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Modulus NGC container
Modulus Checkpoints
New features/Highlights v24.12
New Network Architectures
External aerodynamics application:
FigConvNet architecture
New generative AI model architecture called StormCast to emulate Convection-allowing models
Recipes and Examples
XAeroNet training recipe - uses Halo regions to scale MeshGraphNet and UNet models.
CorrDiff training recipe to train the model on HRRR dataset for CONUS
New features/Highlights v24.09
New Network Architectures
DLWP HEALPix coupled ocean model for predicting the coupled dynamics of Earth’s weather
Features and Enhancements
Utility to reconstruct surfaces from SDF to compute physical quantities over arbitrary surfaces
Modular physics informing utilities to infuse knowledge guided training into any pytorch training workflow
Ability to extend data-driven models from Modulus Core with Physics from Modulus Sym with support for spatial gradients calculations using autodiff, finite difference, meshless finite difference, spectral and least squares methods
Recipes and Examples
Improved CorrDiff training recipe to improve usability for other datasets
Examples showcasing various uses of CSG and Tessellation (STL) geometries and Physics losses in pure physics and data + physics driven workflows
New features/Highlights v24.07
New Network Architectures
A graph neural network model with temporal multi-head attention for transient physics, demonstrated on the vortex shedding example.
Features and Enhancements
Warp based geometry utility for handling STL inputs.
Generalized accelerated dataloader for VTK files.
Mesh processing features supporting OBJ & VTP files.
Recipes and Examples
Distributed GNN sample demonstrating distributed GNNs on single-level mesh, multi-level mesh and distributed I/O.
GenAI sample demonstrating use of diffusion model for 2D turbulence super resolution.
Recipe to benchmark and holistically validate a PyTorch model against first principles using turbulence and external aerodynamic flow use cases.
Training recipes for weather models that include DLWP HEALPix, Pangu, Fengu and SwinRNN.
Extended the external aerodynamic flow benchmark with DrivAerNet dataset.
New features/Highlights v24.04
Features and Enhancements
ClimateDatapipe: an improved datapipe for HDF5/NetCDF4 formatted climate data.
Warp neighbor search routine with minimal example.
Performance optimizations to CorrDiff: Utilizing asynchronous I/O, torch.compile, AMP, and batched inference.
Custom Group Norm implementation to be compatible with channels last memory format in Modulus’ SongUNet architecture.
Recipes and Examples
Earth2Studio – set of workflows and utilities for scientists and researchers to explore and experiment with the use of AI models for weather and climate.
Jupyter notebook validating a GNN model, trained on data, against physics - vortex shedding.
Unified training recipe for global weather models. Supports, SFNO, AFNO, and GraphCast.
New features/Highlights v24.01
Feature Enhancements
Distributed Utilities Improvements:
Upgrades to distributed utilites to facilitate novel model parallel strategies.
Configuration structure for models to describe their parallelization group structure.
DistributedManager utility to instantiate process groups based on a model’s process group config.
Helper functions to facilitate distributed training with shared parameters using gradient reduction hooks.
Improved usage of GraphPartition, with more flexible ways of defining a partitioned graph for distributed GNNs.
Recipes and Examples
Generative Correction Diffusion Model (CorrDiff) for Km-scale Atmospheric Downscaling.
Force prediction example for Molecular Dynamics using GNNs.
Examples and recipes showcasing physics-informing data-driven workflows
Example use case demonstrating use of FNOs for
New features/Highlights v23.11
Modulus container is now supported on aarch64 architecture.
New Network Architectures
Support for Diffusion model architectures that include DDPM++, NCSN++, and ADM.
Training Features
Introducing diffusion modeling framework to explore and experiment with different diffusion models and sampling strategies.
New distributed FFT utility and updates to DistributedManager utility to better handle process groups
New features/Highlights v23.09
This is a minor release with bug fixes and some minor updates
Updated Model checkpointing (with new ‘.mdlus’ save type) saves models arguments and version allowing for easier deploment and version control
Data download scripts to fetch ERA5 data from CDS api. This allows users to train models such as AFNO or Graphcast.
New features/Highlights v23.08
Training Features
Added support for PyTorch 2.0
Added support to CUDA 12.0
Added support to Python 3.10
Recipes and Examples
External Aerodynamics sample using GNNs to predict drag over an Ahmed body geometry
Global weather prediction using DLWP model
New features/Highlights v23.05
New Network Architectures
Support for GNNs starting with MeshGaphNet and GraphCast models.
Support for Convolutional RNN-based models.
Training Features
Modulus has been rearchitected into modules:
Modulus Core is the base module that consists of the core components of the framework for developing Physics-ML models
Modulus Sym provides an abstraction layer for using PDE-based symbolic loss functions
Modulus Launch provides optimized training recipes for data driven Physics-ML models
Expanded feature set for AI weather and climate models applications
SOTA models including : FourCastNet and GraphCast
Climate and weather model skill evaluation metrics
Optimal training recipes with efficient ETL pipelines for loading weather datasets using NVIDIA DALI.
