NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 10.2.*.*
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Data Fields
NppStreamContext Struct Reference

NPP stream context structure must be filled in by application. More...

#include <nppdefs.h>

Data Fields

cudaStream_t  hStream
int  nCudaDeviceId
int  nMultiProcessorCount
int  nMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
int  nMaxThreadsPerBlock
size_t  nSharedMemPerBlock
int  nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMajor
int  nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMinor
int  nReserved0
int  nReserved1

Detailed Description

NPP stream context structure must be filled in by application.

Application should not initialize or alter reserved fields.

Field Documentation

cudaStream_t NppStreamContext::hStream
int NppStreamContext::nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMajor
int NppStreamContext::nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMinor
int NppStreamContext::nCudaDeviceId
int NppStreamContext::nMaxThreadsPerBlock
int NppStreamContext::nMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
int NppStreamContext::nMultiProcessorCount
int NppStreamContext::nReserved0
int NppStreamContext::nReserved1
size_t NppStreamContext::nSharedMemPerBlock

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