9. Deprecated List


This flag was deprecated as of CUDA 4.0 and was replaced with CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC.


This flag was deprecated as of CUDA 11.0 and it no longer has any effect. All contexts as of CUDA 3.2 behave as though the flag is enabled.




This jit option is deprecated and should not be used.


Enable link-time optimization (-dlto) for device code (Disabled by default).

This option is not supported on 32-bit platforms.

Option type: int

Applies to: compiler and linker


Control single-precision denormals (-ftz) support (0: false, default). 1 : flushes denormal values to zero 0 : preserves denormal values Option type: int

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


Control single-precision floating-point division and reciprocals (-prec-div) support (1: true, default). 1 : Enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode 0 : Enables the fast approximation mode Option type: int

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


Control single-precision floating-point square root (-prec-sqrt) support (1: true, default). 1 : Enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode 0 : Enables the fast approximation mode Option type: int

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


Enable/Disable the contraction of floating-point multiplies and adds/subtracts into floating-point multiply-add (-fma) operations (1: Enable, default; 0: Disable). Option type: int

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


Array of kernel names that should be preserved at link time while others can be removed.


Note that kernel names can be mangled by the compiler in which case the mangled name needs to be specified.

Wildcard "*" can be used to represent zero or more characters instead of specifying the full or mangled name.

It is important to note that the wildcard "*" is also added implicitly. For example, specifying "foo" will match "foobaz", "barfoo", "barfoobaz" and thus preserve all kernels with those names. This can be avoided by providing a more specific name like "barfoobaz".

Option type: const char **

Applies to: dynamic linker only


Number of entries in CU_JIT_REFERENCED_KERNEL_NAMES array.

Option type: unsigned int

Applies to: dynamic linker only


Array of variable names (__device__ and/or __constant__) that should be preserved at link time while others can be removed.


Note that variable names can be mangled by the compiler in which case the mangled name needs to be specified.

Wildcard "*" can be used to represent zero or more characters instead of specifying the full or mangled name.

It is important to note that the wildcard "*" is also added implicitly. For example, specifying "foo" will match "foobaz", "barfoo", "barfoobaz" and thus preserve all variables with those names. This can be avoided by providing a more specific name like "barfoobaz".

Option type: const char **

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


Number of entries in CU_JIT_REFERENCED_VARIABLE_NAMES array.

Option type: unsigned int

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


This option serves as a hint to enable the JIT compiler/linker to remove constant (__constant__) and device (__device__) variables unreferenced in device code (Disabled by default).

Note that host references to constant and device variables using APIs like cuModuleGetGlobal() with this option specified may result in undefined behavior unless the variables are explicitly specified using CU_JIT_REFERENCED_VARIABLE_NAMES.

Option type: int

Applies to: link-time optimization specified with CU_JIT_LTO


High-level intermediate code for link-time optimization

Applicable options: NVVM compiler options, PTX compiler options


This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error to attempt to enable/disable the profiling via cuProfilerStart or cuProfilerStop without initialization.


This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error to call cuProfilerStart() when profiling is already enabled.


This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error to call cuProfilerStop() when profiling is already disabled.


This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.2. It is no longer an error to attempt to push the active context via cuCtxPushCurrent().

Global cuCtxAttach

Global cuCtxDetach

Global cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 11.3.

Global cuLaunch

Global cuParamSetf

Global cuParamSeti

Global cuParamSetv

Global cuGLCtxCreate

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 5.0.

Global cuGLInit

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLMapBufferObject

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLMapBufferObjectAsync

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLRegisterBufferObject

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLSetBufferObjectMapFlags

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLUnmapBufferObject

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLUnmapBufferObjectAsync

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuGLUnregisterBufferObject

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuD3D9MapResources

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9RegisterResource

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9ResourceGetMappedArray

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9ResourceGetMappedPitch

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9ResourceGetMappedPointer

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9ResourceGetMappedSize

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9ResourceGetSurfaceDimensions

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9ResourceSetMapFlags

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.

Global cuD3D9UnmapResources

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D9UnregisterResource

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10CtxCreate

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.

Global cuD3D10CtxCreateOnDevice

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.

Global cuD3D10GetDirect3DDevice

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.

Global cuD3D10MapResources

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10RegisterResource

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10ResourceGetMappedArray

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10ResourceGetMappedPitch

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10ResourceGetMappedPointer

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10ResourceGetMappedSize

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10ResourceGetSurfaceDimensions

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10ResourceSetMapFlags

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10UnmapResources

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D10UnregisterResource

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.

Global cuD3D11CtxCreate

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.

Global cuD3D11CtxCreateOnDevice

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.

Global cuD3D11GetDirect3DDevice

This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.

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Last updated on Apr 26, 2024.