Fast utilities and kernels for producing training data on-the-fly using NVIDIA’s Warp library.
Cugraph-Ops (Nvidia’s GNN library of highly optimized and performant primitives) support for GraphCast that reduces the training time by 30% compared to DGL.
Recipes and Examples
GraphCast for global weather prediction
MeshGraphNet for parameterized vortex shedding
2D and 3D Convolutional RNNs for fluid flow and reaction-diffusion applications
Darcy flow FNO example with NVIDIA Warp datapipe.
Darcy flow Nested FNO training example in Modulus launch.
New features/Highlights v22.09
New Network Architectures
Generalized Neural Operators: Extended Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) and DeepONet to support compatibility with other built in Modulus Sym networks. FNO can now use any point wise network inside of Modulus Sym for its decoder. DeepONet can now accept any branch/trunk net.
Model parallelism has been introduced as a beta feature with model-parallel AFNO. This allows for parallelizing the model across multiple GPUs along the channel dimension.
Support for the self-scalable tanh (Stan) activation function is now available.
Training features
Criteria based training termination: APIs to terminate training based on the convergence criteria like total loss or individual loss terms.
Utilities for Nondimensionalization: Nondimensionalization tools are now provided in Modulus Sym to help users properly scale their system’s units for physics informed training.
Causal weighting scheme: Causal weighting scheme by reformulating the losses for the residual and initial conditions for better convergence in case of transient problems.
Selective Equations Term Suppression: Allows creation of different instances of the same PDE and freeze different terms to improve convergence on stiff PDEs in physics informed training.
Performance Enhancements
FuncTorch Integration: Modulus Sym now supports FuncTorch gradient calculations (A Jax like paradigm) for faster gradient calculations in physics-informed training.
Documentation Enhancements
More example-guided workflows for beginners and Jupyter notebook based getting started example.
Enhancements to Modulus Sym Features section to serve as a user guide.
New features/Highlights v22.07
New Network Architectures
Generalized DeepONet architecture: DeepONet in Modulus Sym is restructured so that it can easily be applied to data-informed and physics-informed 1D/2D problems with any arbitrary network architectures as the backbone.
FourCastNet: FourCastNet, short for Fourier ForeCasting Neural Network, is a global data-driven weather forecasting model that provides accurate short to medium range global predictions at \(0.25^{\circ}\) resolution. In the current iteration, FourCastNet forecasts 20 atmospheric variables. (Paper)
Training features
L2-L1 Loss Decaying: A L2 to L1 loss decay is now supported. This feature allows users to slowly transition between a L2 loss and L1 loss during training. This can improve training accuracy since decaying to an L1 loss can help reduce the impact of outlier training points with unstable loss values. This can be particularly useful for problems with singularities and sharp gradient interfaces.
Performance Enhancements
Meshless Finite Differentiation: Modulus Sym now includes a new approximate differentiation approach for physics-informed problems based on finite difference calculations. This new method allows for the computational complexity of training to be dramatically decrease compared to the standard automatic differentiation approach. For some examples this can yield upto 4x speed up in training time with minimal impact on accuracy. This feature is in beta and subject to change with improvements in the future.
Dataset Refactor: Both map style PyTorch datasets and iterable style datasets are supported inside of Modulus Sym for both physics based and data-driven problems. This includes built in functionality for multithreading workers and data parallel training in multi-GPU / multi-node environments.
Tiny CUDA NN: Modulus Sym now offers several Tiny CUDA NN architectures which are fully fused neural networks. These models provide a lightweight, heavily optimized implementation which can improve computation performance. Tiny Cuda NN combined with meshless finite derivatives can yield significant speed up over vanilla physics-informed implementations.
CUDA Graphs: Modulus Sym now leverages CUDA graphs to record the series of CUDA kernels used during a training iteration and save it as a single graph that can then be replayed on the GPU as opposed to individual launches reducing CPU launch latency bottlenecks.
Geometry Module Refactor: The geometry module inside of Modulus Sym has been refactored to improve point sampling performance for both continuous and tessellated geometries. This greatly reduces the initial overhead of creating training/testing datasets from complex geometries.
New features/Highlights v22.03
New Network Architectures
Physics inspired Neural Network model that uses global convolutions in spectral space as an inductive bias for training Neural Network models of physical systems. It incorporates important spatial and temporal correlations, which strongly govern the dynamics of many physical systems that obey PDE laws.
PINO is the explicitly physics-informed version of the FNO. PINO combines the operator learning and function optimization frameworks. In the operator learning phase, PINO learns the solution operator over multiple instances of the parametric PDE family.
An adaptive FNO for scaling self-attention to high resolution images in vision transformers by establishing a link between operator learning and token mixing. AFNO is based on FNO which allows framing token mixing as a continuous global convolution without any dependence on the input resolution. The resulting model is highly parallel with a quasi-linear complexity and has linear memory in the sequence size.
