- group DCGMAPI_Topo
dcgmReturn_t dcgmGetDeviceTopology(dcgmHandle_t pDcgmHandle, unsigned int gpuId, dcgmDeviceTopology_t *pDcgmDeviceTopology)
Gets device topology corresponding to the gpuId.
- Parameters:
pDcgmHandle – IN: DCGM Handle
gpuId – IN: GPU Id corresponding to which topology information should be fetched
pDcgmDeviceTopology – IN/OUT: Topology information corresponding to gpuId. pDcgmDeviceTopology->version must be set to dcgmDeviceTopology_version before this call.
- Returns:
DCGM_ST_OK if the call was successful.
DCGM_ST_BADPARAM if gpuId or pDcgmDeviceTopology were not valid.
DCGM_ST_VER_MISMATCH if pDcgmDeviceTopology->version was not set to dcgmDeviceTopology_version.
dcgmReturn_t dcgmGetGroupTopology(dcgmHandle_t pDcgmHandle, dcgmGpuGrp_t groupId, dcgmGroupTopology_t *pDcgmGroupTopology)
Gets group topology corresponding to the groupId.
- Parameters:
pDcgmHandle – IN: DCGM Handle
groupId – IN: GroupId corresponding to which topology information should be fetched
pDcgmGroupTopology – IN/OUT: Topology information corresponding to groupId. pDcgmgroupTopology->version must be set to dcgmGroupTopology_version.
- Returns:
DCGM_ST_OK if the call was successful.
DCGM_ST_BADPARAM if groupId or pDcgmGroupTopology were not valid.
DCGM_ST_VER_MISMATCH if pDcgmgroupTopology->version was not set to dcgmGroupTopology_version.
dcgmReturn_t dcgmGetDeviceTopology(dcgmHandle_t pDcgmHandle, unsigned int gpuId, dcgmDeviceTopology_t *pDcgmDeviceTopology)