
This section includes errors that users may encounter when performing various checks during installing the NVIDIA GPU Operator on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Node Feature Discovery checks

  1. Verify the Node Feature Discovery has been created:

    $ oc get NodeFeatureDiscovery -n openshift-nfd
    NAME           AGE
    nfd-instance   4h11m


    If empty the Node Feature Discovery Custom Resource (CR) must be created.

  2. Ensure there are nodes with GPU. In this example the check is performed for the NVIDIA GPU which uses the PCI ID 10de.

    $ oc get nodes -l
    NAME                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    ip-10-0-133-209.ec2.internal   Ready    worker   4h13m   v1.21.1+9807387

GPU Operator checks

  1. Verify the Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is deployed.

    $ oc get crd/
    NAME                         CREATED AT   2021-09-02T10:33:50Z


    If missing, the cluster policy install was unsuccessful.

  2. Verify the cluster policy is deployed:

    $ oc get clusterpolicy
    NAME                  AGE
    gpu-cluster-policy    8m25s


    If missing, create the custom resource (CR). Refer to Create the ClusterPolicy instance for more information.

  3. Verify that the Operator is running:

    $ oc get pods -n nvidia-gpu-operator -lapp=gpu-operator
    NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTART    AGE
    gpu-operator-6b8b8c5fd9-zcs9r   1/1     Running   0          3h55m


    If ImagePullBackOff is reported, maybe the NVIDIA registry is down. If CrashLoopBackOff is reported review the operator logs.

    $ oc logs -f -n nvidia-gpu-operator -lapp=gpu-operator
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.913Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       Found Resource, updating...     {"ClusterRoleBinding": "nvidia-mig-manager", "Namespace": "nvidia-gpu-operator"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.941Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       Found Resource, updating...     {"ConfigMap": "default-mig-parted-config", "Namespace": "nvidia-gpu-operator"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.958Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       Found Resource, updating...     {"ConfigMap": "default-gpu-clients", "Namespace": "nvidia-gpu-operator"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.964Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       Found Resource, updating...     {"SecurityContextConstraints": "nvidia-mig-manager", "Namespace": "default"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.992Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       DaemonSet identical, skipping update    {"DaemonSet": "nvidia-mig-manager", "Namespace": "nvidia-gpu-operator", "name": "nvidia-mig-manager"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.992Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       DEBUG: DaemonSet        {"LabelSelector": "app=nvidia-mig-manager"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.992Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       DEBUG: DaemonSet        {"NumberOfDaemonSets": 1}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.992Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       DEBUG: DaemonSet        {"NumberUnavailable": 0}
    2021-11-17T12:08:33.992Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       INFO: ClusterPolicy step completed      {"state:": "state-mig-manager", "status": "ready"}
    2021-11-17T12:08:34.061Z  INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       ClusterPolicy is ready.

Validate the GPU stack

The GPU Operator validates the stack using the nvidia-device-plugin-validator and the nvidia-cuda-validator pod. If they report the status Completed, the stack works as expected.

$ oc get po -n nvidia-gpu-operator
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
bb0dd90f1b757a8c7b338785a4a65140732d30447093bc2c4f6ae8e75844gfv   0/1     Completed   0          125m
gpu-feature-discovery-hlpgs                                       1/1     Running     0          122m
gpu-operator-8dc8d6648-jzhnr                                      1/1     Running     0          125m
nvidia-container-toolkit-daemonset-z2wh7                          1/1     Running     0          122m
nvidia-cuda-validator-8fx22                                       0/1     Completed   0          117m
nvidia-dcgm-exporter-ds9xd                                        1/1     Running     0          122m
nvidia-dcgm-k7tz6                                                 1/1     Running     0          122m
nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset-nqxmc                              1/1     Running     0          122m
nvidia-device-plugin-validator-87zdl                              0/1     Completed   0          117m
nvidia-driver-daemonset-48.84.202110270303-0-9df9j                2/2     Running     0          122m
nvidia-node-status-exporter-7bhdk                                 1/1     Running     0          122m
nvidia-operator-validator-kjznr                                   1/1     Running     0          122m
  1. Verify the cuda validator logs:

    $ oc logs -f nvidia-cuda-validator-8fx22 -n nvidia-gpu-operator
    cuda workload validation is successful
  2. Verify the nvidia-device-plugin-validator logs:

    $ oc logs nvidia-device-plugin-validator-87zdl -n nvidia-gpu-operator
    device-plugin workload validation is successful

Verify the NVIDIA driver deployment

This is an illustrated example of a situation where the deployment of the Operator is not proceeding as expected.