A DeepONet consists of two sub-networks, one for encoding the input function and another for encoding the locations and then merged to compute the output. Using inductive bias, DeepONets are shown to reduce the generalization error compared to the fully connected networks.
Modeling Enhancements
Two equation turbulence: Solution to two equation turbulence (k-epsilon & k-omega) models on a fully developed turbulent flow in a 2D channel case using wall functions. Two types of wall functions (standard and Launder-Spalding) have been tested and demonstrated on the above example problem.
Exact boundary condition imposition: A new algorithm based on the theory of R-functions and transfinite interpolation is implemented to exactly impose the Dirichlet boundary conditions on 2D geometries. In this algorithm, the neural network solution to a given PDE is constrained to a boundary condition aware and geometry aware ansatz, and a loss function based on the first-order formulation of the PDE is minimized to train a solution that exactly satisfies the boundary conditions.
Training features
Support for new optimizers: Modulus Sym now supports 30+ optimizers including the built-in PyTorch optimizers and the optimizers in the torch-optimizer` library. Includes support for AdaHessian, a second-order stochastic optimizer that approximates an exponential moving average of the Hessian diagonal for adaptive preconditioning of the gradient vector.
New algorithms for loss balancing: Three new loss balancing algorithms, namely Grad Norm, ReLoBRaLo (Relative Loss Balancing with Random Lookback), and Soft Adapt are implemented. These algorithms dynamically tune the loss weights based on the relative training rates of different losses. Also, Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) analysis is implemented. NTK is a neural network analysis tool that indicates the convergent speed of each component. It will provide an explainable choice for the weights for different loss terms. Grouping the MSE of the loss allows computation of NTK dynamically.
Sobolev (gradient-enhanced) training: Sobolev training of neural networks solvers incorporate derivative information of the PDE residuals into the loss function.
Hydra Configs: A big part of model development is hyperparameter tuning that requires performing multiple training runs with different configurations. Usage of Hydra within Modulus Sym allows for more extensibility and configurability. Certain components of the training pipeline can now be switched out for other variants with no code change. Hydra multi-run also allows for better training workflows and running a hyperparameter sweep with a single command.
Post-processing: Modulus Sym now supports new Tensorboard and VTK features that will allow better visualizations of the Model outputs during and after training.
Feature Summary
Improved stability in multi-GPU/multi-Node implementations using linear-exponential learning rate and utilization of TF32 precision for A100 GPUs
Physics types:
Linear Elasticity (plane stress, plane strain and 3D)
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Coupled Fluid Thermal
2D wave propagation
2 Equation Turbulence Model for channel flow
Solution of differential equations:
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Differential (strong) form
Integral (weak) form
Several Neural Network architectures to choose from:
Fully Connected Network
Fourier Feature Network
Sinusoidal Representation Network
Modified Fourier Network
Deep Galerkin Method Network
Modified Highway Network
Multiplicative Filter Network
Multi-scale Fourier Networks
Spatio-temporal Fourier Feature Networks
Hash Encoding Network
Super Resolution Net
Neural Operators
Fourier Neural Operator (FNO)
Physics Informed Neural Operator (PINO)
Adaptive Fourier Neural Operator (AFNO)
Other Features include:
Global mass balance constraints
SDF (Signed Distance Function) weighting for PDEs in flow problems for rapid convergence
Exact mass balance constraints
Exact boundary condition imposition
Global and local learning rate annealing
Global adaptive activation functions
Halton sequences for low discrepancy point cloud generation
Gradient accumulation
Time stepping schemes for transient problems
Temporal loss weighting and time marching for continuous time approach
Importance Sampling
Homoscedastic task uncertainty quantification for loss weighting
Exact boundary condition imposition
Sobolev (gradient-enhanced) training
Criteria based training termination
Utilities for Nondimensionalization
Causal weighting scheme
Selective Equation Term Suppression
FuncTorch Integration
L2-L1 loss norm decay
Meshless Finite Differentiation
CUDA Graphs Integration
Loss balancing schemes:
Grad Norm
Soft Adapt
Parameterized system representation for solving several configurations concurrently
Transfer learning for efficient surrogate based parameterizations
Polynomial chaos expansion method for accessing how the model input uncertainties manifest in its output
APIs to automatically generate point clouds from boolean compositions of geometry primitives or import point clouds for complex geometry (STL files)
STL point cloud generation from superfast ray tracing method with uniformly emanating rays using Fibonacci sphere. Points categorized as inside, outside and on the surface, SDF, and its derivative calculation
Logically separate APIs for physics, boundary conditions and geometry consistent with traditional solver datasets
Support for optimizers: Modulus Sym supports 30+ optimizers including the built-in PyTorch optimizers and optimizers from the torch-optimizer library. Support for AdaHessian optimizer
Hydra configs to allow for easy customization, improved accessibility and hyperparameter tuning
Tensorboard plots to easily visualize the outputs, histograms, etc. during training
Known Issues
Tiny CUDA NN models are only supported on Ampere or newer GPU architectures using the Docker container.
Multi-GPU training not supported for all use cases of Sequential Solver.