NVIDIA GPU Driver Custom Resource Definition#

Overview of the GPU Driver Custom Resource Definition#


Technology Preview features are not supported in production environments and are not functionally complete. Technology Preview features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. These releases may not have any documentation, and testing is limited.

This feature does not support an upgrade from an earlier version of the NVIDIA GPU Operator. You must uninstall an existing installation and then install the Operator again. Uninstalling the Operator interrupts services and applications that require access to NVIDIA GPUs.

As a technology preview feature, you can create one or more instances of an NVIDIA driver custom resource to specify the NVIDIA GPU driver type and driver version to configure on specific nodes. You can specify labels in the node selector field to control which NVIDIA driver configuration is applied to specific nodes.

Comparison: Managing the Driver with CRD versus the Cluster Policy#

Before the introduction of the NVIDIA GPU Driver custom resource definition, you manage the driver by modifying the driver field and subfields of the cluster policy custom resource definition.

The key differences between the two approaches are summarized in the following table.

Cluster Policy CRD


  • Supports a single driver type and version on all nodes.

  • Does not support multiple operating system versions. This limitation complicates performing an operating system upgrade on your nodes.

  • Supports multiple driver types and versions on different nodes.

  • Supports multiple operating system versions on nodes.

Driver Daemon Sets#

The NVIDIA GPU Operator starts a driver daemon set for each NVIDIA driver custom resource and each operating system version.

For example, if your cluster has one NVIDIA driver custom resource that specifies a 535 branch GPU driver and some worker nodes run Ubuntu 20.04 and other worker nodes run Ubuntu 22.04, the Operator starts two driver daemon sets. One daemon set configures the GPU driver on the Ubuntu 20.04 nodes and the other configures the driver on the Ubuntu 22.04 nodes. All the nodes run the same 535 branch GPU driver.


If you choose to use precompiled driver containers, the Operator starts a driver daemon set for each Linux kernel version.

For example, if some nodes run Ubuntu 22.04 and the 5.15.0-84-generic kernel, and other nodes run the 5.15.0-78-generic kernel, then the Operator starts two daemon sets.

About the Default NVIDIA Driver Custom Resource#

By default, the helm chart configures a default NVIDIA driver custom resource during installation. This custom resource does not include a node selector and as a result, the custom resource applies to every node in your cluster that has an NVIDIA GPU. The Operator starts a driver daemon set and pods for each operating system version in your cluster.

If you plan to configure your own driver custom resources to specify driver versions, types, and so on, then you might prefer to avoid installing the default custom resource. By preventing the installation, you can avoid node selector conflicts due to the default custom resource matching all nodes and your custom resources matching some of the same nodes.

To prevent configuring the default custom resource, specify the --set driver.nvidiaDriverCRD.deployDefaultCR=false argument when you install the Operator with Helm.

Feature Compatibility#

Driver type

Each NVIDIA driver custom resource specifies the driver type and is one of gpu, vgpu, or vgpu-host-manager. You can run the data-center driver (gpu) on some nodes and the vGPU driver on other nodes.

GPUDirect RDMA and GPUDirect Storage

Each NVIDIA driver custom resource can specify how to configure GPUDirect RDMA and GPUDirect Storage (GDS). Refer to GPUDirect RDMA and GPUDirect Storage for the platform support and prerequisites.


Each NVIDIA driver custom resource can enable the GDRCopy sidecar container in the driver pod.

Precompiled and signed drivers

You can run the default driver type that is compiled when the driver pod starts on some nodes and precompiled driver containers on other nodes. The Limitations and Restrictions for precompiled driver containers apply.

Preinstalled drivers on nodes

If a node has an NVIDIA GPU driver installed in the operating system, then no driver container runs on the node.

Support for X86_64 and ARM64

Each daemon set can run pods and driver containers for the X86_64 and ARM64 architectures. Refer to the NVIDIA GPU Driver tags web page to determine which driver version and operating system combinations support both architectures.

About the NVIDIA Driver Custom Resource#

An instance of the NVIDIA driver custom resource represents a specific NVIDIA GPU driver type and driver version to install and manage on nodes.

Sample NVIDIA Driver Manifest#
apiVersion: nvidia.com/v1alpha1
kind: NVIDIADriver
  name: demo-gold
  driverType: gpu
    enabled: false
    repository: nvcr.io/nvidia/cloud-native
    image: gdrdrv
    version: v2.4.1
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    imagePullSecrets: []
    env: []
    args: []
  image: driver
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  imagePullSecrets: []
  manager: {}
    driver.config: "gold"
    enabled: false
    useHostMofed: false
    enabled: false
  repository: nvcr.io/nvidia
    failureThreshold: 120
    initialDelaySeconds: 60
    periodSeconds: 10
    timeoutSeconds: 60
  useOpenKernelModules: false
  usePrecompiled: false
  version: 535.104.12

The following table describes some of the fields in the custom resource.



Default Value


Specifies the name of the NVIDIA driver custom resource.



Specifies a map of key and value pairs to add as custom annotations to the driver pod.



Specifies one of the following:

  • gpu to use the NVIDIA data-center GPU driver.

