Clara Parabricks v4.1.1
NVIDIA Clara Parabricks v4.1.1


Sort BAM files.

This tool can sort the reads within a BAM file in a variety of ways, including by position in the genome (coordinate) or read name (queryname). This enables compatibility with the requirements of different downstream tools.

Five sort modes are supported:

  • coordinate (Picard-compatible)

  • coordinate (fgbio-compatible)

  • queryname (Picard-compatible)

  • queryname (fgbio-compatible)

  • template coordinate sort (fgbio-compatible)

Allowed values for --sort-order are as follows:

  • coordinate [default]

  • queryname

  • templatecoordinate

Allowed values for --sort-compatibility are as follows:

  • picard [default]

  • fgbio

coordinate and queryname sorting can be done in either picard or fgbio mode. templatecoordinate can only be done in fgbio mode.


# This command assumes all the inputs are in INPUT_DIR and all the outputs go to OUTPUT_DIR. docker run --rm --gpus all --volume INPUT_DIR:/workdir --volume OUTPUT_DIR:/outputdir \ --workdir /workdir \ \ pbrun bamsort \ --ref /workdir/${REFERENCE_FILE} \ --in-bam /workdir/${INPUT_BAM} \ --out-bam /outputdir/${OUTPUT_BAM} \ --sort-order coordinate

The command below is the Picard counterpart of the Clara Parabricks command above. The output from this command will be identical to the output from the above command.


java -Xmx30g -jar picard.jar SortSam \ I=<INPUT_DIR>/${INPUT_BAM} \ O=<OUTPUT_DIR>/${OUTPUT_BAM}

Sort BAM files. There are five modes: Coordinate sort (Picard-compatible), Coordinate sort (fgbio-compatible), queryname sort (Picard-compatible), queryname sort (fgbio-compatible), and template coordinate sort (fgbio- compatible).

Input/Output file options

--in-bam IN_BAM

Path of BAM/CRAM for sorting. This option is required. (default: None)

Option is required.

--out-bam OUT_BAM

Path of BAM file after sorting. (default: None)

Option is required.

--ref REF

Path to the reference file. (default: None)

Option is required.

Pipeline Options:

--num-zip-threads NUM_ZIP_THREADS

Number of CPUs to use for zipping BAM files in a run (default 16 for coordinate sorts and 10 otherwise). (default: None)

--num-sort-threads NUM_SORT_THREADS

Number of CPUs to use for sorting in a run (default 10 for coordinate sorts and 16 otherwise). (default: None)

--max-records-in-ram MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM

Maximum number of records in RAM when using a queryname or template coordinate sort mode; lowering this number will decrease maximum memory usage. (default: 65000000)

--sort-order SORT_ORDER

Type of sort to be done. Possible values are {coordinate,queryname,templatecoordinate}. (default: coordinate)

--sort-compatibility SORT_COMPATIBILITY

Sort comparator compatibility to be used for compatibility with other tools. Possible values are {picard,fgbio}. TemplateCoordinate will only use fgbio. (default: picard)

Common options:

--logfile LOGFILE

Path to the log file. If not specified, messages will only be written to the standard error output. (default: None)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory. By default, this should have been installed at /opt/petagene. Use of this option also requires that the PetaLink library has been preloaded by setting the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. Optionally set the PETASUITE_REFPATH and PGCLOUD_CREDPATH environment variables that are used for data and credentials (default: None)


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.


Do not override seccomp options for docker (default: None).


View compatible software versions.

GPU options:

--num-gpus NUM_GPUS

Number of GPUs to use for a run. GPUs 0..(NUM_GPUS-1) will be used.

© Copyright 2023, Nvidia. Last updated on Oct 13, 2023.