The user can choose to enable or disable cross check as well.
C API functions
For list of limitations, constraints and backends that implements the algorithm, consult reference documentation of the following functions: