
class tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt(*args, **kwargs)

Plugin class for user-implemented layers.

Plugins are a mechanism for applications to implement custom layers.

Similar to IPluginV2Ext (including capability to support different output data types), but with support for dynamic shapes.

This class is made available for the purpose of implementing IPluginV2DynamicExt plugins with Python. Inherited Python->C++ bindings from IPluginV2 and IPluginV2Ext will continue to work on C++-based IPluginV2DynamicExt plugins.


Every attribute except tensorrt_version must be explicitly initialized on Python-based plugins. Except plugin_namespace, these attributes will be read-only when accessed through a C++-based plugin.

  • num_outputsint The number of outputs from the plugin. This is used by the implementations of INetworkDefinition and Builder. In particular, it is called prior to any call to initialize().

  • tensorrt_versionint [READ ONLY] The API version with which this plugin was built.

  • plugin_typestr The plugin type. Should match the plugin name returned by the corresponding plugin creator.

  • plugin_versionstr The plugin version. Should match the plugin version returned by the corresponding plugin creator.

  • plugin_namespacestr The namespace that this plugin object belongs to. Ideally, all plugin objects from the same plugin library should have the same namespace.

  • serialization_sizeint [READ ONLY] The size of the serialization buffer required.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) -> None

  2. __init__(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, arg0: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) -> None

clone(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt

Clone the plugin object. This copies over internal plugin parameters as well and returns a new plugin object with these parameters.

If the source plugin is pre-configured with configure_plugin(), the returned object should also be pre-configured. Cloned plugin objects can share the same per-engine immutable resource (e.g. weights) with the source object to avoid duplication.

configure_plugin(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, pos: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.DynamicPluginTensorDesc], in_out: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.DynamicPluginTensorDesc]) None

Configure the plugin.

This function can be called multiple times in both the build and execution phases. The build phase happens before initialize() is called and only occurs during creation of an engine by IBuilder. The execution phase happens after initialize() is called and occurs during both creation of an engine by IBuilder and execution of an engine by IExecutionContext.

Build phase: configure_plugin() is called when a plugin is being prepared for profiling but not for any specific input size. This provides an opportunity for the plugin to make algorithmic choices on the basis of input and output formats, along with the bound of possible dimensions. The min and max value of the DynamicPluginTensorDesc correspond to the kMIN and kMAX value of the current optimization profile that the plugin is being profiled for, with the desc.dims field corresponding to the dimensions of plugin specified at network creation. Wildcard dimensions will exist during this phase in the desc.dims field.

Execution phase: configure_plugin() is called when a plugin is being prepared for executing the plugin for specific dimensions. This provides an opportunity for the plugin to change algorithmic choices based on the explicit input dimensions stored in desc.dims field.


This configure_plugin() method is not available to be called from Python on C++-based plugins

  • in – The input tensors attributes that are used for configuration.

  • out – The output tensors attributes that are used for configuration.

destroy(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) None

Destroy the plugin object. This will be called when the INetworkDefinition , Builder or ICudaEngine is destroyed.


When implementing a Python-based plugin, implementing this method is optional. The default behavior is a pass.

enqueue(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, input_desc: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.PluginTensorDesc], output_desc: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.PluginTensorDesc], inputs: List[int], outputs: List[int], workspace: int, stream: int) None

Execute the layer.

inputs and outputs contains pointers to the corresponding input and output device buffers as their intptr_t casts. stream also represents an intptr_t cast of the CUDA stream in which enqueue should be executed.


Since input, output, and workspace buffers are created and owned by TRT, care must be taken when writing to them from the Python side.


In contrast to the C++ API for enqueue(), this method must not return an error code. The expected behavior is to throw an appropriate exception. if an error occurs.


This enqueue() method is not available to be called from Python on C++-based plugins.

  • input_desc – how to interpret the memory for the input tensors.

  • output_desc – how to interpret the memory for the output tensors.

  • inputs – The memory for the input tensors.

  • outputs – The memory for the output tensors.

  • workspace – Workspace for execution.

  • stream – The stream in which to execute the kernels.

get_output_datatype(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, index: int, input_types: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.DataType]) tensorrt.tensorrt.DataType

Return the DataType of the plugin output at the requested index. The default behavior should be to return the type of the first input, or DataType::kFLOAT if the layer has no inputs. The returned data type must have a format that is supported by the plugin.

  • index – Index of the output for which the data type is requested.

  • input_types – Data types of the inputs.


DataType of the plugin output at the requested index.

get_output_dimensions(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, output_index: int, inputs: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.DimsExprs], expr_builder: tensorrt.tensorrt.IExprBuilder) tensorrt.tensorrt.DimsExprs

Get expressions for computing dimensions of an output tensor from dimensions of the input tensors.

This function is called by the implementations of IBuilder during analysis of the network.


This get_output_dimensions() method is not available to be called from Python on C++-based plugins

  • output_index – The index of the output tensor

  • inputs – Expressions for dimensions of the input tensors

  • expr_builder – Object for generating new expressions


Expression for the output dimensions at the given output_index.

get_serialization_size(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) int

Return the serialization size (in bytes) required by the plugin.


When implementing a Python-based plugin, implementing this method is optional. The default behavior is equivalent to return len(serialize()).

get_workspace_size(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, in: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.PluginTensorDesc], out: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.PluginTensorDesc]) int

Return the workspace size (in bytes) required by the plugin.

This function is called after the plugin is configured, and possibly during execution. The result should be a sufficient workspace size to deal with inputs and outputs of the given size or any smaller problem.


When implementing a Python-based plugin, implementing this method is optional. The default behavior is equivalent to return 0.


This get_workspace_size() method is not available to be called from Python on C++-based plugins

  • input_desc – How to interpret the memory for the input tensors.

  • output_desc – How to interpret the memory for the output tensors.


The workspace size (in bytes).

initialize(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) int

Initialize the plugin for execution. This is called when the engine is created.


When implementing a Python-based plugin, implementing this method is optional. The default behavior is equivalent to pass.


In contrast to the C++ API for initialize(), this method must not return an error code. The expected behavior is to throw an appropriate exception if an error occurs.


This initialize() method is not available to be called from Python on C++-based plugins.

serialize(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) bytes

Serialize the plugin.


This API only applies when implementing a Python-based plugin.


A bytes object containing the serialized representation of the plugin.

supports_format_combination(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt, pos: int, in_out: List[tensorrt.tensorrt.PluginTensorDesc], num_inputs: int) bool

Return true if plugin supports the format and datatype for the input/output indexed by pos.

For this method, inputs are indexed from [0, num_inputs-1] and outputs are indexed from [num_inputs, (num_inputs + num_outputs - 1)]. pos is an index into in_ou`t, where `0 <= pos < (num_inputs + num_outputs - 1).

TensorRT invokes this method to query if the input/output tensor indexed by pos supports the format and datatype specified by in_out[pos].format and in_out[pos].type. The override shall return true if that format and datatype at in_out[pos] are supported by the plugin. It is undefined behavior to examine the format or datatype or any tensor that is indexed by a number greater than pos.


This supports_format_combination() method is not available to be called from Python on C++-based plugins

  • pos – The input or output tensor index being queried.

  • in_out – The combined input and output tensor descriptions.

  • num_inputs – The number of inputs.


boolean indicating whether the format combination is supported or not.

terminate(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IPluginV2DynamicExt) None

Release resources acquired during plugin layer initialization. This is called when the engine is destroyed.


When implementing a Python-based plugin, implementing this method is optional. The default behavior is equivalent to pass.