  • vgpu to use the NVIDIA vGPU guest driver.

  • vgpu-host-manager to use the NVIDIA vGPU Manager.



Specifies environment variables to pass to the driver container.



Specifies whether to deploy the GDRCopy Driver. When set to true the GDRCopy Driver image runs as a sidecar container.



Specifies whether to enable GPUDirect Storage.



Specifies the driver container image name.



Specifies the policy for kubelet to download the container image. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for image pull policy.

Refer to the Kubernetes documentation.


Specifies the credentials to provide to the registry if the registry is secured.



Specifies a map of key and value pairs to add as custom labels to the driver pod.



Specifies one or more node labels to match. The driver container is scheduled to nodes that match all the labels.

None. When you do not specify this field, the driver custom resource selects all nodes.


Specifies the priority class for the driver pod.



Specifies whether to enable GPUDirect RDMA.



Specifies the container registry that contains the driver container.



Specifies to use the NVIDIA Open GPU Kernel modules.



Specifies a set of tolerations to apply to the driver pod.



When set to true, the Operator deploys a driver container image with a precompiled driver.



Specifies the GPU driver version to install. For a data-center driver, specify a value like 535.104.12. If you set usePrecompiled to true, specify the driver branch, such as 535.

Refer to the GPU Operator Component Matrix.

Installing the NVIDIA GPU Operator#

Perform the following steps to install the GPU Operator and use the NVIDIA driver custom resources.

  1. Optional: If you want to run more than one driver type or version in the cluster, label the worker nodes to identify the driver type and version to install on each node:


    $ kubectl label node <node-name> --overwrite driver.version=525.125.06
    • To use a mix of driver types, such as vGPU, label nodes for the driver type.

    • To use a mix of driver versions, label the nodes for the different versions.

    • To use a mix of conventional drivers and precompiled driver containers, label the nodes for the different types.

  2. Install the Operator.

    • Add the NVIDIA Helm repository:

      $ helm repo add nvidia https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/nvidia \
          && helm repo update
    • Install the Operator and specify at least the --set driver.nvidiaDriverCRD.enabled=true argument:

      $ helm install --wait --generate-name \
          -n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
          nvidia/gpu-operator \
          --set driver.nvidiaDriverCRD.enabled=true

      By default, Helm configures a default NVIDIA driver custom resource during installation. To prevent configuring the default custom resource, also specify --set driver.nvidiaDriverCRD.deployDefaultCR=false.

  3. Apply NVIDIA driver custom resources manifests to install the NVIDIA GPU driver version, type, and so on for your nodes. Refer to the sample manifests.

Sample NVIDIA Driver Manifests#

One Driver Type and Version on All Nodes#

  1. Optional: Remove previously applied node labels.

  2. Create a file, such as nvd-all.yaml, with contents like the following:

    apiVersion: nvidia.com/v1alpha1
    kind: NVIDIADriver
      name: demo-all
      driverType: gpu
      image: driver
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      imagePullSecrets: []
      manager: {}
        enabled: false
        useHostMofed: false
        enabled: false
      repository: nvcr.io/nvidia
        failureThreshold: 120
        initialDelaySeconds: 60
        periodSeconds: 10
        timeoutSeconds: 60
      usePrecompiled: false
      version: 535.104.12


    Because the manifest does not include a nodeSelector field, the driver custom resource selects all nodes in the cluster that have an NVIDIA GPU.

  3. Apply the manfiest:

    $ kubectl apply -n gpu-operator -f nvd-all.yaml
  4. Optional: Monitor the progress:

    $ kubectl get events -n gpu-operator --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'

Multiple Driver Versions#

  1. Label the nodes.

    • On some nodes, apply a label like the following:

      $ kubectl label node <node-name> --overwrite driver.config="gold"
    • On other nodes, apply a label like the following:

      $ kubectl label node <node-name> --overwrite driver.config="silver"
  2. Create a file, such as nvd-driver-multiple.yaml, with contents like the following:

    apiVersion: nvidia.com/v1alpha1
    kind: NVIDIADriver
      name: demo-gold
      driverType: gpu
      env: []
      image: driver
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      imagePullSecrets: []
      manager: {}
        driver.config: "gold"
      repository: nvcr.io/nvidia
      version: "535.104.12"
    apiVersion: nvidia.com/v1alpha1
    kind: NVIDIADriver
      name: demo-silver
      driverType: gpu
      env: []
      image: driver
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      imagePullSecrets: []
      manager: {}
        driver.config: "silver"
      repository: nvcr.io/nvidia
      version: "470.141.10"
  3. Apply the manfiest:

    $ kubectl apply -n gpu-operator -f nvd-driver-multiple.yaml
  4. Optional: Monitor the progress:

    $ kubectl get events -n gpu-operator --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'

One Precompiled Driver Container on All Nodes#

  1. Optional: Remove previously applied node labels.

  2. Create a file, such as nvd-precompiled-all.yaml, with contents like the following:

    apiVersion: nvidia.com/v1alpha1
    kind: NVIDIADriver
      name: demo-precomp-all
      driverType: gpu
      env: []
      image: driver
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      imagePullSecrets: []
      manager: {}
      nodeSelector: {}
      repository: nvcr.io/nvidia
      resources: {}
      usePrecompiled: true
      version: "535"


    Because the manfiest does not include a nodeSelector field, the driver custom resource selects all nodes in the cluster that have an NVIDIA GPU.

