
Install GPU Operator in Proxy Environments


This page describes how to successfully deploy the GPU Operator in clusters behind a HTTP Proxy. By default, the GPU Operator requires internet access for the following reasons:

  1. Container images need to be pulled during GPU Operator installation.

  2. The driver container needs to download several OS packages prior to driver installation.

To address these requirements, all Kubernetes nodes as well as the driver container need proper configuration in order to direct traffic through the proxy.

This document demonstrates how to configure the GPU Operator so that the driver container can successfully download packages behind a HTTP proxy. Since configuring Kubernetes/container runtime components to use a proxy is not specific to the GPU Operator, we do not include those instructions here.

The instructions for Openshift are different, so skip the section titled HTTP Proxy Configuration for Openshift if you are not running Openshift.


  • Kubernetes cluster is configured with HTTP proxy settings (container runtime should be enabled with HTTP proxy)

HTTP Proxy Configuration for Openshift

For Openshift, it is recommended to use the cluster-wide Proxy object to provide proxy information for the cluster. Please follow the procedure described in Configuring the cluster-wide proxy from Red Hat Openshift public documentation. The GPU Operator will automatically inject proxy related ENV into the driver container based on information present in the cluster-wide Proxy object.


  • GPU Operator v1.8.0 does not work well on RedHat OpenShift when a cluster-wide Proxy object is configured and causes constant restarts of driver container. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch release v1.8.2.

HTTP Proxy Configuration

First, get the up-to-date values.yaml file used for GPU Operator configuration:

$ curl -sO


The above command retrieves the latest values.yaml. If you want to use a specific GPU Operator version, use the following url, replacing v1.7.0 with the appropriate version:

Specify driver.env in values.yaml with appropriate HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables (in both uppercase and lowercase).

   - name: HTTPS_PROXY
     value: http://<>
   - name: HTTP_PROXY
     value: http://<>
   - name: NO_PROXY
     value: <>
   - name: https_proxy
     value: http://<>
   - name: http_proxy
     value: http://<>
   - name: no_proxy
     value: <>


  • Proxy related ENV are automatically injected by GPU Operator into the driver container to indicate proxy information used when downloading necessary packages.

  • If HTTPS Proxy server is setup then change the values of HTTPS_PROXY and https_proxy to use https instead.

Deploy GPU Operator

Download and deploy GPU Operator Helm Chart with the updated values.yaml.

Fetch latest version of the chart from NGC repository. v1.8.1 is used in the command below:

$ helm fetch

Install the GPU Operator with updated values.yaml:

$ helm install --wait gpu-operator \
     gpu-operator-v1.8.1.tgz \
     -f values.yaml

Check the status of the pods to ensure all the containers are running:

$ kubectl get pods -n gpu-operator-resources

Install GPU Operator in Air-gapped Environments


This page describes how to successfully deploy the GPU Operator in clusters with restricted internet access. By default, The GPU Operator requires internet access for the following reasons:

  1. Container images need to be pulled during GPU Operator installation.

  2. The driver container needs to download several OS packages prior to driver installation.

To address these requirements, it may be necessary to create a local image registry and/or a local package repository so that the necessary images and packages are available for your cluster. In subsequent sections, we detail how to configure the GPU Operator to use local image registries and local package repositories. If your cluster is behind a proxy, also follow the steps from Install GPU Operator in Proxy Environments.

Different steps are required for different environments with varying levels of internet connectivity. The supported use cases/environments are listed in the below table:

Network Flow

Use Case

Pulling Images

Pulling Packages


HTTP Proxy with full Internet access

K8s node –> HTTP Proxy –> Internet Image Registry

Driver container –> HTTP Proxy –> Internet Package Repository


HTTP Proxy with limited Internet access

K8s node –> HTTP Proxy –> Internet Image Registry

Driver container –> HTTP Proxy –> Local Package Repository


Full Air-Gapped (w/ HTTP Proxy)

K8s node –> Local Image Registry

Driver container –> HTTP Proxy –> Local Package Repository


Full Air-Gapped (w/o HTTP Proxy)

K8s node –> Local Image Registry

Driver container–> Local Package Repository


For Red Hat Openshift deployments in air-gapped environments (use cases 2, 3a and 3b), see the documentation here.


