Early Adopters
We love to see how ARC-OTA is being used by developers, researchers, and the industry. Send an email to arc@nvidia.com with your project description and links to the project and code repository (for example, GitHub).
6G-RIC Is Significantly Advancing Its Open Test Environment
Open source, end-to-end deployments are key, offering 6G-RIC researchers and associated startups a highly accessible and versatile platform for experimentation. This encourages innovation and facilitates the testing of emerging technologies, protocols, and applications The integration of an Open RAN network, based on open-source technologies and NVIDIA’s Aerial RAN CoLab , marks a significant milestone for our project. The GPU-centric design is ideal for integrating AI/ML and expediting the creation of demonstrators, which once required significant development time.

Integrated Information Processing Group
Real-world implementations are vital for research on future wireless communication systems. By adopting the ARC-OTA platform, the Integrated Information Processing group at ETH Zurich is developing and evaluating novel baseband processing algorithms. Real-world over-the-air experiments with this full-stack 5G system reveal the practical benefits of machine learning (ML)-assisted physical layer processing and the efficacy of channel-state-information-based positioning techniques that utilize ML.

Open ecosystem for creating and deploying advanced 5G networks, while enabling 6G research–software-defined, disaggregated radio access networks. Working with the OAI, ARC-OTA will significantly reduce time to innovation and create new efficiencies arcoss next-generation network deveopment: Demonstration of NVIDIA Aerial SDK and OAI 5G vRAN and CN