  3. Apply the manfiest:

    $ kubectl apply -n gpu-operator -f nvd-precompiled-all.yaml
  4. Optional: Monitor the progress:

    $ kubectl get events -n gpu-operator --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'

Precompiled Driver Container on Some Nodes#

  1. Label the nodes like the following sample:

    $ kubectl label node <node-name> --overwrite driver.precompiled="true"
    $ kubectl label node <node-name> --overwrite driver.version="535"
  2. Create a file, such as nvd-precomiled-some.yaml, with contents like the following:

    apiVersion: nvidia.com/v1alpha1
    kind: NVIDIADriver
      name: demo-precomp
      driverType: gpu
      env: []
      image: driver
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      imagePullSecrets: []
      manager: {}
        driver.precompiled: "true"
        driver.version: "535"
      repository: nvcr.io/nvidia
      resources: {}
      usePrecompiled: true
      version: "535"
  3. Apply the manfiest:

    $ kubectl apply -n gpu-operator -f nvd-precompiled-some.yaml
  4. Optional: Monitor the progress:

    $ kubectl get events -n gpu-operator --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'

Upgrading the NVIDIA GPU Driver#

You can upgrade the driver version by editing or patching the NVIDIA driver custom resource.

When you update the custom resource, the Operator performs a rolling update of the pods in the affected daemon set.

  1. Update the driver.version field in the driver custom resource:

    $ kubectl patch nvidiadriver/demo-silver --type='json' \
        -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value": "525.125.06"}]'
  2. Optional: Monitor the progress:

    $ kubectl get pods -n gpu-operator -l app.kubernetes.io/component=nvidia-driver

    Example Output

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    nvidia-gpu-driver-ubuntu20.04-788484b9bb-6zhd9   1/1     Running       0          5m1s
    nvidia-gpu-driver-ubuntu22.04-8896c4bf7-7s68q    1/1     Terminating   0          37m
    nvidia-gpu-driver-ubuntu22.04-8896c4bf7-jm74l    1/1     Running       0          37m

Eventually, the Operator replaces the pods that used the previous driver version with pods that use the updated driver version.


If the driver daemon sets and pods are not running as you expect, perform the following steps.

  1. Display the NVIDIA driver custom resources:

    $ kubectl get nvidiadrivers

    Example Output

    NAME           STATUS     AGE
    default        notReady   2023-10-13T14:03:24Z
    demo-precomp   notReady   2023-10-13T14:21:55Z

    It is normal for the status to report not ready shortly after modifying the resource.

  2. If the status is not ready, describe the resource:

    $ kubectl describe nvidiadriver demo-precomp

    Example Output

    Name:         demo-precomp
      Version:          535.104.05
        Last Transition Time:  2023-10-13T14:33:30Z
        Reason:                Error
        Status:                False
        Type:                  Ready
        Last Transition Time:  2023-10-13T14:33:30Z
        Message:               Waiting for driver pod to be ready
        Reason:                DriverNotReady
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Error
      State:                   notReady
  3. Display the node selectors for the driver daemon sets. The selectors are set from the NVIDIA driver custom resources:

    $ kubectl get -n gpu-operator ds -l app.kubernetes.io/component=nvidia-driver

    Example Output

    NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                             AGE
    nvidia-gpu-driver-ubuntu20.04-788484b9bb   1         1         1       1            1           driver.config=silver,feature.node.kubernetes.io/system-os_release.ID=ubuntu,feature.node.kubernetes.io/system-os_release.VERSION_ID=20.04,nvidia.com/gpu.deploy.driver=true,nvidia.com/gpu.present=true   10m
    nvidia-gpu-driver-ubuntu22.04-8896c4bf7    2         2         2       2            2           driver.config=gold,feature.node.kubernetes.io/system-os_release.ID=ubuntu,feature.node.kubernetes.io/system-os_release.VERSION_ID=22.04,nvidia.com/gpu.deploy.driver=true,nvidia.com/gpu.present=true     10m
  4. View the logs from the GPU Operator pod:

    $ kubectl logs -n gpu-operator deployment/gpu-operator

    Example Output

    {"level":"info","ts":1697223780.333307,"logger":"controllers.Upgrade","msg":"Node hosting a driver pod","node":"worker-2","state":"upgrade-done"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1697223780.3376482,"logger":"controllers.Upgrade","msg":"Node hosting a driver pod","node":"worker-1","state":"upgrade-done"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1697223780.345211,"logger":"controllers.Upgrade","msg":"Node hosting a driver pod","node":"worker-0","state":"upgrade-done"}
    {"level":"error","ts":1697223780.3452845,"logger":"controllers.Upgrade","msg":"Failed to build node upgrade state for pod","pod":{"namespace":"gpu-operator","name":"nvidia-gpu-driver-ubuntu22.04-6d4df6b96f-c6hfd"},"error":"unable to get node : resource name may not be empty"}