TensorRT 10.1.0
nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer Class Reference

A deconvolution layer in a network definition. More...

#include <NvInfer.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer:
nvinfer1::ILayer nvinfer1::INoCopy

Public Member Functions

void setNbOutputMaps (int64_t nbOutputMaps) noexcept
 Set the number of output feature maps for the deconvolution. More...
int64_t getNbOutputMaps () const noexcept
 Get the number of output feature maps for the deconvolution. More...
void setNbGroups (int64_t nbGroups) noexcept
 Set the number of groups for a deconvolution. More...
int64_t getNbGroups () const noexcept
 Get the number of groups for a deconvolution. More...
void setKernelWeights (Weights weights) noexcept
 Set the kernel weights for the deconvolution. More...
Weights getKernelWeights () const noexcept
 Get the kernel weights for the deconvolution. More...
void setBiasWeights (Weights weights) noexcept
 Set the bias weights for the deconvolution. More...
Weights getBiasWeights () const noexcept
 Get the bias weights for the deconvolution. More...
void setPrePadding (Dims const &padding) noexcept
 Set the multi-dimension pre-padding of the deconvolution. More...
Dims getPrePadding () const noexcept
 Get the pre-padding. More...
void setPostPadding (Dims const &padding) noexcept
 Set the multi-dimension post-padding of the deconvolution. More...
Dims getPostPadding () const noexcept
 Get the padding. More...
void setPaddingMode (PaddingMode paddingMode) noexcept
 Set the padding mode. More...
PaddingMode getPaddingMode () const noexcept
 Get the padding mode. More...
void setKernelSizeNd (Dims const &kernelSize) noexcept
 Set the multi-dimension kernel size of the deconvolution. More...
Dims getKernelSizeNd () const noexcept
 Get the multi-dimension kernel size of the deconvolution. More...
void setStrideNd (Dims const &stride) noexcept
 Set the multi-dimension stride of the deconvolution. More...
Dims getStrideNd () const noexcept
 Get the multi-dimension stride of the deconvolution. More...
void setPaddingNd (Dims const &padding) noexcept
 Set the multi-dimension padding of the deconvolution. More...
Dims getPaddingNd () const noexcept
 Get the multi-dimension padding of the deconvolution. More...
void setDilationNd (Dims const &dilation) noexcept
 Set the multi-dimension dilation of the deconvolution. More...
Dims getDilationNd () const noexcept
 Get the multi-dimension dilation of the deconvolution. More...
void setInput (int32_t index, ITensor &tensor) noexcept
 Append or replace an input of this layer with a specific tensor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from nvinfer1::ILayer
LayerType getType () const noexcept
 Return the type of a layer. More...
void setName (char const *name) noexcept
 Set the name of a layer. More...
char const * getName () const noexcept
 Return the name of a layer. More...
int32_t getNbInputs () const noexcept
 Get the number of inputs of a layer. More...
ITensorgetInput (int32_t index) const noexcept
 Get the layer input corresponding to the given index. More...
int32_t getNbOutputs () const noexcept
 Get the number of outputs of a layer. More...
ITensorgetOutput (int32_t index) const noexcept
 Get the layer output corresponding to the given index. More...
void setInput (int32_t index, ITensor &tensor) noexcept
 Replace an input of this layer with a specific tensor. More...
void setPrecision (DataType dataType) noexcept
 Set the preferred or required computational precision of this layer in a weakly-typed network. More...
DataType getPrecision () const noexcept
 get the computational precision of this layer More...
bool precisionIsSet () const noexcept
 whether the computational precision has been set for this layer More...
void resetPrecision () noexcept
 reset the computational precision for this layer More...
void setOutputType (int32_t index, DataType dataType) noexcept
 Set the output type of this layer in a weakly-typed network. More...
DataType getOutputType (int32_t index) const noexcept
 get the output type of this layer More...
bool outputTypeIsSet (int32_t index) const noexcept
 whether the output type has been set for this layer More...
void resetOutputType (int32_t index) noexcept
 reset the output type for this layer More...
void setMetadata (char const *metadata) noexcept
 Set the metadata for this layer. More...
char const * getMetadata () const noexcept
 Get the metadata of the layer. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~IDeconvolutionLayer () noexcept=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from nvinfer1::ILayer
virtual ~ILayer () noexcept=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from nvinfer1::INoCopy
 INoCopy ()=default
virtual ~INoCopy ()=default
 INoCopy (INoCopy const &other)=delete
INoCopyoperator= (INoCopy const &other)=delete
 INoCopy (INoCopy &&other)=delete
INoCopyoperator= (INoCopy &&other)=delete

Protected Attributes

apiv::VDeconvolutionLayer * mImpl
- Protected Attributes inherited from nvinfer1::ILayer
apiv::VLayer * mLayer

Detailed Description

A deconvolution layer in a network definition.

Do not inherit from this class, as doing so will break forward-compatibility of the API and ABI.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~IDeconvolutionLayer()

virtual nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::~IDeconvolutionLayer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ getBiasWeights()

Weights nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getBiasWeights ( ) const

Get the bias weights for the deconvolution.

See also

◆ getDilationNd()

Dims nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getDilationNd ( ) const

Get the multi-dimension dilation of the deconvolution.

See also

◆ getKernelSizeNd()

Dims nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getKernelSizeNd ( ) const

Get the multi-dimension kernel size of the deconvolution.