  1. List the pods deployed to the nvidia-gpu-operator namespace:

    $ oc get pods -n nvidia-gpu-operator
    NAME                                               READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    gpu-feature-discovery-hlpgs                        0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    gpu-operator-8dc8d6648-jzhnr                       0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    nvidia-container-toolkit-daemonset-z2wh7           0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    nvidia-cuda-validator-8fx22                        0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    nvidia-dcgm-exporter-ds9xd                         0/1     Init:0/2           0          53m
    nvidia-dcgm-k7tz6                                  0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset-nqxmc               0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    nvidia-device-plugin-validator-87zd                0/1     Init:0/1           0          53m
    nvidia-driver-daemonset-48.84.202110270303-0-9df9j 0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   13         53m
    nvidia-node-status-exporter-7bhdk                  1/1     Init: 0/1          0          53m
    nvidia-operator-validator-kjznr                    0/1     Init:0/4           0          53m

    The Init status indicates the driver pod is not ready. In this example the driver Pod is in state CrashLoopBackOff. This combined with the RESTARTS equal to 13 indicates a problem.

  2. Verify the main console page:


    The first alert shows that the “nvidia driver could not be properly deployed”.

  3. Examine the NVIDIA driver main container logs:

    $ oc logs -f nvidia-driver-daemonset-48.84.202110270303-0-9df9j -n nvidia-gpu-operator -c nvidia-driver-ctr

    In the logs this line indicates an entitlement issue:

    FATAL: failed to install elfutils packages. RHEL entitlement may be improperly deployed

    This message maybe associated with the unsuccessful deployment of the driver toolkit. To confirm the driver toolkit is successfully deployed follow the guidance in Verify the OpenShift Driver Toolkit. If you see this message a workaround is to edit the created gpu-cluster-policy YAML file in the OpenShift Container Platform console and set use_ocp_driver_toolkit to false.

    Set up the entitlement. Refer to Enabling a Cluster-wide entitlement for more information.

Verify the OpenShift Driver Toolkit

Verify the OpenShift Driver Toolkit is successfully deployed.

  1. Examine the logs to ensure the driver toolkit is successfully deployed:

    oc logs $(oc get pods -l app=gpu-operator -oname -n nvidia-gpu-operator) -n nvidia-gpu-operator

    The following output indicates an issue with dependencies missing.

    2021-11-15T11:43:51.626Z   INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       ocpHasDriverToolkitImageStream: driver-toolkit imagestream not found    {"Name": "driver-toolkit", "Namespace": "openshift"}
    2021-11-15T11:43:51.626Z   INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       WARNING OpenShift Driver Toolkit requested      {"hasCompatibleNFD": true, "hasDriverToolkitImageStream": false}
    2021-11-15T11:43:51.626Z   INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       WARNING OpenShift Driver Toolkit        {"enabled": false}
    2021-11-15T11:43:52.048Z   INFO    controllers.ClusterPolicy       WARNING: OpenShift DriverToolkit was requested but could not be enabled (dependencies missing)

    Examining Alerts on the OpenShift Container Platform web console reveals the following for GPUOperatorOpenshiftDriverToolkitEnabledImageStreamMissing. This screenshot provides additional evidence that the Openshift version needs upgraded.


    The log entry and information from the alert indicates this version of OpenShift does not support a successful deployment of the OpenShift Driver Toolkit. For more details about the dependencies between the OpenShift Container Platform version and the OpenShift Driver Toolkit, refer to Installation and Upgrade Overview.