Integration into Tokkio 4.0

The Tokkio 4.0 sample apps shipped with Tokkio 4.0 are already setup with the UMIM Action Server for Tokkio as well as the correct configurations for ACE Agent Chat Controller and ACE Agent Chat Engine. If you want to create a UCF app based on ACE components from scratch, here are the important settings for ACE Agent Chat Controller and ACE Agent that you need to change in the app-xy-params.yaml UCS parameters file of your UCS app specification, choose the rest of the parameters according to the documentation of those components.

    pipeline: avatar_umim
    pipelineParams: # can be extended for all pipeline params in parameters.yaml
            virtual_assistant_num_instances: 10
        speech_pipeline_manager: # config name
            SpeechPipelineManager: # component name
                tts_eos_delay_ms: 0 # parameters (0 in tbyb)
                initial_state: "INIT"
                always_on: true
    [...] # Other parameters as normal

    interface: "event"
    [...] # Other parameters as normal

After setting these parameters to enable UMIM mode for the ACE Agent components, you can then simply add the microservice to the components section in the app-xy.yaml UCS app specification.


    - name: tokkio-umim-action-server
        type: ucf.svc.tokkio.umim-action-server
            - name: ngc-docker-reg-secret

The new component then needs to be connected to Redis, Animation Graph MS and the Tokkio UI Server MS in the connections section in the app-xy.yaml UCS app specification.

    tokkio-umim-action-server/redis: redis-timeseries/redis
    tokkio-umim-action-server/anim-graph: animation-graph/http-api
    tokkio-umim-action-server/ui-server: tokkio-ui-server/ui-server-http