Ensure that Kubernetes nodes can successfully reach the local DNS server(s). Public name resolution for image registry and package repositories are mandatory for use cases 1 and 2.

Before proceeding to the next sections, get the up-to-date values.yaml file used for GPU Operator configuration.

$ curl -sO


The above command retrieves the latest values.yaml. If you want to use a specific GPU Operator version, use the following url, replacing v1.7.0 with the appropriate version:

Local Image Registry

Without internet access, the GPU Operator requires all images to be hosted in a local image registry that is accessible to all nodes in the cluster. To allow the GPU Operator to work with a local registry, users can specify local repository, image, tag along with pull secrets in values.yaml.

Pulling and pushing container images to local registry

To pull the correct images from the NVIDIA registry, you can leverage the fields repository, image and version specified in the file values.yaml.

The general syntax for the container image is <repository>/<image>:<version>.

If the version is not specified, you can retrieve the information from the NVIDIA NGC catalog ( by checking the available tags for an image.

An example is shown below with the gpu-operator container image:

    image: gpu-operator
    version: "v1.8.1"

For instance, to pull the gpu-operator image version v1.8.1, use the following instruction:

$ docker pull

There is one caveat with regards to the driver image. The version field must be appended by the OS name running on the worker node.

    image: driver
    version: "470.57.02"

To pull the driver image for Ubuntu 20.04:

$ docker pull

To pull the driver image for CentOS 8:

$ docker pull

To push the images to the local registry, simply tag the pulled images by prefixing the image with the image registry information.

Using the above examples, this will result in:

$ docker tag <local-registry>/<local-path>/gpu-operator:v1.8.1
$ docker tag <local-registry>/<local-path>/driver:470.57.02-ubuntu20.04

Finally, push the images to the local registry:

$ docker push  <local-registry>/<local-path>/gpu-operator:v1.8.1
$ docker push <local-registry>/<local-path>/driver:470.57.02-ubuntu20.04

Update values.yaml with local registry information in the repository field.


replace <> below with your local image registry url and port

Sample of values.yaml for GPU Operator v1.8.1:

  repository: <>
  image: gpu-operator
  version: 1.8.1
  imagePullSecrets: []
    image: cuda
    repository: <>
    version: 11.2.1-base-ubi8

   image: gpu-operator-validator
   repository: <>
   version: 1.8.1
   imagePullSecrets: []

   repository: <>
   image: driver
   version: "470.57.02"
   imagePullSecrets: []
     image: k8s-driver-manager
     repository: <>
     version: v0.1.0

   repository: <>
   image: container-toolkit
   version: 1.6.0-ubuntu18.04
   imagePullSecrets: []

   repository: <>
   image: k8s-device-plugin
   version: v0.9.0-ubi8
   imagePullSecrets: []

   repository: <>
   image: dcgm-exporter
   version: 2.2.9-2.4.0-ubuntu20.04
   imagePullSecrets: []

   repository: <>
   image: gpu-feature-discovery
   version: v0.4.1
   imagePullSecrets: []

   enabled: false
   repository: <>
   image: gpu-operator-validator
   version: "1.8.1"

   enabled: true
   repository: <>
   image: k8s-mig-manager
   version: v0.1.2-ubuntu20.04

Local Package Repository

The driver container deployed as part of the GPU operator requires certain packages to be available as part of the driver installation. In restricted internet access or air-gapped installations, users are required to create a local mirror repository for their OS distribution and make the following packages available:


KERNEL_VERSION is the underlying running kernel version on the GPU node GCC_VERSION is the gcc version matching the one used for building underlying kernel




For example, for Ubuntu these packages can be found at so this would be the mirror that needs to be replicated locally for your cluster. Using apt-mirror, these packages will be automatically mirrored to your local package repository server.

For CentOS, reposync can be used to create the local mirror.

Once all above required packages are mirrored to the local repository, repo lists need to be created following distribution specific documentation. A ConfigMap needs to be created with the repo list file created under gpu-operator-resources namespace.