See also

◆ getKernelWeights()

Weights nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getKernelWeights ( ) const

Get the kernel weights for the deconvolution.

See also

◆ getNbGroups()

int64_t nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getNbGroups ( ) const

Get the number of groups for a deconvolution.

See also

◆ getNbOutputMaps()

int64_t nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getNbOutputMaps ( ) const

Get the number of output feature maps for the deconvolution.

See also

◆ getPaddingMode()

PaddingMode nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getPaddingMode ( ) const

Get the padding mode.


See also

◆ getPaddingNd()

Dims nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getPaddingNd ( ) const

Get the multi-dimension padding of the deconvolution.

If the padding is asymmetric, the pre-padding is returned.

See also

◆ getPostPadding()

Dims nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getPostPadding ( ) const

Get the padding.

See also

◆ getPrePadding()

Dims nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getPrePadding ( ) const

Get the pre-padding.

See also

◆ getStrideNd()

Dims nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::getStrideNd ( ) const

Get the multi-dimension stride of the deconvolution.

See also

◆ setBiasWeights()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setBiasWeights ( Weights  weights)

Set the bias weights for the deconvolution.

Bias is optional. To omit bias, set the count value of the weights structure to zero.

The bias is applied per-feature-map, so the number of weights (if non-zero) must be equal to the number of output feature maps.

See also

◆ setDilationNd()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setDilationNd ( Dims const &  dilation)

Set the multi-dimension dilation of the deconvolution.

Default: (1, 1, ..., 1)

See also

◆ setInput()

void nvinfer1::ILayer::setInput ( int32_t  index,
ITensor tensor 

Append or replace an input of this layer with a specific tensor.

indexthe index of the input to modify.
tensorthe new input tensor

Input 0 is the input activation tensor. Input 1 is the kernel tensor. If used, the kernel weights parameter must be set to empty weights. Input 2 is the bias tensor. If used, the bias parameter must be set to empty weights.

See also
getKernelWeights(), setKernelWeights(), getBiasWeights(), setBiasWeights()

◆ setKernelSizeNd()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setKernelSizeNd ( Dims const &  kernelSize)

Set the multi-dimension kernel size of the deconvolution.

If executing this layer on DLA, there are ttwo restrictions: 1) Only 2D Kernel is supported. 2) Kernel height and width must be in the range [1,32] or the combinations of [64, 96, 128] in one dimension and 1 in the other dimensions, i.e. [1x64] or [64x1] are valid, but not [64x64].

See also

◆ setKernelWeights()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setKernelWeights ( Weights  weights)

Set the kernel weights for the deconvolution.

The weights are specified as a contiguous array in CKRS order, where C the number of input channels, K the number of output feature maps, and R and S are the height and width of the filter.

See also

◆ setNbGroups()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setNbGroups ( int64_t  nbGroups)

Set the number of groups for a deconvolution.

The input tensor channels are divided into nbGroups groups, and a deconvolution is executed for each group, using a filter per group. The results of the group convolutions are concatenated to form the output.

If executing this layer on DLA, nbGroups must be one

When using groups in int8 mode, the size of the groups (i.e. the channel count divided by the group count) must be a multiple of 4 for both input and output.

Default: 1

See also

◆ setNbOutputMaps()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setNbOutputMaps ( int64_t  nbOutputMaps)

Set the number of output feature maps for the deconvolution.

If executing this layer on DLA, the number of output maps must be in the range [1,8192].

See also

◆ setPaddingMode()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setPaddingMode ( PaddingMode  paddingMode)

Set the padding mode.

Padding mode takes precedence if both setPaddingMode and setPre/PostPadding are used.


See also

◆ setPaddingNd()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setPaddingNd ( Dims const &  padding)

Set the multi-dimension padding of the deconvolution.

The output will be trimmed by this number of elements on both sides of every dimension. In other words, it resembles the inverse of a convolution layer with this padding size. Padding is symmetric, and negative padding is not supported.

Default: (0, 0, ..., 0)

If executing this layer on DLA, padding must be 0.

See also
getPaddingNd() setPadding() getPadding()

◆ setPostPadding()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setPostPadding ( Dims const &  padding)

Set the multi-dimension post-padding of the deconvolution.

The output will be trimmed by this number of elements on the end of every dimension. In other words, it resembles the inverse of a convolution layer with this padding size. Negative padding is not supported.

Default: (0, 0, ..., 0)

If executing this layer on DLA, padding must be 0.

See also

◆ setPrePadding()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setPrePadding ( Dims const &  padding)

Set the multi-dimension pre-padding of the deconvolution.

The output will be trimmed by this number of elements on the start of every dimension. In other words, it resembles the inverse of a convolution layer with this padding size. Negative padding is not supported.

Default: (0, 0, ..., 0)

If executing this layer on DLA, padding must be 0.

See also

◆ setStrideNd()

void nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::setStrideNd ( Dims const &  stride)

Set the multi-dimension stride of the deconvolution.

Default: (1, 1, ..., 1)

If executing this layer on DLA, there are two restrictions: 1) Only 2D Stride is supported. 2) Stride height and width must be in the range [1,32] or the combinations of [64, 96, 128] in one dimension and 1 in the other dimensions, i.e. [1x64] or [64x1] are valid, but not [64x64].

See also

Member Data Documentation

◆ mImpl

apiv::VDeconvolutionLayer* nvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayer::mImpl

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