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HairWorks Viewer Reference

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Hair Tab

User Interface



  • 1: Menu bar
  • 2: Toolbar The Toolbar has animation controls and other controls that are commonly used for iterating on a project scene wide.
  • 3: Attributes Panel The Attributes Panel contains everything that is settable in the scene on a per object level. It is divided into a Hair tab for hair specific attributes and visualizers, and a Display tab for scene visualizers, toggles, and display mesh management. The Attributes Panel is dockable.
  • 4: Output Window The Output Window is dockable.
  • 5: Curve Editor The Curve Editor allows users to edit control curves and color ramps all in one place. It also supports preset files that can be used for curves and colors. The Curve Editor is dockable.
  • 6: Viewport
  • 7: Indicators Indicates the world axis of the scene and wind direction.
  • 8: Heads Up Display The Heads Up Display(HUD) contains many different statistics that are essential in tuning hair.

Texture Input Buttons

Throughout HairWorks Viewer there is a series of icons that pertain to texture inputs like density, root color, or background images. These buttons all have the same functionality through the user interface.

OpenMenu Open File Texture Opens a file dialogue to load a file texture

ReOpenMenu Reopen File Texture Texture is currently loaded. Hover over the icon to get a tool tip with the loaded file path. Clicking the button opens a file dialog to load a different file texture.

ReLoadMenu Reload File Texture Reload a file texture if one is already loaded.

RemoveMenu Remove File Texture Remove a file texture.

Curve Editor

In addition to texture icons, some options will have a curve editor icon.

EditCurve Edit Curve Opens the Curve Editor at the bottom of the Attributes Panel.


Adjusts the curve multiplier and color for the hair strands from the root(left) to the tip(right). The location along the horizontal access cannot be changed. USers can leverage presets and batch edits.



Clear Scene Resets HairWorks Viewer to a blank scene. There are no references to any project files, hair files, or texture files when a scene is cleared.

Open project file Launches a file dialog to allow the user to open a project file.

Save project file Saves the current project file.

Save project file as... Launches a file dialog to allow the user to save a project as a new file.

Open fbx file Launches a file dialog to allow the user to open an FBX file. Only one FBX can be loaded at a time. Opening an FBX file clears the current FBX file from the scene.

Open hair file Launches a file dialog to allow the user to open a hair file.

Save hair file Saves the current hair file.

Save hair file as... Launches a file dialog to allow the user to save a hair file.

Save all hair files Saves all hair files associated with the current project.

Exit Closes the HairWorks viewer.



Add Bookmark Adds a camera bookmark from the cameras current position.

Edit Bookmark Launches dialog to edit all bookmarks.

Bookmark List Lists all saved bookmarks.



Output Toggles the Output Window on/off.

Attribute Editor Toggles the Attribute Editor on/off.

Curve Editor Toggles the Curve Editor on/off.



Documentation Launches this help document.

About Launches a dialog with various information about HairWorks including the version and web links.



Open project file Launches a file dialog to allow the user to open a project file.

Wind Noise Generic noise that is applied globally to the wind for all hair assets.

Wind Strength Wind strength that is applied globally to all hair assets. This value is always set in meter unit, regardless of what the scene scale is set to.

Animation List Launches a file dialog to allow the user to import additional animations via FBX. The animation will be added to the drop down list, allowing the user to choose which animation to preview. Only matching bone names will have animation updated. Currently, animation adding is not implemented and users can only select between the bind pose and the default animation.

Animation Speed Allows the user to adjust the speed of animation playback.

Lock Root Bone When toggled on, this mutes the translation animation for the selected bone with the intention of keeping the character animating in place. The user can choose the root bone from the drop down list of bones in the scene.

Preview LOD Allows the user to preview the Level of Detail attributes that are set on all hair assets by zooming the viewport camera in and out.

Transport Controls

  • Reset Simulation on Loop Determines whether or not the simulation should reset to its initial position each time the animation loops. This control is only applied when the Loop control is enabled.
  • Loop Loop Determines if the animation continuously loops during playback.
  • Rewind Rewind Set the animation playback to the beginning of the playback range.
  • Play Play/Stop Toggles playback of the animation. If Loop is toggled off and the animation is at the end of the frame range, then pressing play will automatically rewind the animation to the beginning of the playback range and play the entire sequence.
  • Forward Step Forward Steps the animation forward 1 frame.
  • PlaySimulation Toggle Simulation Toggles playback of the simulation.
  • ForwardSimulation Simulation Step Forward Steps the simulation forward 1 frame.

Keyboard Shortcuts


  • H - Show/Hide HUD gpu info.
  • G - Show/Hide HUD asset stats.
  • Ctrl +O: Open project file.
  • Ctrl + S: Saves project file.
  • Ctrl + X: Toggles presentation mode on/off.
  • Space Bar: Toggles play animation on/off.
  • Ctrl + Left Mouse: Rotate active Light.
  • Shift + Left Mouse: Rotate wind direction.
  • Ctrl + space: Undo/Redo of last UI action.
  • Right Arrow Open next project in selected playlist.
  • Left Arrow: Open previous project in selected playlist.

Maya Navigation

  • Alt + Left Mouse: Rotate.
  • Alt + Middle Mouse: Translate.
  • Alt + Right Mouse: Zoom.

3dsMax Navigation

  • Alt + Middle Mouse: Rotate.
  • Middle Mouse: Translate .
  • Middle Mouse Scroll Wheel: Zoom.

Game Pad Controls

Each button on the controller offers a different function, typically used for navigating Playlists in Demo Mode. The following controls are based on a Microsoft XBOX 360 Controller layout.

  • Right Bumper - Loads the next project in the selected Playlist.
  • Left Bumper - Loads the previous project in the selected Playlist.
  • A - Pause/Continue the animation.
  • B - Resets the animation to the start of the animation clip.
  • Y - Switch the Viewer between Presentation view and the standard view.
  • X - Show/Hide the selected Hair asset.
  • Left Analog Stick - Zoom in and out from the asset.
  • Right Analog Stick - Rotate the camera.
  • D-Pad Up - Show/Hide HUD gpu info.
  • D-Pad Left - Show/Hide HUD asset stats.
  • Right Trigger + Left Stick - Controls the Wind Direction.
  • Right Trigger + Right Stick - Controls the Wind Strength. Press right to increase. Press left to decrease.
  • Left Trigger + Left Stick - Move the light located in the scene.