An example of repo list is shown below for Ubuntu 20.04 (access to local package repository via HTTP):


deb [arch=amd64] http://<local pkg repository>/ubuntu/mirror/ focal main universe
deb [arch=amd64] http://<local pkg repository>/ubuntu/mirror/ focal-updates main universe
deb [arch=amd64] http://<local pkg repository>/ubuntu/mirror/ focal-security main universe

An example of repo list is shown below for CentOS 8 (access to local package repository via HTTP):


name=CentOS Linux $releasever - BaseOS
baseurl=http://<local pkg repository>/repos/centos/$releasever/$basearch/os/baseos/

name=CentOS Linux $releasever - AppStream
baseurl=http://<local pkg repository>/repos/centos/$releasever/$basearch/os/appstream/

name=CentOS Linux $releasever - Extras
baseurl=http://<local pkg repository>/repos/centos/$releasever/$basearch/os/extras/

Create the ConfigMap:

$ kubectl create configmap repo-config -n gpu-operator-resources --from-file=<path-to-repo-list-file>

Once the ConfigMap is created using the above command, update values.yaml with this information, to let the GPU Operator mount the repo configuration within the driver container to pull required packages.

For Ubuntu:

For RHEL/Centos/RHCOS:

Deploy GPU Operator

Download and deploy GPU Operator Helm Chart with the updated values.yaml.

Fetch latest version of the chart from NGC repository. v1.8.1 is used in the command below:

$ helm fetch

Install the GPU Operator with updated values.yaml:

$ helm install --wait gpu-operator \
     gpu-operator-v1.8.1.tgz \
     -f values.yaml

Check the status of the pods to ensure all the containers are running:

$ kubectl get pods -n gpu-operator-resources

Considerations when Installing with Outdated Kernels in Cluster

The driver container deployed as part of the GPU Operator requires certain packages to be available as part of the driver installation. On GPU nodes where the running kernel is not the latest, the driver container may fail to find the right version of these packages (e.g. kernel-headers, kernel-devel) that correspond to the running kernel version. In the driver container logs, you will most likely see the following error message: Could not resolve Linux kernel version.

In general, upgrading your system to the latest kernel should fix this issue. But if this is not an option, the following is a workaround to successfully deploy the GPU operator when GPU nodes in your cluster may not be running the latest kernel.

Add Archived Package Repositories

The workaround is to find the package archive containing packages for your outdated kernel and to add this repository to the package manager running inside the driver container. To achieve this, we can simply mount a repository list file into the driver container using a ConfigMap. The ConfigMap needs to be created with the repository list file created under the gpu-operator-resources namespace.

Let us demonstrate this workaround via an example. The system used in this example is running CentOS 7 with an outdated kernel:

$ uname -r

The official archive for older CentOS packages is Typically, most archived CentOS repositories are found in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Vault.repo but they are disabled by default. If the appropriate archive repository was enabled, then the driver container would resolve the kernel version and be able to install the correct versions of the prerequisite packages.

We can simply drop in a replacement of /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Vault.repo to ensure the appropriate CentOS archive is enabled. For the kernel running in this example, the CentOS-7.7.1908 archive contains the kernel-headers version we are looking for. Here is our example drop-in replacement file:

name=CentOS-7.7.1908 - Base

name=CentOS-7.7.1908 - Updates

Once the repo list file is created, we can create a ConfigMap for it:

$ kubectl create configmap repo-config -n gpu-operator-resources --from-file=<path-to-repo-list-file>

Once the ConfigMap is created using the above command, update values.yaml with this information, to let the GPU Operator mount the repo configuration within the driver container to pull required packages.

For Ubuntu:

      configMapName: repo-config
      destinationDir: /etc/apt/sources.list.d

For RHEL/Centos/RHCOS:

      configMapName: repo-config
      destinationDir: /etc/yum.repos.d

Deploy GPU Operator with updated values.yaml:

$ helm install --wait --generate-name \
     nvidia/gpu-operator \
     -f values.yaml

Check the status of the pods to ensure all the containers are running:

$ kubectl get pods -n gpu-operator-resources